Weekly Recap July 20th: EVO Boos Out Xbox One, NCAA Leaves EA, Video Game Steroids?
The EVO crowd is an honest crowd. They come to see great matches, they come to cheer and jeer the winners, the losers, the egoist and the crowd favorites. The one thing the EVO crowd does not tolerate is fake hype and a company that nearly tried to murder their hobby and any time Microsoft or the Xbox One's name was dropped, the crowd broke out in boos and we have the footage. Things keep getting better for the big corps as the NCAA finally got tired of the BS and decided to part ways from EA. And, there's a new supplement making the rounds, but should it be considered a legit form of gamer fuel? These stories and more in this edition of Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Xbox One Gets Booed Out At EVO While Demoing Killer Instinct The Xbox One gets hit hard on the community front when the EVO crowd boos them out of the building.
PC Hardware Sales Drop By 10% Last Quarter The last quarter wasn't very friendly toward the standard retailer OEM hardware sales.
Defiance Contest Could Put Your Character In The Show Partake in the in-game contests for Defiance to have your character appear in the Syfy TV show.
StreetPass Mii Plaza: A Closer Look At The Games Gaming Blend's Ryan Winslett gives us a rundown of the new Mii Plaza titles via StreetPass.
EVO 2013 Finals Live Streams An archive of the streams from EVO 2013.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Deus Ex: The Fall Jailbreak DRM Removed Square Enix takes the DRM out of the recent Deus Ex game.
Clean Up Master Chief's Mess With Viscera Cleanup Detail You get to be the janitor of the gory FPS games out there... no lie. It's definitely worth checking out. The video is absurdly addicting.
Batman Arkham Origins Collector Edition Details Leaked The game has a special collector's edition in the work and some new details spill.
Super Street Fighter 4 Adding Five New Characters Capcom has a cache of new characters on the way for SSF4: AE as well as a DLC update for the current version of the game.
Damned Horror Game Lets You Hunt Your Friends The latest in horror titles enables you to hunt down your friends while they're trapped in a spooky hotel.
My First Somewhat Shameful Month With Animal Crossing New Leaf Ah, one of Gaming Blend's writers experience some epic fail while playing Animal Crossing.
Shadow of Eternals Heads Back To Kickstarter July 25th After the hate for Denis Dyack surfaces and the kiddy porn charges hammer one of the lead developers, things are finally getting back on track for Shadow of Eternals.
Wii U Price Slashed To $149.00 At Amazon UK The Wii U's price has been slashed on Amazon on the UK.
Far Cry 4 Confirmed by Ubisoft After the success of Far Cry 3 and the Blood Dragon, Ubisoft is already working on Far Cry 4.
635 of Gamers Game on PC The PC Master Race prevails!
Insection Brings L4D Meets Starship Troopers Gameplay To Kickstarter A first-person cooperative shooter that's colorful and bright instead or dark and dingy.
PLAY Promotion Brings Four Games To PSN Additional games join PSN and get discounted on Sony's platform.
Ultra Street Fighter IV Announced The first set of screenshots and a new trailer have become available for the updated game.
Warframe Supports Cross-Platform Play Between PS4, PC PS4 gamers can play against PC gamers in the upcoming launch title for the PS4.
Injustice Gods Among Us Martian Manhunter DLC Confirmed You'll also get an extra John Stewart skin when the Manhunter is able to turn back into a human.
Super Smash Bros Melee Breaks EVO 2013 Records This really was a great, emotional moment for gamers as Nintendo's 12 year old beast came back and rocked the charts.
Nintendo Elite Status Rewards Announced Get cash back just for playing video games.
WWE 2K14 Ultimate Warrior Pre-Order Bonus Wow, the WWE is finally getting the Ultimate Warrior. This is great news for wrestling fans the world around.
Mortal Kombat 9 Petition Asks Netherrealm For One Final Balance Patch it's not too far fetched, it's not over-done, it's not too ridiculous, right?
SimCity Leads Quit Maxis, Creating Life Sim Tethys A new sim system is on the way from the people who used to be at SimCity.
Assassin Creed 4 Limited Edition Includes Edward Kenway Statue A new trailer and some extra goodies are unveiled for the limited edition of Assassin's Creed IV.
GameStop Offers 50% Extra Store Credit For Coupon Trade-Ins Get in on this stuff while the getting is good. A whole dime for your games. Come on now, you can't beat that deal!0
Police Quest Creator Announces Precinct A new game from the people who brought you the highly lauded police procedural adventure games in the 90s.
Mountain Dew and Doritos Challenged For Supremacy By MRI Black Powder Ultra Gamer fuel for the legit 'roided up gamer.
Pinball Arcade Kickstarter Campaign Funds Terminator 2 Table It's almost there, but not quite.
Teslagrad Gameplay Trailer Proves Third Party Support Isn't Dead For Wii U It's just going the indie route these days.
Dishonored DLC Brigmore Witches Launches In August The new DLC will help to continue to expand on the Dishonored experience, well after its launch.
Liege Kickstarted JRPG Could Appear On Wii U The developer is working with Nintendo to get the game on the Wii U.
Adventure Time Explore The Dungeon Because I Don't Know! Coming This Fall The game continues the misadventures of Finn and Jake for all the pot-smoking hippies out there who love to watch the show and just trip the eff out.
David Jaffe Joins PixelBionic For MotorGun Kickstarter Combat cars arrives on Kickstarter, from the makers of just about every other big combat racing game out there.
NCAA Cutting Ties With EA One down, one more to go and then football will be free. Free our people, EA... free our people!!!
Beyond Good & Evil 2 Will Have a Massive Open World Well this is good news, now they just have to actually make the game.
State of Decay PC Version Title Update 3 Detailed The PC version of the game will get some good stuff when it finally launches.
World of Warcraft Helms Now Being Sold For Real World Money It worked for Valve and Team Fortress, so why not with World of Warcraft?
Hulk invades GTA IV With Updated Mod Hulk smashes and bashes in the latest updated mod for GTA IV.
Top 5 EVO 2013 Moments Make You Jump Up And Cheer It's for the core at heart and the gamer who gets readily and easily excited from pixel-on-pixel action.
Attack of Friday Monsters Arrives For Nintendo 3DS eSHop The latest game from the great East makes its way to Nintendo's eShop.
5 Things We Learned From Batman: Arkham Origins Comic-Con Panel Cinema Blend's Eric Eisenberg lays down the law and rolls out some new info on the upcoming Arkham Origins game.
World of Warcraft Patch 5.4 Proving Grounds Help You Not To Suck
Ravensdale Four-Player Co-op, Diesel-Knight Action Game Grab some friends and unleash some pain in this new co-op title.
DayZ Standalone Isn't Ready Yet, But It Will be Playable At GamesCom The game hit a bit of a snag but it's now back on track.
RIPD The Game Looks Pretty Terrible RIPD The Game launches for consoles and PC and it looks pretty crappy.
NoseBound, Black & White Noir Adventure Game Announced The indie title brings an old-school Bogart feel to the point and click genre with a hard-edged noir vibe.
Earthbound Releases On Wii U Virtual Console The RPG launches on Nintendo's Wii U virtual console.
Xbox One Team Should Be Fired Over Indie Policy, Says Oddworld Boss Micosoft's piss poor marketing gets hammered by the Oddworld boss.
Microsoft Shoots Down Government Spying Claims, Fails To Mention Xbox One or Kinect So we know that Hotmail, Outlook and Skype aren't spy-boxes but what about the actual NSA Spy Box?
Nintendo 3DS Crushes Microsoft and Sony While Wii U Struggles Things could get better for the Big 'N', they just need to roll out their hard hitting first-party titles.
Angry Birds Star Wars To Make Console Run Angry Birds will try to milk all its success for what its worth by landing on the home consoles.
Strider Announced For PS4, Xbox One, PC Capcom also rolls out some extensive gameplay footage of the title as well.
Earthbound, Skyrim Inspired South Park: Stick of Truth As if the headline doesn't say it all, find out what else went into the design for the upcoming South Park RPG.
Windows Phone Saves Xbox 360 Revenue While Xbox One Pre-Orders Soar According to Microsoft, the pre-orders are rocking for the Xbox One.
Earthbound, Shantae, Smurfs Land on Nintendo eShop Some of the most anticipated digital titles available for Nintendo's platform have finally launched.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out the latest trailer for Soul Calibur 2 HD coming out for current gen consoles, below.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.
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