Weekly Recap July 2nd: XBLA Price Adjusting, I Am Alive Still Alive, Limbo On PS3

There was a lot of good news this week, from new info leaks on big upcoming games to announcements about other games and software going multiplatform and free-to-play. But before we get to the games let’s talk about game prices…a new editorial has surfaced talking about the possible pricing overhaul and adjustments that the Xbox Live Arcade needs. Ubisoft confirmed that I Am Alive is, in fact, still alive and well, and the creators of Limbo have announced that the game will be a multiplatform title, appearing soon on PS3 and Steam. These stories and lots, lots more in this July 2nd, 2011 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
JamesTown Co-op Review. How well does this isometric view strategy title hold up under the cooperative lens of scrutiny? Well, click the link to find out.
Magic Done Right: Review of Duels of the PlanesWalkers. Might and Magic makes a return to the RPG with PlanesWalkers. Find out how the game plays in the new review.
Trenched Co-op Review. Tower defense meets cooperative, giant-mech combat. This has the makings of being all kinds of epic…right? Well, you won’t know until you click the link.
Battlefield 3’s Cooperative Campaign Gets Detailed. First new details of Battlfield 3’s cooperative campaign leak onto the net.
Underwater Combat and Dungeons Confirmed For Guild Wars 2. You can fight like Aquaman’s long lost love-child in the upcoming Guild Wars 2.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Last Episode of Back to the Future The Game Features Michael J. Fox. The star of Spin City and Family Ties embraces the future of Back to the Future as an unlikely voice cast member.
Battlefield 3 In-Game Graphics Vs Real Life Comparison. How close does the game come to achieving realism? Well, see for yourself and be the judge.
Crsysis 1 DirectX 11 Ultra Upgrade Available And Ready To Melt Your PC. Let it melt, it’s just the nature of the game. Hail to the king, baby.
Xbox Live Arcade Pricing: Does It Need An Overhaul? What’s reasonable and what needs a little price fixing? Click the link to the get the whole rundown.
Cabela Big Game Hunter 2012 Coming In September. Hunt more animals with more guns than ever before. Hurray for simulated animal slaughter.
Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D Perma Save May Hurt Trade-in Value; Plus 40 Minutes of Gameplay. Lots of news and info regarding The Mercenaries 3D, but it’s not all bad.
Boulder Dash XL Release Date Set For XBLA. A classic is reborn sooner than you think.
The Beasts Of Gears of War 3s Beast Mode. How beastly are these guys? Well, they’re ripe with beastlyness. You gotta click the link to see just how beastly these guys get…really…they’re like uber beastly.
Cave Story 3D Pushed Back To November 8th, Depression Rates Soar. No longer a summer release, Cave Story 3D becomes a potential holiday hero.
Aidas Arena Heads Into Closed Beta Starting June 30th. If you’ve never heard of this game that’s no reason not to give it a go.
Uncharted 3 Heads To Xbox 360? Not quite, but you’ll be interested to see the final results, nonetheless.
World of Tanks Coming To Retailers Nationwide Thanks To IGS. You can pick up a free to play game from your local retailer. That makes perfect sense, right?
Deep Black Online Announced for PC, Coming Q4 2012. An online version of the third-person shooter that’s coming out for PS3 and Xbox 360. Nice.
Mortal Kombat: Kenshi Coming July 5th New Trailer Released. The blind telekinetic swordsman makes his return with a vengeance.
BodyCount Dev Says Xbox 360, PS3 Are At Their Technical Limits. Meaning: it’s time to upgrade.
The Adventures of Shuggy Review. What’s this game about and is it worth getting for the Live Arcade? Read the review to find out.
I Am Alive Still Alive, Rating And Release Window Set. The Australian ratings board puts a number to the name and a release window is hinted at with new info.
Cars 2 Co-op Review. Is this game worth buying for family fun? Check out the co-op review to see how the game stacks up as a multiplayer title.
Dead Block PS3 Release Date Set For July 20th. It’s coming hot off the heels of the XBLA release, but it’s still coming.
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Coming This October To Xbox 360, PS3. The world of gaming wouldn’t be the same if it even went one year without a Dragon Ball Z game.
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations Announced for Xbox 360 and PS3. The world of gaming wouldn’t be the same if it went just three months without a new Naruto game.
THQ To Showcase Voltron Game At Comic Con. What kind of game it is happens to be a complete mystery. I’m intrigued nonetheless.
F.E.A.R. 3 Trophies and Achievement List Revealed. All the trophies and achievements you could possibly dream up for this game are contained within one simple list.
Call of Duty XP 2011 Convention Gets Underway This September. For a mere $150 you can join thousands of other fans as they celebrate Call of Duty.
HellGate Officially Enters Open Beta. If you’re reading this then the game is already ripe and available at a server near you.
Simplygon Joins Epic’s IPP For Unreal Engine. You can easily test out and see how high-end games might look on low-end systems…or vice versa.
Batman Arkham City Trailer Features Almost 15 Minutes Of Gameplay. This is by far one of the best gameplay trailers ever.
Age of Conan Unchained Now Free-To-Play For Everyone. All the boobies you could ask for in one free game.
Dungeon Siege 3 Co-op Review. How well does the game’s cooperative mode stack up in today’s competitive cooperative marketplace? Co-Optimus gives the details.
Limbo Coming Soon To PS3, PC. Some surprising news from the CEO of the company that designed Limbo. Click the link to get the full details.
Source SDK Going Free-To-Use. Valve’s planning on giving away more free stuff…for FREE!
Lucha Fury Review. Is this lucha libre wrestling game worth the purchase on the Live Arcade? Click the link to find out.
World of Warcraft Secretly Goes Free-to-Play. Blizzard didn’t want the whole thing broadcast out there that maybe…just maybe, their subscription numbers could be waning.
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine PC System Requirements. Is your PC up to the challenge of saving the universe from some goblins and demons? Well, click the link to find out.
Uncharted 3 Beta Giveaway. If you want to get in on the beta then you might want to check out this giveaway.
Karma Online Prisoners of the Dead Pre-Open Beta Starts July 5th. For most people reading this the game will already be ripe and ready for some juicy pre-open beta testing.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out the trailer for the Air Conflicts: Secret Wars trailer below.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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