Weekly Recap March 31st: PS4 Now Orbis, No Alan Wake On PS3, EA Studio Buyout?

New rumors surface for Sony's next generation console. Supposedly the system has a ban on limiting the use of used games, and a few of the specs are purportedly revealed. Remedy Entertainment details how Alan Wake will never be on the PS3, no matter what. And confessions from an EA viral marketer has surfaced laying out some extensive information and a rumor that a buyout is on the horizon and gamers "won't be happy" about it. These stories and more in this March 31st, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Retake Mass Effect 3 Fundraiser Ended Due To Corporate Politics It wasn't all about the money...well, sort of it was...well, the rabbit hole goes deeper.
Dead or Alive 5 Roster Leaked? Find out how makes it into the next installment of the fighting game franchise.
GTA V Gameplay, Multiplayer Customization Detailed, Set For May 2013 Release? It's all possible. A lot of the information looks pretty legit.
Epic Mickey Power of Illusions Coming To 3DS Nintendo won't just rely on the Wii to deliver some Epic Mickey, they're going handheld, too.
SOCOM Developer Shutting Down? It's possible, it could happen.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Silent Hill Book of Memories Delayed Konami drops the delay-hammer on Book of Memories. Click the link to find out why.
Overhaul Games Want To Do PlaneScape: Torment HD Remake Good news for fans of the classic isometric RPG.
Real Life Portal Gun Replica Priced, Arrives This April Grab e'm while they're portaliciously hot.
Fundraiser To Change Mass Effect 3 Ending Shutdown The Child's Play fundraiser comes to an abrupt ending due to company politics and other controversies.
Action Oriented Resident Evil Can Sell Like Call of Duty, Says Capcom Producer Yeah, sure it can...just like all those other Call of Duty-wannabes.
World of Darkness MMO Game Footage Released A quick fly-through of the city gamers will be able to explore in The World of Darkness.
Ubisoft Considering Ditching DRM; But Not Anytime Soon Good and bad news for gamers...at least they're considering ditching DRM.
Robert Bowling Fire/Quit Over Wanting To Give Gamers Free DLC? This is an explosive situation waiting for diffusion. Check it out to get the details.
Phantasy Star Online 2 Free-To-Play, Launches This Summer The MMORPG from Sega will launch this summer and will also be free-to-play. Beta tests are taking place at the end of April.
Blizzard: Diablo 3 On Consoles Is An Exciting Opportunity You better believe it...all kinds of money to be made from console gamers with a nice, ripe, juicy money-milking machine.
Soul Calibur V Story Shipped Unfinished, Says Game Director It's unfortunate but it's what happened. Project Soul was cut short of their creative vision.
Project CARS Proves It's The Crysis Of Racing Games Visuals unmatched by anything else out there right now makes this a top contender for one of the most realistic games ever.
Angry Birds Space Downloaded 10 Million Times This just goes to prove that Rovio still has a knack for knocking it out the ballpark.
Last of Us Infected Bust Is Pretty Gross Check out a new image for the upcoming AAA title from Naughty Dog Studios.
Ford and Rokkan Embrace Online Gaming, Reality TV With Escape Routes A new reality TV show that mixes online gaming with Amazing Race style theatrics gives entertainment connoisseurs a new outlet to participate in.
South Park Tenorman Revenge Hitting Xbox Live Arcade March 30th Plenty of foul-mouthed, action-oriented gameplay coming at you at the end of the month.
Assassin's Creed 3 Wii U Features Revealed Ubisoft details some of the new features for the upcoming Wii U port of the now legendary franchise.
Battlefield 3 PC Patch Arriving Slower Because of Consoles? Is DICE issuing out the PC patches slower due to consoles? Totally possible.
Vigil: Darksiders Was A Risk On the bright side, they already had their own engine.
Good Old Games Now Selling New Games They still old games, but now they also sell new games, too.
Epic Games Releases March, 2012 UDK Beta The latest build of the UDK surfaces, enabling gamers and devs alike to create some awesome creations, for free.
Alan Wake Games Will Never Come To PS3 It's official: Alan Wake Games Will Never Be On The PS3.
Wasteland 2 Dev: More Tension Between Developers and Publishers Than You Would Believe It's not surprising to me, but read it and you might learn something.
Mass Effect 3 Fans Sending BioWare Cupcakes To Protest The oddest protest ever.
Forza Motorsport 4 Alpinestars Car Pack Coming In April Additional cars are on the way for the primetime racer for the Xbox 360.
Battlefield 3 Patch Goes Live For PS3, Adds Rent-A-Server, DLC Shortcuts You can now pay-2-win, for real.
Angry Birds Creator Buys Out Futuremark Games Studio An odd business acquisition but it happened nonetheless.
GameStop Could Refuse To Carry PS4/Orbis Says Pachter If push came to shove, GameStop could put their footdown where it hurts the most.
Mistborn RPG Prequel Novels Revealed A new novel based on an upcoming RPG hits store shelves.
Too Human Dev: Used Games Continue There Won't Be An Industry Hogwash and we all know it. But check out his comments just to be sure.
Ubisoft: Assasin's Creed 3 On PC Should be Played With A Controller It's a little difficult playing with the keyboard and mouse anyways.
XSeed Games Bringing Unchained Blades To PSP, Nintendo 3DS
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Release Date Set For November 6th? Completely and totally possible. Check out the info for yourself.
Epic Games Working On Next Gen, Unreal Engine 4 MMO For better or for worse.
Transformers Fall of Cybertron Release Date Announced With New Trailer The official release date was set in place for the latest Transformers game from Activision.
Transparent Memory Chips Incoming; See-Through Gaming Devices Next? It's all possible given the new way silicon chips are being designed.
Mass Effect 3 Operation Raptor Announced For PS3, May Get Multiplayer Events Soon EA and BioWare are continually pumping out new content for the game on a regular basis.
PlayStation 4 Called Orbis? Um, yeah...well, you'll have to check the full article to get the details on this bad boy.
EA Viral Marketing Exposed, Big Buyout On The Horizon? This is going to be a hot topic if it ever gets hot, but you'll definitely want to check it out for the details.
Majestic-12 Four-Play Side-Scrolling Shooting Game ANnounced Reverb Publishing dishes out another awesome new arcade game.
Upcoming Chinese MMO Is Not Made By Epic Games, Not Using UE4 It's a bit confusing but it's all explained in detail.
Warhammer 40,000 Dark Millenium No Longer An MMO THQ makes a big change on the Warhammer Dark Millenium game.
Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition Goes Gold For Xbox 360 CD Projekt let's us know that the game is done and finished.
Assassin's Creed 3 Sets Pre-Order Record Connor beats out Soap when it comes to pre-orders. Shocking much?
UFO Online Enters Second CLosed Beta Phase New additions have been tossed into the game along with some major improvements.
Harmonix Revealing Next Game At PAX East What kind of title will it be? Well, we'll see once PAX East rolls around.
Capcom Copying Street Fighter X Tekken From Xbox 360 To PC, Problems And All It doesn't get any lazier than this.
Journey Is The Fastest Selling PSN Game, Soundtrack On Sale Soon This awesome new title happens to be one of the fastest selling titles as well and deservedly so.
Epic Mickey 2 Confirmed For PC, Mac
Assassin's Creed 3 Developed With Native American Consultant An Indian American is helping with making sure the game doesn't come across as historically laughable. I mean, we can't have that in a sci-fi war between Templars and Assassins, right?
Unity MadFinger Offer Free Optimization Tutorial To Game Community Find out how game optimization works and how it's a lot easier than we're often lead to believe.
Dead Road Hearkens Back To Old School Combat Racing A new indie combat racing title lands on PC, giving gamers a visually updated version of some old-school gameplay.
Hunger Games Adventures Launches On Facebook Following in tow with the movie a new Facebook version of the game launches for casual gamers.
Publishers and Devs Hope PS4, Xbox 720 Are More Open And far less expensive to patch games on as well.
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Has Cross Platform Multiplayer No matter what system you're playing on you'll be able to play with friends or family in the upcoming Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition.
Prove Your Star Wars The Old Republic Fandom With Life-Sized Darth Malgus Statue Talk about being an uber-fan...anyone owns this is either a serious nerd or...no, they're just a serious nerd.
The Banner Saga Is Yet Another Kickstarter Success Stoic Studio comes off working on the Old Republic to do something more down-to-Earth and pays off in droves.
Mortal Kombat PS Vita Release Date Set For May You can "Finish Him" on the PSV at the start of May.
Obsidian To Help inXile Design Wasteland 2 Brian Fargo and crew want to help their old buddies out by getting the game designed as quickly and efficiently as possible.
100,00 World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Beta Keys Being Sent Out Join in on the beta for the next big WoW expansion.
Prince of Persia Source Code Found In Closet It's a fascinating story about source code found for the very first, and original Prince of Persia.
EA Makes Semi Finals For Worst Company in America
Guild Wars 2 Inspired By Team Fortress Find out how the team was inspired by Team Fortress and what role it plays in Guild Wars 2.
Did You Know That Phantasy Star Online 2 Will Be Available On Smartphones? As a matter of fact, I did not know but thanks to Co-Optimus I know now.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out some actual alpha footage gameplay from GDC that walks through a massive battlefield blowout from the upcoming PlanetSide 2. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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