Weekly Recap May 12th: $99 Xbox 360, More Disc-Locked Content, ACTA Dead?

This was a big week for news, some of it good and a lot of it bad, but it was still big nonetheless. Things kicked off early in the week with ACTA being presumed dead, however, the fight isn't over with and ACTA needs to be killed for good...double-tap to the head dead. There's also CISPA we still need to worry about because that piece of crap is almost worse than ACTA, and we need to keep people informed on making sure this crap doesn't get passed off into congress. On the lighter side of news, the $99 Xbox 360 isn't quite as cheap as people originally thought, and you'll be paying a heck of a lot more for it in the long run. And the thing gamers feared most is becoming a regular trend...disc-locked content. Find out who the new culprit is of the new term for DLC. And BioWare, we still love you! These stories and more in this May 12th, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Notch Calls EA Cynical Bastards, Says They're Ruining Gaming Well, isn't that what we're all thinking?
EA Presenting Exciting News At Ubuntu Developer Summit What could EA be presenting? And what makes it exciting?
Obsidian: South Park Game Gets Named With New Screens THQ and Obsidian finally unveil the official name for the South Park RPG.
ACTA Gets Killed, Score A Partial Win For The Internet Sort of...there's a lot more to the story than that.
Gamers Ripping Orion: Dino Beatdown To Shreds The recently released indie title is getting lambasted by the gaming community. Click the link to find out why.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Warning: GamersFirst Practices Anti-Consumerism First Beware of buying items from the cash shop.
FilePlanet Shutting Down Sad news for the file-hosting service. Find out exactly why the service is getting closed down and what led to it.
Dark, Vampire RPG Announced For Xbox 360, PS3, PC Kalpyso is doing things a bit differently with their new cel-shaded RPG, Dark.
Gamers Did Not Hold The Wallet: Street Fighter X Tekken Sells $1.4 Million Does this give Capcom the precedence to move forward with more disc-locked content?
Star Wars The Old Republic Subs Are Down, EA Investing $80 Million Into Next Gen A brief look over the financials of Electronic Arts throughout 2011 and the early half of 2012.
Rockstar Social Club Relaunches With New Features Check out some of the added bonus content and features in the new and improved Rockstar Social Club.
Analysts Say Black Ops 2 Won't Break Sales Records It's looking like Black Ops 2 may not be breaking down the walls when it comes to setting sales records.
ESL TV Brings Worldwide Video Game eSports To Life Check out more competitive eSports at ESL TV, to get the latest on everything you love about worldwide eSports.
Xbox 360 Kinect Bundle Now $99, Kind Of Xbox 360 Kinect Bundle Now $99, Kind Of It's a lot cheaper, but with a lot of catches.
Company Of Heroes 2 Confirmed With First Screenshots A sequel in the awesome franchise known for bringing a whole new kind of visceral element of war to the real-time strategy category has been outed.
Why Diablo 3 Didn't Go Full 3D A brief explanation on why D3 is still isometric.
Rocksteady Hiring For Next Gen A new-gen Batman? Count me in.
Transformers Fall of Cybertron Not Following Movie Direction Well that's a good sign...at least we won't have to worry about this being a movie-based game.
Wii U Games Leaked By Retailer A brief rundown of some of the games you can expect to see available on the store shelf for the Wii U when it launches this fall.
Sony Reveals Future Of Gameplay With 20 Games During E3 20 games over the course of 200 kiosks will be on display at this year's upcoming E3 event.
Carmageddon Reincarnation Seeking Kickstarter Money After being in development for a while, Carmageddon Reincarnation finally heads to the route of crowd-sourcing for the final stretch to its 2013 release.
DC Universe DLC Last Laugh Arrives This June Recreate The Captain with the new shield-weapon and PvP add-ons in the premium DLC.
Consumers Pay $129 More For $99 Xbox 360 Promo Don't get lured in with the missing third digit...the $99 promo is a huge ripoff.
Alan Wake American Nightmare Confirmed For PC Remedy will be bringing the latest Xbox 360 adventure to PC via Steam.
Combat Wings Making Its Way To Xbox Live Arcade The once retail-based flight simulator will be getting the digital treatment instead.
Portal 2 Map Editor Now Live Create some new maps and experiences in Valve's highly lauded puzzle-shooter with the new map editor.
Android and iOS Get Realistic AI Scripting With xaitControl For Unity Creating complex AI routines just got a heck of a lot easier to design for mobile devices.
FIFA 13 Detailed With First Screenshots Brand new features, improved gameplay mechanics and an updated roster await FIFA fans this fall.
Hitman Absolution Pre-Order Bonus Earns You Weapons, Outfits And one of the outfits and weapons turns Mr. 47 into a certain Mr. Bond.
Game Hype Over-Promise Under-Deliver Complex It happens with every forthcoming AAA title where the game promises "grand" "brand new" "experiences" but delivers less than half of that.
Sons of Anarchy Coming To Xbox 360, PS3, PC Home consoles are getting a little anarchy...only, we don't know when.
Amazing Spider-Man Pre-Order DLC Lets You Become Stan Lee, Rhino Now this is some interesting DLC...you get to play as the legend, Stan Lee.
Space Quest Creators Take To KickStarter For New Project They teased it before back in February but now they're bringing it to fruition.
Wolfenstein 3D Turns 20 Years Old, Play It For Free Now id Software celebrates the historic game by enabling gamers to play it for free.
BioShock Infinite Release Date Delayed To February 2K Games pushes the game back to next year...2013. Does this mean GTA V really is releasing in October?
The Secret World Open Beta Rakes In One Million Sign-Ups A lot of gamers want to experience the wonders of the Secret World.
Hitman Absolution Arriving In Late November IO Interactive is betting that Agent 47 can hang with the big boys in November.
EA Proud Of Day One DLC: Selling $20 DLC So Sale Becomes $80 It's a ridiculous notion but a growing one...games will no longer cost $60 but $80 to purchase "complete".
Dark Screenshots Prove It's No Twilight Love Story
The Last Story Coming To North America, Screenshots Released One of the best games for the Wii is finally coming to North America.
Dishonored Release Date Scheduled For October Bethesda's latest shooter will arrive this fall, amidst the torrent of high-profile titles.
Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth Announced For Wii U, Xbox 360 Kinect A new casual action game for the Wii U and Kinect are on the way.
Risen 2 Dark Waters Disc Locked Content Sound Files Appear On Torrents The game's DLC is included in the initial product but the sound files were missing...well now the DLC media has arrived so the on-disc DLC is complete.
Thankfully Max Payne 3 Does Not Use Games For Windows Live Now this is really good news for PC gamers. Rejoice gamers, rejoice.
EA Closing Official Battlefield 3 Servers In Place of Rented Servers It's a sad thing but it's a growing trend.
EA Brings C&C, Lord of Ultima To Ubuntu Linux gamers finally get a chance to experience the greatness of Electronic Arts.
Capcom Says Resident Evil 6 Set To Sell 7 Million Copies There's no doubting that the game will be huge and Capcom is banking on it.
Reviewers Extort Developers For Good Review Scores If you ever believed that reviewers were paid for good scores, well, your suspicions have been proven true.
Darksiders 2 Exclusive Soundtrack Music Listen to a few of the exclusive tracks from the upcoming Darksiders II soundtrack.
GameStop Pulling PSP Games From Stores Why? Because UMD is so last gen...well, last handheld gen for Sony, anyway.
World of Warcraft Adding Cross Realm Zones You can now venture from one place to the next with ease without feeling the burden of the transition.
Jetpack Joyride Now On Facebook You can enjoy some downtime with a little Jetpack Joyride courtesy of your local social network.
BioWare, We Still Love You... Despite being married to EA. It's true.
Exclusive DarkSiders 2 Interview With Jesper Kyd Find out about the inspiration and music behind the upcoming game from THQ from Vigil Games.
Heroes & Generals Shaping Up To Be A Cut Above The Rest A brief preview for the upcoming free-to-play MMOFPS/RTS from Reto-Moto.
Serious Sam 3 BFE Coming To Xbox 360 This Fall, PS3 A Possibility Fans of the over-the-top FPS can start pumping up their inner excitement for this old-school shooter which is being scheduled to arrive on a home console near you, this fall.
Rumor: Awesomenauts DLC Character Info Discovered XBLA Fans unearths some brand new information regarding a new character for the XBLA title.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out a new trailer for Dragon's Dogma to celebrate the game's launch in two weeks. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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