Weekly Recap May 11th: EA Acquires Star Wars License, Wolfenstein New Order, WOW Dying?

The really big news item of the week is Electronic Arts acquiring a multi-year licensing deal from Disney Interactive to develop and publish Star Wars games, this extends to enabling DICE to use their Frostbite 3 for a brand new Star Wars game. Wolfenstein New Order has been announced by Bethesda and Activision Blizzard posts some positive news for the previous quarter save for one little thing...World of Warcraft has lost more than a million subscribers. These stories and more in this May 10th, 2013 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
eSports Watch: iRacing NEO Endurance Spa 500KM A long three hour race with so many twist and turns that even Christopher Nolan couldn't see coming.
GameStop: PS2 Trande-Ins End This June no more trading in your games for 5 cents.
PlanetSide 2 Update 8 Adds Harasser Buggy, MAX Weapons New weapons, new mechs and new vehicles invade SOE's PlanetSide 2.
Play Your Steam Games From A Browser With HTML 5 Codec The future is now and no, that doesn't mean SNK is bring this codec to you, but rather, some affiliates over at Mozilla.
Sega and Gearbox Say Aliens: Colonial Marines Lawsuit Is Meritless Without merit, lacking merit, nixed of merit...take your pick, that's what they say. Do you agree?
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Defiance Hits 1 Million Players Trion and Syfy's newest MMO hits the one million player mark, which could be considered a success.
Star Wars Battlefront 3 Leaked Video Features Holy Sh*t Moments Galore This is like...”WTF?!” style “holy sh*t” moments. It's well worth it and definitely worth watching. Great, great stuff.
Ni No Kuni Developer Level 5 Established Three Mysterious Trademarks Three games in the works? From Level-5? Let's hope so.
Mr. Bree+ Brings Awesome Platforming to Steam's Greenlight Great production values and an intriguing story involving a Pig Frodo makes Mr. Bree+ a worthwhile title to watch on Steam's Greenlight.
Soul Sacrifice DLC Details Revealed While DLC usually is met with groans and moans by most core gamers, the good news in this story is that the first three packs of DLC for the game will be free.
Hearthstone Heroes Warcraft Void Terror Card Is A Warlock's Best Friend A new card for the new CCG of Warcraft is revealed.
Teen Killed His Mom Because She Took Away Call of Duty This is an extremely depressing story and you should brace yourself before clicking the link.
Skyrim Oculus Rift Support Invades Garry's Mod Really cool mods appear in Garry's Mod, further changing the game into something completely unrecognizable.
Iron Man 3 Mark XVII Heartbreaker Mod Invades GTA IV Super awesome mod that puts you in the shoes of Iron Man, complete with all sorts of awesome gadgets and repulsor technology.
Light Hero Rewards Up to $100,000 To One Lucky Completionist
Monster Hunter Online Will Release Internationally, Beta Set For June This is good news for a lot of gamers who felt burned that the game may have been relegated to a China-only release.
EA Buys Star Wars License, DICE Will Create A Star Wars Title Frostbite 3 + Star Wars could be cool...but at the same time, the license is now in the hands of the company voted as the absolute worst in the America, two years in a row.
GMod Kickstarter Lets You Install, Manage Mods For All Your Games
LittleBigPlanet Karting Gets Hacked By Tron Legacy Some really awesome gear from Tron Legacy is now available in LittleBigPlanet Karting.
Plants Vs Zombies 2 Coming This July A new Plants Vs Zombies is finally on the way.
Video tests Skyrim With Oculus Rift And Kinect Talk about immersion. This is well worth checking out if you're a technophile with a penchant for pushing the limits of interactivity to new heights with the games you play.
Sims 4 Will Have An Offline Mode, Thank God EA has learned their lesson from SimCity and has decided that they will allow people to play the game offline.
Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition Battle and Beasts Skins Pack Arrive A collection of skins that give you some beasts and some soldiers to play as in Minecraft for Xbox 360.
Humble Double Fine Bundle Includes Psychonauts, Brutal Legend, Adventure Game The Kickstarter project is tossed in with a few of Double Fine's most infamous games for the latest Humble Indie Bundle.
DICE Says No Star Wars, Battlefield Games Running Frostbite 3 The big hitters from EA are being withheld from Nintendo, as EA gets back at the Big 'N' for opting out of using the crappy net service, Origin.
GTA IV Back to the Future Mod Can Travel To Western Times Unbelievable. You can actually travel through time.
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX Offers Pre-Order Artbook If you really love Kingdom Hearts, this is probably one of those “can't pass up” moments.
Showdown Effect Adds Western Maps, Sci-Fi, Spy Characters for Free Free DLC, now this is how you treat fans.
Sleeping Dogs Kicks Off May PS Plus Line-up Free games for PS Plus members? Thank you very much.
Wolfenstein The New Order Announced A new entry in id Software's long running FPS has been announced by Bethesda. *fingers crossed* Please don't suck.
Mobile Content Revenue Expected To Consume Nintendo 3DS, PS Vita Sales for digital content on mobile devices is expected to overthrow current portable gaming devices, as reported by a new research report.
Gamezebo Offers Name Your Own Price Bundle of Casual Games Casual games at a price that suits you.
UFO Online Blasts Off Into Open Beta Gamigo's online xeno-hunting game has officially entered open beta.
Activision Blizzard Q1 2013, World of Warcraft Loses 1.3 Million Subscribers Activision's Q1 2013 results has some less than savory results for World of Warcraft.
Batman From Injustice: Gods Among Us Stalks Liberty City in GTA IV Play as the Dark Knight and clean up the streets of Liberty City.
Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded Spotlights Jasmine She dances as a mermaid in an aquarium and she's got smarts...and she's got big things going on for her...yeah.
Defiance, Warframe Make It Onto April's Top 20 Most Played Games List Raptr releases a new list of the most played games of April, and EA's SimCity continues to sink to the bottom of the barrel.
Journey's Austin Wintory Releases Music For Suicide Prevention Charity Attached to a new short-film, Austin Wintory's music helps a charity for suicide prevention.
Thunder Wolves Coming to Steam May 15th The arcade shooter will arrive for Steam first and consoles second...a nice twist on the way things used to be.
GTA 5 Screenshots Represent Grove Street Families Check out some new screenshots for one of the most highly anticipated games of the year.
EA and FIFA Renew Vows Through 2022 More exclusive FIFA games from EA...rejoice? Cry? I really don't know.
Wolf Among us Screenshots Showcase Police Brutality Check out the sheriff of the town laying down a little unlawful violence.
Defiance Article Proposes Idea of Gamers Producing TV Show Sure...why not? What could possibly go wrong?
Nintendo eShop Gets Minis Move, Resident Evil Demo One of Capcom's more anticipated titles receives a demo on Nintendo's digital eShop.
Guacamelee Body Slams PSN Sales In April The digital beat-'em-up game game for the PlayStation Network has managed to top sales. I'm thinking Sony has found a real niche with indy games these days.
GTA London 1969 Mod Arrives For GTA IV A total conversion mod for GTA IV brings back all the good parts about London 69.
Gamers Threaten Class Action Lawsuit Over Diablo 3 RMAH Exploit Things get a little frisky in the Blizzard camp when more controversy erupts over the RMAH.
Martial Arts Capoeira Joins Steam's Greenlight One of the more underrated fighting games of last gen is making its way to Steam and is looking for a few upvotes.
Total War Rome 2 Release Date Set for September Also, the game comes with a rather massive $155 Collector's Edition set that is bound to get a few die-hard fans interested.
Hear Me Out: Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Has To Win A GOTY For Best Soundtrack This soundtrack is amaza-balls, it would be a crime for this game to get overlooked at this year at the VGAs.
Half-Life 2 Adds Oculus Rift Support Valve said they would do it, Garry Newman said he's gonna do it and now it's done. Half-Life 2 has Oculus Rift support. Booya.
System Shock 2 Released For Steam An old classic makes a return to form on Valve's digital distribution platform like Van Damme getting his butt kicked, disappearing, getting a training montage and then coming back with oily shiny muscles.
Namco's Fiscal Results Prove You Don't Need To Sell 5 Million SKUs to Profit “Needs to sell 5 million SKUs or the brand dies” is a phrase not uttered in the offices of Namco Bandai and they've seen great revenue because of it. Just shows that the troglodytes using the religion of greed as their motivation for success are failing in spite of it.
Star Wars X-Wing, Speeders, Space Stations Invade GTA IV Who needs Battlefront 3 when you have GTA IV?
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine Now Available For XBLA The cooperative thief game arrives for Microsoft's Xbox 360.
Soul Sacrifice Creator Talks Tough Decisions Who would you sacrifice for victory? The game puts you in some tough spots to make some hard decisions.
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Kickin It This Fall The Ultimate version of Tecmo Koei's Dead or Alive 5 will launch this fall for current generation home consoles.
Borderlands 2 Krieg 17 Minute Video Released, DLC Releases May 14th Krieg will arrive on the 14th and the video gives gamers a great look at the upcoming content.
Flash Confirmed For Infinite Crisis With Gameplay Video The fastest man alive makes an explosive experience in the MOBA superhero title.
Sanctum 2 Preview Co-Optmus has a preview for the sequel of the tower-defense FPS, Sanctum 2.
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Review For XBLA How does the Xbox 360 version of Blood Dragon stack up and is it worth the price of admission? XBLA Fans give their take on it.
The Art of Dragons' Crown Is Perfectly Fine, Please Stop Being Paranoid A very nice counter-argument that doesn't include Feminazi or other derogatory language. Nice.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out a new gameplay trailer for Saints Row 4 below, showcasing the President laying waste to aliens with super powers and all other sorts of ridiculous things.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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