Weekly Recap July 28th: Final Fantasy XIV Reborn, Path Of Exile Beta, Diablo 3 Exploits
Final Fantasy XIV launched as one of the very worst MMOs ever. Beta testers complained that every bug report and issue brought up during testing was completely ignored by Square in order to get the game out there. After the bad press, the bad community response and the poor numbers, Square decided to go back to the drawing board and redo the game with the update, Reborn. Speaking of betas, Grinding Gear Games has undertaken the first public stress test for Path of Exile, marking an exciting moment in the game's development history. And Diablo III gets hit with even more exploits this week that probably kept Blizzard quite busy. These stories and more in this July 28th, 2012 Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Sevencore Closed Beta Registration Begins Sign up now to take part in the future-core fantasy MMO.
Ravaged Multiplayer Beta Media Blowout A collection of new trailers for the multiplayer FPS.
Diablo 3 Unauthorized Grey Market RMAH Announced A new RMAH is advertised to rival and undercut Blizzard’s RMAH.
Torchlight 2 Four Times Larger Than Torchlight The developers have expanded the second game to mammoth heights.
Shootmania Indiscriminate Uninstaller Patched Good news for people who didn’t want to deal with the dangerous uninstaller of Shootmania.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Delayed On Steam, Available Now For GFWL Oh boy, the disc-locked content is hit with a minor delay.
Epic: Fortnite Has Something for Everyone Well of course it does…that’s what the focus groups suggested!
Assassin’s Creed 3: Does Desmond Die? Well, he can’t if you get to play Connor…right?
Tales of Xillia Western Version Is The Same As The Japanese Version Well that’s good news for Americans. I guess.
Diablo 3 Always-On DRM Pushes German Consumer Advocacy Group To Pursue Legal Action Not being able to play what you paid for is pretty much theft.
WWE Game Designer Laments Toughest Part of The Annual Release Storylines…believe it or not, it’s the storylines that get to him.
Assassin’s Creed 3, Batman Arkham City Run At 1080p On Wii U? You can bet your last-lick on a tootsie-roll they do.
Dance Central 3 Release Date And Tracks Revealed Find out when you can grab Dance Central 3 and what sort of music tracks the game will have.
Steam Summer Sale Over; How Much Did You Buy? Well, I’m too embarrassed to say all of what I bought, but it was a lot.
Final Fantasy Versus 13 Still In Development Good news fans of Final Fantasy, the game isn't dead! There is hope for Square yet.
Walking Dead Game Hitting iOS You can grab TellTale's popular adventure title for mobile phones right now.
Resident Evil 6 Pre-Order Earns You An Umbrella Corporation Umbrella That's right, you can get an umbrella...from Umbrella.
Arena Kings Is A Shoot Many Robots Multiplayer PvP Spinoff A MOBA style approach to the game is being worked on for those who enjoy a little off-beat PvP.
Combat Pilot Headed To The Danger Zone For PC Mad Cats doesn't just make cheap controllers, they make flight sims, too.
Diablo 3 Wizard Invulnerability Hotfixed Replaced By Barbarian Bug Blizzard fixes one bug and picks up another. How unlucky for them.
Skyrim Patch 1.7 Now Available For Testing Bethesda, nearly one year later, still patching Skyrim. A dedication to their craft or a showcase of how broke the game was on launch?
AVA, Soldier Front, GunZ Join Aeria Games Portal Some of ijji Games' biggest titles are now available on Aeria's web portal.
Crysis 3 Screenshots Bring The Bad Guys Check out the first look at the baddies in the upcoming Crysis 3.
Dead Trigger Goes Free-to-Play Because 90% of Android Users Are Pirates Hey, didn't they say the same thing about the PC market?
Path of Exile Beta Stress Test Opens To The Public This Weekend After tons of hype and talk the game finally opens its doors to the public.
Epic Mickey 2's Marvin Wolfman Explains How To Tell A Story What does it take to make a grand story? One of comic's most beloved writers gives a few pointers.
Paradox Interactive Says Call of Duty Has Lazy DLC It's a sad but true state of affairs.
Kung Fu Strike Warrior's Rise Media Blowout Shows You How To Be A Badass Well not everyone knows kung fu, but everyone can be a badass in the new kung fu fighting game, Kung Fu Strike.
Divina Free-To-Play MMO Officially Launches After a long wait the game from BeanFun finally hits the net waves.
Serious Sam 3: BFE Blowing Up On Linux Well, that's right...the game is officially coming to Linux. And, you don't have to worry about being banned from playing the game like a certain other always-on game that had people banned when playing via Linux.
Anomaly Warzone Earth Brings Tower Offense To PS3 A new kind of tower offense game heads to the PlayStation 3.
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Release Date and Collector's Edition Revealed The official release date has been set for the Kung-Fu panda expansion for World of Warcraft.
Blood Knights Co-op ARPG Announced For PC, Xbox 360, PS3 dtp Entertainment wants to get in on the ARPG goodness with their own game.
Runescape Heats Up With Sizzling Summer Promotional A host of summer events get underway for the game this summer.
Microsoft Cancels Kinect Game, Shuts Down Microsoft Flight Development After some rocky patches the Vancouver studio gets hit hard due to the failure that is Microsoft Flight.
Xfire Enters Global Partnership Deal With A Few Big Names You'll be seeing Xfire around a lot more often than before...could it be because of that exposure from the Diablo news? I wouldn't doubt it.
Epic Unleashes July UDK With Perforce Project Management Utility Get games made quicker and wither larger groups using the new Perforce software management pipeline in the July release of the UDK.
Final Fantasy XIV Realm of the Reborn Shows Off New Content In New Trailer Square is back in the game and they're revamping and re-packaging Final Fantasy XIV, one of the most critical and commercial MMO disasters in recent history.
Blazing Star Brings Bullet Hell To iOS, Android One of the coolest Neo Geo arcade titles makes its way to mobile devices.
We Haven't Forgotten About Diablo 3's RMAH Victims, Forum Bans, Missing Money There are a lot of people still lacking resolution to the matter and we're making sure that everyone knows that this isn't over until Blizzard sings a song of apology.
WWE 13 Brings Back The Holy Sh*t Moments With WWE Live Those moments that helped define the Attitude era are making a return thanks to a little production magic help from WWE Live.
APB Reloaded Patch 1.9.0 Live Complete With Armas Discounts Major discounts hit the Armas cash shop as patch 1.9.0 rolls out.
GameStop May Support Digital Trade-Ins Why the heck not? How this will work is completely up in the air.
OnLive Will Support Ouya When It Launches This is good news for everyone who picks up the Android-powered home console.
Battlestar Galactica Online Kicks Off Festival With Kobol If you still put in time and effort with Battlestar Galactica you'll be greeted with some snazzy festivities.
EA Has No Plans To Replace John Riccitiello, Gamers Cry In A Corner The EA that we know and hate today will keep going in its current direction under the leadership of John Riccitiello.
Fans Invited To Design LittleBigPlanet Karting Shirt At PAX This is an interesting little way to help promote the upcoming user-generated racing title.
Hi-Rez Changes Porno-Style Image of Kali On SMITE's Website After lots of protests and detests from the Hindi community, Hi-Rez changes the image on the official SMITE website.
Bad Dudes 2 Kickstarter Interview Oh man, you're talking about old-school right here. Find out why the creators wanted to do a sequel to one of the most iconic beat e'm ups of the old-school.
Rise of the Warriors Goes To War On iOS A not-so-MMO fighting game goes live for mobile gamers.
Retro/Grade Invades PlayStation Network On August 21st Another bullet-hell arcade game lands on home consoles and this one will be exclusive for PS3 gamers.
Wreckateer Review The recent motion-based XBLA title gets reviewed by our friends over at XBLA Fans. Find out if the game is worth the price of entry.
Looking To Hire Underworld Contractors; Impire Announced By Paradox A new dungeon-crawling co-op ARPG is announced by small-time publisher Paradox Interactive.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out the new trailer for Sleeping Dogs below which covers the game's multiple facets of gunplay. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.
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