Weekly Recap May 15th: Natal Release Date, Alan Wake Sequel, Team Portress

This week played host to a high grade heap of editorials, news and media from popular games definitely worth checking out. There’s news about an actual Natal release date as well as a new top 10 list that has emerged featuring some of the things that could make Call of Duty Black Ops even more badass. Remedy talks an Alan Wake sequel while new gameplay details have surfaced for Gears of War 3. Another news bit worth checking out is the recently released mod that fuses in Team Fortress 2 with the ever-popular puzzle-shooter, Portal, called Team Portress. These stories and more in this May 15th, 2010 edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
Sims 3 Create-A-Pattern Tool Coming This Summer. As if you can’t create enough custom content for the game, a new create-a-pattern tool will be arriving.
Remedy Further Discusses Alan Wake Sequel. Itching to play some more Wake? Well, so is Remedy.
The Playlist: May 2010. A complete list of games worth playing for May, courtesy The Game Reviews.
Blur Multiplayer Beta Ends. After all the fun and all the thrills, a good thing must come to an end.
New Patch For The Guild 2 Now Available. Because PC games just wouldn’t be complete without patches…no really, they wouldn’t.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
LittleBigPlanet 2 Announced For 2010, PS3 Release; Debut Trailer Released. You can grab the release details of LittleBigPlanet 2 and check out the new debut trailer.
Nintendo Download: Earthworm Jim Hits The DS. Check out the rest of the games landing on the shop channel.
Metro 2033 DLC Almost Done. Geeked up for some more Russian apocalyptic gameplay? Be sure to check out the progress on the DLC by jumping through the link.
Enslaved Debut trailer Channels Prince of Persia. Epic story? Check. Brute male accompanied by a sexy, controlling female? Check. Lots of wall hopping and platform jumping? Check. Yep, Enslaved has channeled the Prince of Persia.
Limbo Receives A Creepily Entertaining teaser Trailer. And by creepy, it’s actually quite cool.
World of Warcraft Cataclysm: Halls of Origination Screenshots And Information. Find out all the details surrounding the Halls of Origination.
Transformers: War for Cybertron Multiplayer Customization Video. Get all the details on making your very own Transformer for the multiplayer modes.
EA Sports Multiplayer Will Cost $10 Extra. If you don’t buy the game new, you’ll be paying more to play online.
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Announced for Xbox 360, PS3, PC. A new game or a new expansion? Click the link to find out all the details.
Fallout New Vegas Collector’s Edition Revealed. Already stoked about purchasing this action-RPG? Then check out what the collector’s edition will contain.
Microsoft’s Natal Launching in October. Fall was just too vague for many gamers, and that’s why things have been clarified with an October release.
Counter Strike Source Beta Launches To Test new Update. So what’s so special about the update? Valve knows.
TwoWar’s Blackshot Enters Open Beta. It was cancelled and then revived…but will it be better, faster, and stronger than before?
The Heavy receives A Second Batch of Sleek Screenshots. And by sleek, I mean shiny, fast-paced, high-pursuit screenshots.
JoWood Unleashes Their E3 2010 Line-Up. There’s something in there mostly for RPG fans, strategy fans and casual gamers. Sorry action gamers, you’ll have to look elsewhere for your needs.
Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi Tag Team And Raging Blast 2 Announced. Two new DBZ games, courtesy of Namco Bandai.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Sells 5 Million Copies; Battlefield 1943 Sells 1.5 million. Big numbers for the new Battlefields, obviously the console version is owning up, though.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Onslaught Co-op Mode Coming To PS3 And Xbox 360, PC Release Possibile.
Metro 2033 Ranger Mode DLC Announced. New DLC for the Russian apocalyptic shooter…the question is: will it be worth it?
Team Portress Combines Team Fortress and Portal. A nifty mod combines all the coolness of Portal with all the awesomeness of team Fortress.
Call of Duty Black Ops Confirmed for Wii. Looks like Activision is going to milk the franchise anyway possible.
The Heavy Confirmed For Release On Xbox 360 And PC…Sorry, No PS3. Looks like Sony’s big black machine gets ducked out on…again.
Steam Released For Mac; Free Portal With Download. No Mac user is going to argue with a free copy of Portal once they download Steam, right?
KontrolFreeek Adds New Color Schemes For Xbox 360 And PS3 Attachments. You can now get your analog annexation in a few snazzy new schemes.
Blacklight Tango Down Weapon Customization Explored. With more than 100 million combinations, gun fans should not get bored with this multiplayer shooter.
Guns of Icarus Arrives on Steam for PC and Mac. One of the coolest browser games comes to the PC and Mac platforms.
Gran Turismo 5 Nurburgring Screenshots Released. A couple of new screens for one of the longest tracks in the history of racing.
Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Pack Release Date Announced. A brand new pack of maps coming to MW2
Bulletstorm Trailer Released. The very first trailer for the upcoming shooter. Mass Effect 2 Overlord DLC Screenshots and Details. Brand new screenshots and details on the DLC.
Red Dead Redemption Launch Trailer. The official launch trailer for one of the highest rated and best reviewed games of this generation.
Tales of Pirates 2 Inducts Rear Fairy System Into Closed Beta Testing. it’s not the kind of fairy system you think.
Fable III Dev Doc Talks Wardrobes, Adventure And Tyranny. Find out what the clothes look like, the maps and how tyranny plays a role in the game.
Priston Tale 2 New Priestess and Combat Screenshots. Open beta has now commenced….check out some screenshots of the classes and combat.
Limbo vs Lost in Shadows Teaser Trailers Compared. Two games dealing with light, shadows and darkness.
April 2010 NPD Sales: Splinter Cell Conviction and Pokemon Rule The Wasteland. Let the number flame-wars begin.
Rumor: Raven Software Making Call of Duty Game. After Activision fired the guys and gals that made the series popular, there are rumors floating around about a new group taking over.
Splinter Cell Conviction iPhone Rlease Date Announced. If you feel like you can be an espionage agent on a tiny little iPhone screen, then go for it.
Moonlight Online Offers Wall-Running And Matrix Abilities. Surprisingly, the game takes a twist no one was expecting.
Electronic Art’s E3 2010 Games Line-Up Revealed. Mostly hotly-anticipated games and shooters were all expecting.
Gods Vs Humans Details And Screenshots Released. Yeah, because gods hate when humans build big towers into the sky.
Story and Plot Details Unveiled For Transformers: War for Cybertron. Find out how Optimus came into power and why Star Scream is the biggest robot douche bag in the galaxy.
Fable III Box Art Reveals PC Release? Now that’s some surprising box art.
ModNation Racers PS3 Demo Coming Next Week. The racing game version of LittleBigPlanet.
Red Dead Redemption Screenshots Feature Hunting And Wildlife. Yes, the game has a full-on eco system. Is that not crazy or what?
Need for Speed World Screenshots Released. Awesome new location shots featuring tracks and raceways from past NFS games.
Official Quantum Theory Website Launched. The PS3’s answer to Gears of War receives a little website attention.
Red Dead Redemption Midnight Launch Locations Announced. Pack up the caravan and get ready to rope you in a copy.
New Gears of War 3 Details. New details on the high-octane, steroid-driven shooter.
Call of Duty Black Ops TV Ad Teases Full trailer Reveal. Stay tuned in for the full thing.
Top 10 Badass Things Call of Duty Black Ops Needs. I always thought this was one of the most badass military shooter series out there, but find out just how much more badass the game could get.
Exclusive Red Dead GiveAways. Find out what sort of giveaways Platform Nation has in store for readers.
That wraps up this edition of the weekly recap here at Blend Games. A rather large and lengthy new fighting camp trailer is up and ready for viewing for UFC Undisputed: 2010. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.