Weekly Recap June 29th: OUYA Launches, WWE 2K14 Gameplay Revealed, Nvidia Shield Delayed

2K Games unveils their first WWE game with new gameplay of WWE 2K14 for home consoles. Nvidia has delayed the Shield due to some minor production difficulties and the $99 home entertainment consoles, the OUYA, has launched this week and managed to sell out at multiple retailers and Amazon. Great news for Kickstarted projects, no doubt. These stories and more in this June 29th, 2013 post-Xbox-One-DRM-controversy Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Dragon Age Inquisition Isn't Dragon Age 3 Bioware may have a new Dragon Age in the works but it's not the official Dragon Age 3.
StarMade Is Like Minecraft In Space And It's On Steam's Greenlight Build your ships, explore planets, venture through space with friends and engage in galactic warfare like no other game out there.
Wolfenstein: New Order Will Make you Cry Blood The difficulty level is hard enough to make you rage quit. Sounds like my kind of game.
Surgeon Simulator 2013 Adds Team Fortress 2 DLC Operate on the popular characters from Valve's Team Fortress series.
Nvidia Shield Launches This Week Nvidia's newest handheld portable gaming device lands on store shelves this week.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Used Games: Stop Guilt-Tripping Us About Them Gaming Blend's own Pete Haas speaks out about the viral marketing to brandish used games as “evil” and detrimental to the industry.
Hotline Miami 2 Gameplay Debuts At Rezzed Check out the first full gameplay video for the upcoming sequel to one of the most startling games of 2012.
Xbox One DRM Leaker, Adam Orth, To Give GDC Speech About Online Trolling Because who better to give a speech about toxic online behavior than the guy who made #Dealwithit trendy?
Nintendo Has No Plans For F-Zero For Wii U None whatsoever. Miyamoto might need a muse to help kickstart his creative juices.
Discuss The Last of Us With Spoilers And Rate It Talk about whether the game was to your liking or whether or not it hit the notes you were expecting it to.
One Finger Death Punch Brings Badass Kung-Fu To Greenlight The game along with The Dark Phantom adds some needed gravitas to Steam's Greenlight. Definitely worth checking out if you're into fighting games or third-person shooters.
Star Wars Pinball Brings The Force To Wii U On July 11th The Star Wars table will come to the Wii U in mid-July.
Yebis 2 Post-Processing Toolset Now Available For PS4, Xbox One Create the kind of neat graphic effects to make your next-gen games even better than ever.
Xbox One Release Date Rumor Shot Down By Microsoft November 27th as the release for Xbox One? Nope. So says Microsoft.
Gran Turismo 6 Pre-Order Bonuses Include Exclusive Cars Pre-order now to get some extra bonus cars added to your garage.
Activision, Ubisoft, Bethesda Undecided On Used Game Fees Why are they undecided? Because there is a lot of money at stake.
AOC 29-Inch Cinematic Monitor $100 Off Right Now Grab the newest monitor from AOC for $100 off.
State of Decay DLC Sandbox Mode Fuses SimCity With Zombies The new free-mode sandbox makes it so that you're now creating and fighting off zombies all at the same time.
Xbox One Headset First Images, Details Revealed Microsoft unveils the proprietary first-party headset for the Xbox One.
Final Fantasy XV Character, Story Details Announced Find out more about those Abercrombie and Fitch characters from the upcoming Final Fantasy XV.
StarCraft 2 No Longer Part Of MLG's WCS America They get most of their business from Korea anyway, so there's no big loss here.
Killzone Shadow Fall OWL Attack Drone Detailed By Guerrilla Games Some new information has leaked for the attack drone called the OWL in Shadow Fall.
Big Publishers Eying Low Budget Games Due To Kickstarter Success So long as there's no over-saturation, it's all good.
Speed Wheel 6 MT Racing Wheel For PC, PS3 Launches For $89 A budget-priced racing wheel for gamers not ready or willing to put close to $300 down on Logitech's G27.
Dead Rising 3 Boss Details Leaked Find out what kind of monstrosities you'll be facing down against in Dead Rising 3.
OUYA Now Available At Retail You can pick up the $99 console right now from participating retailers. And congratulations gamers for bringing your very first crowd-funded console to the market. It's a proud, historical day in the video game industry.
American McGee Ozombie is A Steampunk Wizard of Oz Adventure A new game from American McGee that aims to challenge the status quo with another bizarre fairytale adventure with a twist.
WWE 2K14 Gameplay Trailer and Box Art Revealed The Rock graces the cover of 2K14 with wide acclaim.
Project CARS Screenshots Remind Us How Beautiful The Game Is And by beautiful, I mean there is no other game on the market that looks this good.
Sanctum 2 Road to Elysion DLC Launches On Steam The latest bit of DLC for Sanctum 2 has launched for PC.
PlayStation Mobile Chillingo Invasion Begins With Feed Me Oil The new title from Chillingo has also arrived for PlayStation Mobile.
Nvidia Shield Delayed To July The portable computer-type gaming pad hit a slight snag and now has a July release in store.
OUYA Sells Out At Amazon and GameStop in Just One Day One day and the $99 game console is all sold out. Great work.
Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Painting Feature's Your Face Find out how to get your face in the promo painting for AC4.
Shuhei Yoshida Explains How PS4NoDRM Helped Sony Market The PS4 Interesting bit of information on how Sony one-upped the Xbox One at E3.
Saints Row 4 State of Decay Banned In Austrlia The certification board denies both games on some rather interesting grounds.
GTA V Breaks Pre-Order Records In UK, Aims to Dethrone Call of Duty Rockstar's biggest title could be the biggest game ever.
EVGA Unleashes GeForce GTX 760 And Summer Sales The GPU weapon of choice for gamers has arrived, along with a few discounts on select 600 series graphics cards from EVGA.
Plants Vs Zombies 2 Delayed What caused the snag? Click the link to find out.
BioShock Infinite DLC Now On Sale 2K discounts the new DLC for BioShock.
Unity Engine Support Arrives For Microsoft's Xbox One, Windows 8 Unity games could arrive for the XB1 assuming developers don't have to have a publisher to oversee the distribution of their game.
Double Fine's Massive Chalice Reaches Kickstarter Goal More than $1 million have been pledged to Double Fine's latest game. Go Kickstarter go!
Even At $500 Gamers Prefer PS4 Over Xbox One A new poll from polling service Polar sees gamers edging the PS4 out over the Xbox One.
Layton Brothers Mystery Room Now Solving Cases On iOS Solve crimes just like Professor Layton in the new mobile title.
Microsoft Drops Patching Fees For Xbox 360 Games? After a loot hoopla over patching fees, the company may have finally acquiesced.
Colin McRae Rally Launches For iOS A new racing title arrives for Apple's mobile devices.
Thinking About Buying Ride To Hell: Retribution? Watch This Video First TotalBiscuit gives gamers an unbiased look at the new Ride to Hell game with some unsavory results.
CounterSpy Shows Off its Stealthy Espionage Moves The game takes a strange concept and turns it into something that could be truly great.
Edge of Space Available Now On Steam's Early Access Pay only $11.99 and venture through the dark and scary expanses of space to build, fight and survive on the edge of space.
Serious Sam Collection Shoots Up Xbox 360 This July Those super bad FPS games that challenges gamers like never before will be available in the middle of July.
Xbox 360 Lands Monumental Deal, Not With Games But For Television Because gamers obviously buy game systems to watch more than 300 premium channels of American television, yeah?
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Sells 500,000 Copies In Two Months This is great news for Ubisoft and Dean Evans who brought the Blood Dragon to life.
Total Recoil Deplays On Vita On July 9th Just a day before Serious Sam's collection goes live for the Xbox 360. Nice.
Sonic 2, Urban Trials And More Speed Onto Nintendo's eShop Old school and new-school classics arrive for Nintendo's electronic digital distribution shop.
Four New Dark Souls 2 Videos Feature Pain & Punishment Some new trailers from Namco Bandai's Dark Souls 2 feeds gamers some pain and unwelcoming punishment.
Battlefield 4 Levolution Commander Mode Change The Flow Of Combat
See How Toy Box Mode Will Work In Disney Infinity Co-Optimus gives you a first-hand look at how the new mode will work in Disney's upcoming emergent family game.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. Hope the news was a lot brighter for you than all that terribleness that came out of E3 earlier in the month. You can feast your eyes on a little something-something from inFamous: Second Son, that uber-badarse game for the PlayStation 4. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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