Weekly Recap June 12th: Max Payne 3 Delayed, E3 Line-Ups, Back To The Future

Choosing a headline for this week’s recap was no easy feat. Why? Because there was tons of various news items that deserve to be headliners. Of course, to no one’s big surprise Rockstar announced that the not-so-highly-awaited Max Payne 3 hit another huge delay snag. Most people think the delay is in response to adding more polygons to Max’s blacksmith’s beard. A whole bunch of E3 line-ups have surfaced this week, hopefully in time for the actual event during mid next week. And in a somewhat shocking twist, new Jurassic Park and Back to the Future games are on the way. These stories and more in this June 12th, 2010 edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
FIFA Online Kicking And Sliding Screenshots. Kicking and screaming is more like it.
Sanctum FPS Tower Defense Trailer Released. A strategy-tower defense game meets a first-person shooter, there’s no way that can go wrong.
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands Review. It’s no where near as good as previous entries in the serious and you’ll have to click the link to find out why.
Swordman Online Martial Arts Media Blowout. A beautiful new MMO by Perfect World, with a hefty selection of gameplay and cinematic trailers in this media blowout.
Strawdog Studios Development Diary Party Four: Gameplay Balancing. The guys and gals talk about the balancing of gameplay in their upcoming title.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Modnatino Racers Review. Find out how this create-a-racer compares to other arcade titles out there.
Lost Planet 2 Patch Incoming For PS3 And Xbox 360. A few more fixes for the kill-big shooter.
Fallout New Vegas Gameplay Footage Released. No debut teasers here…check out the actual gameplay in this new trailer.
Red Faction Armageddon Features Announced. Get informed about the latest Red Faction game.
Dungeon Siege 3 Announced By Square-Enix and Obsidian Entertainment. A joint venture for the third Dungeon Siege game and it has nothing to do with that awful Uwe Boll movie.
Tales of Fantasy Call of Destiny Expansion Coming This Month. New maps, new storylines, new weapons and…well, just about anything else that you can think of with “new” in front of it.
Capcom Reveals E3 2010 Games Line-Up. A few favorites and a few unannounced titles are among the listed…sort of.
Dragon Age Anime Film Coming In 2011. And you can be sure that all the boobies and love-talk will make the transition, too.
Free Comic Book With Transformers: War for Cybertron Purchase. Hardcore gamers who need to find out what happened before all hell broke loose on Cybertron can do so in the new comic book.
E3 2010: FEAR 3 Trailer Faces Fear Cooperatively. New footage of the dynamic brotherly duo laying waste to underpaid and under-equipped soldiers.
Rumor: GoldenEye Coming To DS and Wii. One of the greatest old-school console shooters could be getting revived for the Wii? Well, at least it’ll have one hardcore game coming out for the later half of 2010.
Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Goes Gold. This standalone pack is shipping in late June and doesn’t even require the full game.
Konami Opens E3 2010 Press Site For The Public. It’s exactly like being there, minus the sweaty man-nerds, smelly gamers and the foul-odor of unwashed geeks.
Sims 3 Ambitions First Impressions: Final Thoughts. The final thoughts of the first impressions for the Sims 3: Ambitions.
Madden 11 Team Ratings Announced. Find out how your favorite team ranks on the list.
E3 2010: Driver Debut Trailer. That not-so-long-forgotten wheelman game is making a return to form in Ubisoft’s retake of the sleeper hit franchise.
Nexon’s E3 2010 Line-Up Includes Free-to-Play MMOs. The real highlight is the physics-based MMO, Vindictus…which is simply impressive beyond all description.
E3 2010: Kane and Lynch 2 – She Better Be Worth It Trailer. Is a woman worth all the trouble these guys get themselves involved in? Well, you’ll have to check out the trailer to see.
DJ Hero 2 Announced. For the people who tire of the typical rock and roll music games, they can try their hand again, with DJ Hero 2.
Team Fortress 2 Inspired MMO, MicroVolts, Coming To North America.
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II Collector’s Edition Revealed. LucasArts isn’t that confident in this game being a best seller, are they?
Red Dead Redemption Sells 5 Million. Rockstar has another instant classic on their hands and rightfully so.
Max Payne 3 Delayed Again. Maybe they’ll spend some time fixing his medieval blacksmith body.
MLB 2k10 PC Patch 1.1 Released. Find out what the patch does and what you should know before grabbing it.
Mafia II Demo Coming In August Despite heavy delays for the game, the demo for Mafia II will be arriving this summer.
Portal 2 Delayed to 2011. Bummer…but at least this gives them time to make sure the game is as good as it can get.
Alan Wake: The Signal DLC Screenshot Released. Get a first glimpse at the new DLC for Alan Wake.
2K Announces E3 2010 Line-Up. Any new games on the list or just old favorites? You won’t know until you click it for yourself.
Natsume’s E3 2010 Line-Up Headlined By New Harvest Moon. Even more Harvest Moon games are on the way…and a new Lufia.
Ivy The Kiwi Story Details And Screenshots. Find out what this little bird is up to in the newest platform game from Xseed.
MAG Interdiction Expansion Pack Adds Game Modes and Maps. If you still haven’t given this game a try now wouldn’t be a bad time.
Little Worlds Studio E3 2010 Line-Up Features Five New Games. A handful of new games, literally, on the way from the little studio that could.
Jurassic Park and Back to the Future Games Coming This Winter. Head back to the past in current-day renditions of movie classics.
Square Enix Unveils Massive E3 2010 Games Line-Up. And by massive, I mean more games than you were expecting.
CompuExpert And Mionix To Unveil Ergonomic Game Gear at E3 2010. For gamers who tire of non-rounded gear, Mionix has a solution for you.
Mortal Kombat Multiplayer Reboot Coming To PS3 And Xbox 360; First Trailer Released. A lot of people are geeked about this reboot and I can’t say that I’m not interested.
Mortal Online Officially Launches. Whether it’s your kind of game or not, it’s now available.
Moonlight Online Dev Diary Exposes Gameplay Details. Will it or won’t it be like Twilight? That is the question.
Transformers War for Cybertron Demo Hits Xbox Live. It’s already receiving tons of praise….check out why.
Sega Dreamcast Games Coming to Xbox Live And PSN This Fall. Decade old classics are being revived for the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Allods Online Revelations of Gipat Expansion Pack Arriving This Summer. Mounts, myrrh and a merry good time for all.
Motorstorm Apocalypse Announced. Brand new Motorstorm is on the way and it sounds like it’s going…extreme?
World of Warcraft Murloc Stein Revealed. A new beer stein for the most hardcore of hardcore WoW fans.
Civilization V Release Date Announced. Because you can’t hold down a good civilization.
Gears of War 3 Stars Rapper Drake. A rapping COG is exactly the sort of thing we’ve all been asking for out the franchise.
Quick Hit Football Gets NFL License. Uh oh, it looks like EA is going to have to downgrade from a platinum toilet to a golden toilet….poor EA.
Red Dead Redemption Not Coming To PC. Ouch, looks like Rockstar isn’t even going to bother with the copyright wars going on with PC gamers.
E3 2010: Mafia II Made Man Trailer. This is how you become a made man.
Splitfish Announces PS3 Game Accessories for E3 2010. A new line-up of toys and gadgets for the PS3…assuming your wallet doesn’t mind going on a diet.
E3 2010: Supremacy MMA Announced For Xbox 360 and PS3. For fighting fans who can’t get enough octagon action, a new fighting game is on the way from Kung Fu Factory.
E3 2010: Duke Nukem Manhattan Project Debut Trailer. Hail to the king, baby.
E3 2010: Shank Revenge Trailer. Some men are born for revenge, others are born to shank…this guy was born for both.
Klondike Everyman Challenge Online Games Contest Underway. Win some sweet swag by playing a few games.
E3 2010 Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Trailer Introduces Deadpool and Dante. This game just went from awesome to awesomer.
E3 2010: Front Mission Evolved Story Trailer Get a glimpse into the twisted story behind the war in this game.
E3 2010: Killzone 3 Gameplay Trailer. First-hand look at the gameplay from the third game…does it trump Halo: Reach?
E3 2010: Star Wars The Force Unleashed II Cinematic Trailer. Did Starkiller really get killed or is there a secret clone running around?
E3 2010 Dead Space 2 Gameplay Trailer. Awesome new in-game footage of the sequel to one of the best selling games this generation.
The Romance of Military and Gaming. A brief historic look at why gamers love putting bullets into other uniformed players.
That wraps up this edition of the weekly recap here at Blend Games. You can check out the awesome new E3 2010 trailer for the upcoming Jumpgate Evolution below. And if I must say so myself, the game is looking mighty fine.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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