Weekly Recap June 9th: Ubisoft Dominates E3, Wii U Exclusives Shine, E3 Previews

This was the week of E3. The biggest tradeshow of the year. This was make it or break it time for many manufacturers and publishers and only one managed to standout from the rest of the herd: Ubisoft. With games like Watchdogs and Assassin's Creed 3, Ubisoft managed to steal the show from the top three console manufacturers. The Wii U also had a few exclusives worth exploring, including the brand new Super Mario Bros. U and the highly intriguing ZombiU. What's more is that we have hands-on previews for a lot of show-floor games thanks to Gaming Blend correspondent Loquacious Muse. These stories and much, much, much, much more in this special E3 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Wii U Features Nintendo Network, MiiVerse, Social Connectivity A whole plethora of information is released on the Wii U and Nintendo's new network for the home console.
Wii U Pro Controller Confirmed For the hardcore gamer, this controller will be king.
Wii U Has Xbox Live Functoinality, Instant-Chat Controller Get help from friends and family while you play.
Repopulation Bringing Open-World MMO Concept To Kickstarter Build worlds, establish empires and customize your character like never before in the upcoming MMO.
DayZ Helps Arma 2 Make Steam 's Top 10 Four Weeks In A Row Bohemia Interactive is rolling in the cash thanks to the DayZ mod.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Dead Space 3 Sounds Like A Co-op Shooter Could Visceral Games be moving away from horror to action? It's a possibility.
RIFT Storm Legion Expansion Coming This Fall A big 'ole expansion is heading to gamers this fall for the still-hanging-in-there MMO, RIFT.
Star Wars 1313: Crappy Name, Awesome Concept The seedy underbelly of Coruscant is the prime focus of the latest Star Wars game from LucasArts.
Robert Carlyle Returns In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 This time the hero becomes the villain in the highly anticipated sequel.
Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified Announced For PS Vita Activision unveils an exclusive CoD just for the PSV.
Ellen Page Stars In PS3 Exclusive, Beyond From the big screen to the gaming screen, Ellen Page trades Hollywood traditions to star in a brand new game from Quantic Dream.
PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale Features Nathan Drake, Big Daddy, Vita Version Confirmed Two new special characters join the roster for PSAS: Battle Royale as well as full confirmation of a cross-compatible PS Vita version.
Marvel Avengers: Battle For Earth Debut Trailer Ubisoft officially announces a new fighting game for the Wii U and Kinect.
Watch Dogs Gameplay Demo Might Be The Surprise Hit of the Show Ubisoft unveils one of the most daring and original games I've seen in quite some time. Check out the complete article for all the details.
New Generation SimCity Coming To PC February, 2013 EA announces a brand new SimCity for PC. Brand spanking new.
Gore Verbinski's Matter, An Xbox 360 Exclusive Venerable filmmaker heads behind game development on the new title, Matter.
Ascend: New Gods, an Xbox 360 Version of God of War If you've been jealous of your PlayStation counterparts for their hack-and-slash adventure series, well, you'll soon be able to play your own version on the Xbox 360.
Dance Central 3 Announced, Set To Release This Fall Ubisoft has a brand new Dance Central game in the works.
NHL, NBA Coming Xbox Live All your favorite sports will be available right from the comfort of Xbox Live.
Gears of War Judgment Announces 2013 Release Date A brand new trailer for a brand new game for the Xbox 360.
Splinter Cell Blacklist Announced With New Gameplay Video Ubisoft officially announces the latest Splinter Cell game.
Zeno Clash 2 Announced, Arrives 2013 For XBLA, PSN, Steam A new game is on the way that mixes up the common first-person shooter mechanics for something a lore more creative and artistic.
Counter Strike Global Offensive Release Date Slated For August
Snoop Dogg Appear Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Pre-Order Bonus Rap icon Snoop Doggy-Dog will appear in the game, but not as a fighter.
Samsung Cloud Gaming Lets Gamers Stream AAA Games From TV You don't even have to turn a console on anymore.
Mass Effect 3 Wii U Launch Title, Creating An Interesting Dilemma Mr. Haas explains the storyline dilemma Wii U gamers will face with the third Mass Effect game.
Blizzard Responds To Diablo 3 Session Spoofing, Says Public Games Are Safe Well if Blizzard says it, then it must be...well...click the link to see for yourself.
Dead Island Riptide Announced For Consoles, PC A new expansion for the popular zombie, open-world RPG is announced.
Lego City Undercover Is Like GTA Without Prostitutes, Blood And Drugs It's true, it's just like GTA...but for kids.
Super Mario Bros U Announced With Trailer Check out the first ever gameplay of the newest Super Mario Bros.
Wreckateer Gameplay Video Features Exploding Castles It's a casual game for demolitionist in the making.
Just Dance 4 Coming This October Yet another dancing game...you'll have plenty of titles to dance to/with this fall.
EA Confirms Always On Single-Play For SimCity, Thank You Blizzard Yeah folks, you won't be able to play this one without being online all the time...even for single-player.
Origin Doesn't Support 75% Off Sales Because It Gives Consumers Too Much Choice This article is hilarious. You'll simply have to read it to believe it.
Skyrim Director: DLC A Balancing Act Well of course it is.
Pledge Quest Game Released To Support Space Quest Kickstarter A new game has hit the net waves to help promote the Space Quest Kickstarter.
Assassin's Creed 3 Multiplayer Screenshots Show Tophats, Mallets, Braves Check out the brand new multiplayer screenshots from Assassin's Creed 3.
Microsoft Disk Cleanup Can Harm Your Hard Drive Installing Heroes & Generals If you install the game make sure you don't run Microsoft Disk Cleanup.
Borderlands 2 E3 Preview: Interested But Not Convinced Yet Another hands-on preview of the highly anticipated shooter from Gearbox.
PS Vita Price Cut Nixed By Sony Thought the handheld was getting a price cut? Nope...think again.
Fable Journey E3 Preview: Magically Delicious Gaming Blend contributor Loquacious Muse makes some first-hand impressions of this upcoming Xbox 360 exclusive.
Skyrim Dawnguard Screenshots Reveal Vampire Lords and the Men Who Kill Them These are some snazzy shots of the upcoming DLC for Skyrim
Miiverse Messages Must Be Approved By Nintendo Employees They want to keep the internet mentality clear out of the Miiverse...good luck with that Nintendo.
Dark Souls Artorias DLC 10 Hours Long Namco Bandai plans to put a lot of time and effort into the upcoming DLC.
Peter Molyneux Undecided About Wii U It has some good things and some bad things...and Molyneux isn't sure how he feels about it.
Humble Indie Bundle V Adds Braid, Super Meat Boy, Lone Survivor Some of the coolest indie games ever are bundled together in the new Humble Indie Bundle.
Diablo 3 Gold Farmers Infiltrate Countless Accounts, Saving Up For RMAH Gold farmers are just raping the good will of honest gamers like a hornet in a bees' nest.
Left 4 Dead Prequel In Development? Could Valve be working on a prequel to the beloved run-and-gun shooter? Well, check it out and see the info for yourself.
Sleeping Dogs Preview: Fresh And Nostalgic At The Same Time Grab a brief hands-on preview of the latest open-world action title.
Quantum Conundrum Preview; Insert Portal Comparisons Here It's made by the same folk of Portal fame, so I guess there's bound to a be a few comparisons.
Borderlands 2 Screenshots: Taste The Rainbow Brand new screens of guns, guys, gals and monsters from Pandora.
Arma 3 Videos Cover Graphical Improvements, DayZ Support New videos detail the improvements added to Arma 3 as well as the possibility of mods such as DayZ returning.
Final Fantasy Agni's Philosophy Next-Gen Trailer Crushes Unreal Engine 4 Square-Enix unveils the true next-generation tech-demo engine using Final Fantasy Agni's Philosophy.
Peter Molyneux's Curiosity Free-To-Play MMO With $77,000 DLC I can't wait to see how this (fails) turns out.
Resident Evil 6 Archives Anthology Editions Announced For Xbox 360, PS3 Additional pre-order premium editions have been announced for Resident Evil 6.
Left 4 Dead Prequel Isn't Real If you were hoping that the prequel news was real, turns out that it was not. Cue sad faces.
Metal Gear Rising Reveange E3 Preview: Must Slice Things A hands-on preview of the slick-slash-and-slice action game from Platinum Games.
Skyrim Patch 1.6 Now Live For Xbox 360, Adds Mounted Combat The patch has finally arrived....fight from your horse!
Resident Evil 6 Screenshots Preview Intense Horror Survival Moments All that jam-packed action gameplay gets put on the back burner for more intense looking scenarios involving the large cast of characters from the upcoming Resident Evil.
Sega Vintage Collection Streets Of Rage Co-op Review An in-depth review of the newest release of an old Sega Genesis 16-bit classic.
E3 Needs To Drop The Big Presentations A bit of an honest editorial about the state of E3 and all its over-the-top and less-than-realistic presentations during the big press conferences.
Dungeon Fighter Live Coming In July, Will Cost 800 MS Points After delaying for the longest, the free-to-play fighter finally arrives for the Xbox Live Arcade, only this time it's not free-to-play.
Fray Cinematic Trailer Release Date Revealed The final release date is set for this spiritual successor to games like Aliens: Incubation and X-Com.
Details Revealed For PlayStation 3 Exclusive, Papo and Yo Check out some extra info on the of the least talked about but most interesting and original platformer yet.
That wraps up this over-inflated, filled-to-brim edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. If you're still looking for some enticing new media to drench your senses with, then you might want to check out the new Zone of the Enders HD Collection trailer, courtesy of GameTrailers. Enjoy!
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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