Weekly Recap July 18th: Battlefield 1943, Prototype Owns inFamous, Conduit Fails
The week starting on July 12th and ending on July 18th was mainly composed of gaming news that was strictly about the games…for the most part. Anyway, Ryan Rigney has a new review up for Battlefield 1943, the budget-priced shooter. News ran rampant about Prototype outselling inFamous by a whopping 90% and Sega can’t be feeling the gaming love with the undoubtedly flat sales of their Wii exclusive, The Conduit.
You can check out this news and more in our latest edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap. As always, new and exciting trailers are posted throughout the recap for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.
ModNation Racers Debut Trailer Released. Get a glimpse into the groundbreaking new racing title for the PS3.
Rage Site Up And Updated. 360 Sync informs gamers about the new web content on the highly anticipated shooter, Rage.
The DLC Conundrum. Ryan Sykes from The Game Reviews tackles the complex situation involving downloadable content. This is definitely worth checking out.
Games Nobody Plays Anymore: Stranglehold. Platform Nation discusses why no one plays Stranglehold anymore.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Army of Two The 40th Day Q&A Co-Optimus has a sit-down interview for the co-op heavy sequel of Army of Two.
Prototype Outselling inFamous By 90 Percent. Good goodness, that is a huge percentage gap between these two games. Get the full details on the click-through.
Batman Arkham Asylum Villains Trailer And Screenshots. Eidos did the gaming world a favor by delaying this game and it’s just so gamers get to see more trailers and screenshots like the ones featured in the link.
Forza Motorsport 3 Brings The Big Ones. 360 Sync unveils what “big ones” Microsoft unveiled for the premier racing simulator, Forza Motorsport 3.
BioShock 2 Delayed. 2K Games pushes back one of the most highly anticipated games of the year. Click the link to find out why.
EA Launches iPhone Studio. It looks like Apple’s venture into iPhone gaming territory has paid off, and EA is looking to cash in on the mobile cash cow.
Battle Fantasia Trophy Contest For PS3. Think you can name a trophy event and win some swag? Click the link to find out more.
Kane And Lynch 2 Dog Days Trademarked. Ubisoft still has hopes for the psychopath and heartless killer.
Fallout 3 PS3 First DLC Due In September. It only took close to a year but the Fallout 3 DLC is finally coming to the PS3.
PS3 Costs Could be Delaying Section 8. A lot of people debated the real cause of the delay, but it really does break down to cost. Click the link to find out the full story.
Saw Hands-On Preview. The Game Reviews offers up some first-hand impressions of the game based on sadism.
Microsoft’s Natal Possibly Compatible With PCs. Is this really surprising? Of course not…more territory for Microsoft The Great to conquer.
Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition Is $150 You can either buy this Prestige Edition or lay down a few more bucks to buy a NEW console.
Mass Effect Could Become More Than A Trilogy. If BioWare says so then it must be so.
Digital Games Sales Could Top 1 Billion In 2009. So where is all the money going? Gabe Newell’s pockets.
Indie Game Challenge Offers $300,00 In Prizes. Got the guts to lay down a game design before October? If so this competition is definitely worth checking out.
Historical Battles Coming To Halo Wars. Does it involve Cortana and Master Chief? Well, the article answers the question…all that’s required is to click the link.
No More DLC For Mirror’s Edge. DICE confirms that this first-person not-so-shooter won’t be receiving anymore DLC. As always, click the link to find out why.
DiRT 2 Release Dates Revealed; PC Version Still Delayed. Why is the PC version delayed? It has something to do with graphics and DirectX 11. However, it would probably be prudent to click the link for all the necessary details.
Kojima Discusses Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker’s New Features. Even though this is the same guy who said MGS4 was his last game he’s now talking MGS and PSP. Find out what the handheld game will feature by clicking on the link.
Project Natal Launch Games Confirmed. Microsoft let the word fly loose and Gaming Front explains what those words mean.
PSEye Outdoes Natal With Detailed Facial Recognition Capabilities. Yeah the one-upping is already underway as Sony announces that their EyeToy can already do what Natal will be able to do. Get the full story by clicking on the link.
God Of War Novels Comics Are Coming. Hardcore fans might find some hardcore fun in the new comic books.
Valkryia Chronicles 2 Announced For PSP. Oh man, did Sega bail on the PS3? Click the link to find out what platforms this game won’t be appearing on.
Resident Evil 4 Coming To iPhone. Because somehow looking up Ashley’s skirt on the Gamecube, Wii and PS2 just isn’t enough for some gamers.
Modern Warfare 2 To Cost More For The UK. Poor people across the pond. Platform Nation explains why this Call of Duty will carry a higher price for UK gamers.
PSN Super Summer Sale. Gaming Front lists a few hot new items worth checking out on the PlayStation Network.
Xbox 360 Owners Unlock Coral Sea Map For Battlefield 1943. 43 million kills later and Xbox 360 owners prove they just like killing more than PS3 owners.
Braid Creator’s Next Game Is Puzzle Exploration. And believe it or not, gamers can help him design the new game. Click the link to find out how.
MTV To Offer Uploadable Music Service Through Rock Band. All that Metallica rip-off riffs gamers have been working on? Yeah well, now they have a place to go.
June 2009 Sales: DS And Prototype Get Your Money. They also continue to kick the competition’s you-know-what. Click the link to find out how the gaming sales numbers break down for June.
Star Wars: The Old Republic Features 1000 Voices. It’s actually more than a 1000 but who’s counting?
Review: Battlefield 1943. Blend Games’ Ryan Rigney does a tactical reconnaissance on whether this budget-priced title is worth purchasing or not.
Drug Wars Review. Platform Nation does a review write-up of this drug infested title.
Great Trailer Shame About The Game. The Game Reviews’ Sinan Kubba explains why six great trailers blew his rocking socks off.
Xbox Live Upcoming Updates. Want to find out what the Xbox Live service will be receiving soon? Well, the week rounds out with Gaming Front’s take on the new updates for XBL.
That wraps up the week ending on July 18th. Unfortunately it seems like summer is blasting by very quickly. Nevertheless, every moment should be savored, including the hot new game trailers that were released this week. You can check out the Batman: Arkham Aslyum dev doc below, which showcases both the stealthy and action-oriented aspects of the game. And remember to be sure to stay tuned in with Blend Games for further news, info, updates and media regarding all things gaming.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.
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