Weekly Recap July 14th: Rambo At GamesCom, EA In Trouble, Ouya Game Console

John Rambo makes a return to form and gets back in action, completely wrinkle-free for today's generation of gaming consoles thanks to Reef Entertainment. Gamers both young and old will be able to experience some one-man-army action at this year's GamesCom where Rambo will be on display. Electronic Arts continues a downward spiral as their CEO fears for his job and rumors spur preceding an investor conference call where John Riccitiello may be getting the boot. Also, gamers looking for a brand new console experience don't have to wait for the Xbox 720 or PS4 to get here, a new Android-based console called the Ouya will be unleashed soon enough for only $99 and it specs out just a little better than the current generation of consoles. These stories and more in this July 14th, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Reloaded Productions Launches ARMAS Publishing Platform For Developers If you have a free-to-play game that needs a little help getting off the ground the ARMAS can take advantage of Reloaded Production's newest service.
Guns of Icarus Gameplay Footage And Airship Walkthrough A brief look at the functioning of a team in an intense airship battle in Guns of Icarus.
Borderlands Veterans Get Borderlands 2 Rewards If you already have Borderlands find out what kind of goodies you can garner from Borderlands 2.
Dogs Coming To DayZ, Sales Near 430,000 The mod pushes Arma II close to the half-million mark and it's only in its alpha stage!
Walking Dead Game Season Two Confirmed TellTale is pushing the series forward with additional games.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Slender Has Gamers Asking Who Is The Slender Man? This game is a bed-wetting, nightmare inducing experience. Beware before playing.
Killing Floor Holds Sideshow Event New maps and additional weapons join the game.
Hit Monkey Video Game In Development At High Moon The studio behind Transformers works on a new Marvel game based on an obscure hero...Hit Monkey.
Survarium Dev Diary 2 Discusses Game Modes Vostok Games will be adding multiplayer free-play modes and additional co-op features that some gamers requested for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Rambo Video Game Playable At Gamescom At this year's Gamescom in Cologne, Germany the Rambo game from Reef Entertainment will finally be playable...couldn't come at a better time.
DayZ Patch 1.7.2 Adds Bear Traps; Standalone Release Planned For September. Lock-step and trip-up zombies, dogs and other players using some snazzy new traps in the upcoming DayZ patch.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Sacrifice To The Troll God Video This is as ridiculous as it sounds.
Dyad Making PSN Extra Trippy On July 17th Check out the new psychedelic indie game next week.
Valve Announces Steam Greenlight; Gamers Can Choose What Comes To Steam Talk about empowering consumers. Hot dang, Valve is on a roll.
Diablo 3 Authoritarian Service Is Dangerous To Gaming You lose your rights as a consumer and you lose your rights as a gamer. Diablo III ushered in anti-consumerism with a thunderous applause as gamers sold their rights to lease a brief period of entertainment. Congratulations.
Resident Evil 6 Mercenaries Mode Revealed Through Screenshots Check out the Mercenaries Mode in the upcoming Resident Evil 6.
Naruto Shippuden Dreamers Fight Creators Head To Kickstarter For Clandestine A new movie by the same people who brought you the live-action Street Fighter X Tekken and Naruto movies want to do something completely original on a small budget.
Brothers In Arms Furious 4 Still In Development For better...or for worse.
iPi Soft Version 2.0 Could Be Perfect For Source Filmmaker You can now put together some awesome high-quality mo-cap without expensive mo-cap tech. Check it out.
Splinter Cell Blacklist Release Date Set For March 29th Whether you agree with the change of Sam Fisher or not the game is coming next year in March.
Pachter Says EA's CEO, John Riccitiello Fears For His Job Due To Stock Failure Of course...of course, but nobody cares.
PlanetSide 2 Beta Starting Soon If you want to get in on the action for one of the most anticipated MMOs this year, be sure to check out the article for more information.
Penny Arcade Seeks Kickstarter Funds To Go Ad Free I really don't agree with this at all, but whatever, they can do it if they can do it.
Insurgency 2 Now On Kickstarter The sequel to the popular title couldn't get published the old fashioned way, but sure can make it the new-fashioned way.
World Tournament Brings Classic Matches To Pokemon White And Black 2 Awesome news for Pokemon lovers.
Great Big War games Goes To Battle The game combines some neat strategic elements for mobile gamers on the go.
League of Legends Beats Out World of Warcraft, Minecraft and Diablo 3 As Most Played Game The stats say it all.
Clang Officially Kickstarted For Sword Fighting Enthusiasts Rejoice! Sword-fighting fans finally have a game to call their own...since Bushido Blade 2.
Mass Effect 3 Leviathan DLC Confirmed By Voice Actor EA and BioWare aren't done with the additional DLC for the game.
Day One Puts Gamers In The Shoes Of A Dying Man
Wasteland 2 Comes With A Free Copy Of Wasteland It's literally getting two for the price of one.
Subscription MMOs Aren't Dying and here's why...
Diablo 3 Player Count Dives By 65% According To Gametrics Awful numbers that could potentially affect Blizzard's RMAH.
Peter Moore Rumored To Replace John Riccitiello At EA Could it be? Could the EA Sports guy take over for Mr. Riccitiello? It's a rumor, but we'll see.
Source Filmmaker Enters Open Beta, Start Making Movies Now! Like, right now!
Malicious Finally Brings The Brawl To PSN On July 24th An epic new budget price title arrives for PSN next week.
South Korea Shutdown Curfew For Minors Challenged In Court The curfew in South Korea has some parents and a lot of kids angry, but the ban seems to be the right call.
Forza Horizon Pre-Order Features Cars, Limited Collector Edition Announced More pre-order bonuses announced for gamers who order early.
Born To Fire Gameplay Details, Screenshots Surface A few new details emerge for the upcoming free-to-play title from Aeria Games.
DayZ Hits 500,000 Milestone Closing In On Million Mark It's nearing one million, that is pretty crazy for a game no advertising.
Mass Effect 3 DLC Earth Screenshots Reveal Characters, Maps Additional DLC for gamers who like the co-op portions of Mass Effect 3.
Spartacus Legends Game Long Overdue This seems like a really cool game, now if only we can get some Lucy Lawless in there.
Resonance Dev Convinces Pirate Bay Pirates To Buy Instead of Torrent Now here's something you don't see often.
Spy Vs Spy Sneaks Onto iOS This Sumemr Great news for gamers who like to kill pesky rivals using nifty gadgets and conniving tricks.
Diablo 3 RMAH Hex Exploit Lets Users Hijack Auction House Items It just never really ends. So let the neverending story continue!
Beyond: Two Souls Concept Art Slightly Supernatural A brief look at the concept art for the upcoming dramatic adventure game.
Deadlight Developer Diary Talks Apocalyptic Art Check out the latest dev diary for the upcoming title.
Thomas Jane's Bad Planet Game Heads To Kickstarter I think I'm more excited about Thomas Jane being a part of the project than I am the actual project itself.
The Last Story North American Release Date Set For August 14th The man who made Final Fantasy legendary returns with a brand new exclusive RPG for the Nintendo Wii.
Ouya Android Game Console Reaches $4 Million On Kickstarter Whether Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft likes it or not a new player has entered the console race and it's called Ouya.
Diablo 3 User Loses $50 To RMAH Policy Scam, Fanboys Attack Victim Oh yeah, the best way to help someone is to ridicule them...or is it the other way around?
Fortnite Screenshots Reveal Sandbox Check out the new screens from Epic's latest title running on the Unreal Engine 4.
Capcom Joins Epic-Scents To Bring The Scent Of Their Franchises To Life. Ever wondered what sort of fragrance a Resident Evil zombie might have? Well, it's coming...for better or for worse...for better, or for worse.
Metal Slug 3 Blowing Up On iOS, Android Devices One of the very best side-scrolling action games ever is coming to mobile game devices.
Witcher Series Sells 4 Million Copies Across Xbox 360, PC On the road to 5 million...it's getting there, it's really getting there. Let's give a hand to CD Projekt RED.
Grand Theft Auto 5 Screenshots Break Radio Silence Rockstar finally releases new screens for the upcoming open-world action title.
Assassin's Creed 3 Co-op Mode Wolf-Pack Confirmed Yes, you can do four-player co-op in Assassin's Creed 3. That's pretty rad, eh?
Thundercats Live On Thanks To Nintendo DS Namco Bandai is bringing the revamped cartoon to handheld devices this fall.
Bejeweled Brings Lightning Mode To iThings Have an iOS? An iPhone? How about an iPad? Be sure to grab Bejeweled for your on-the-go gaming.
Continent of the Ninth Seal Officially Launches The action-oriented MMO has finally launched, giving gamers a nice look at what the future of action-oriented MMOs could be like.
Chivalry Medieval-Warfare Is Like The Battlefield of Sword Games This is a good thing, by the way.
The Secret World Gets Content July 31st Funcom already has a nice cache of planned content in the pipeline for their recently released MMO.
EA: We Want To Publish Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning 2 Even though 38 Studios has gone belly up, EA still wants to publish a sequel...good for them.
E.X. Troopers Screenshots Unleash Stylized Action For PS3 Capcom takes a completely different route with the Lost Planet lore.
Gears of War Judgment Pushed Back To March, 2013 At least you won't be bored during the spring.
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Set For Release Spring 2013 The sequel to the popular Ninja Storm series will be arriving next year for XBox 360 and PS3.
Diablo 3 RMAH Hex Exploit Lets Users Hijack Auction House Items What a way to round out the week eh? Try the exploit for yourself if you don't think it's real...Blizzard is trying to fix it as I type this out.
That concludes this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap and you can check out the latest boss trailer for Monster Hunter MMO clone, RaiderZ. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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