Weekly Recap May 23rd: Leaked Ico 2 Footage, E3 Predictions, Wii Price-Cut
This week was filled with a few surprises and some consistent revelations. PlayStation LifeStyle unveiled some amazing new footage of the new Team Ico game, 3D Realms admits they’re not closing, The Gamer Access also shares some E3 predictions and we fill out the rest of the week with plenty of updated coverage and reviews of recent releases. All right, enough talk. Let’s get this party started.
Ubisoft To Do CGI For Movies. And skilled enough to do a better job than what movies do with game adaptations.
Space Nazis Film Will Become Video Game. Dark humor combined with space and Nazis is the perfect combination for a gut-busting game…or is it?
Walmart Wants Your Used Games. But they won’t be getting any of mine
Review: Space Invaders Extreme. Casual pastime or hardcore revolution? Ryan Rigney gives the verdict on this XBLA port.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Fallout 3 PS3 DLC Is Coming. Everything you thought you wouldn’t get for the PS3 version of Fallout 3, is coming to Fallout 3 for the PS3.
Review: X-Men Origins Wolverine Uncaged Edition. Blend Games’ Editor Pete Haas lets the razors loose on Activision’s movie-to-game adaptation.
3D Realms Says “We Haven’t Closed Yet” So what does this mean for Dukey Nukey? Well, click the link to find out.
ArcaniA: A Gothic Tale Coming To Consoles And PC. A fascinating looking RPG being designed for current-gen consoles and PCs.
Champions Online Launch Delayed To September. Looks like you’ll be hanging up your Champions’ tights until the end of summer. Tough luck, folks.
Microsoft Punishes Xbox Live Cheaters. Whipping out the ban-hammer on all those cheaters is the best way to keep e’m off Live. Whip on Microsoft, whip on.
Review: DinerTown Tycoon. Ryan Rigney goes to town on this PlayFirs title.
Robot Chicken Coming To Spore. The creators of the wacky TV show will have a little something-something to do with Spore. Click the link to find out what it is.
Z-Day Approaches: A Look At The History Of Zombies In Games. I believe anyone interested in zombies should take a look at this article. An educated example of zombie culture is how I would best describe it.
Rumor: New Resident Evil 5 DLC Coming Soon. As long as it’s not already on the disc, new DLC is fine with me.
Aliens Vs Predator New Teaser Trailer And Screen-Caps. Sega released an interesting new teaser for this FPS game, which is due out next year.
Need For Speed Nitro Debut Trailer. A Wii game that actually looks fun. Seriously.
Terminator Salvation PC Version Recalled. Find out why saving the future will have to wait for PC gamers.
Project Trico Trailer Is Real But E3 Reveal Unlikely. Tantalizing new footage of a new Team Ico game.
Gears of War 2: Dark Corners Achievement List. Because sometimes we don’t always know how to make great achievements on our own.
Team Ico Next Game Revealed. I don’t think I need to bade anyone into clicking on this link.
Rockstar Games Founders Form 4mm Games. A new company with familiar faces spells a little bit of success, if you ask me.
Swine-Flu Scuttles Capcom, Koei and Square-Enix E3 Plans. Ah, and just when you thought the swine-flu hype was all dead and gone it has to rear its ugly head a week before E3.
Review: UFC 2009 Undisputed. Ryan Rigney spares no judgment for THQ’s UFC-based fighter. Find out how he scored it.
Electronic Theatre Officially Launches. It’s new, improved and now ready to take over the gaming news world.
CompuExperts Game And Accessory Line-Up For E3. There’s some good stuff they will have on display at E3, including some snazzy swag worth winning in a CoD: Modern Warfare competition.
Red Faction Guerrilla Delayed For PC. A good preventable measure for piracy by THQ, no doubt.
Major PSOne Games Coming To PSN. It’s a rumor that started at PlayStation LifeStyle, so it’s likely that it’s true.
Review Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce. Blend Games’ Andy Keener takes a crack at Koei’s hack-and-slash PSP port.
Vicious Engine 2 Rivals CryEngine 3. And I would be hard-pressed not to give the edge to the VE2.
Metroid Prime Trilogy Coming To Wii. And yes, it will all fit within one disc.
Q3 Price-Cut Expected For PS3 And Wii. For both of them all I have to say is: It’s about darn time!
PSP Reportedly Getting Download Service. Now that’s good news…let the pirating begin!
Music Games: DLC Vs Disc-Based Content. And the battle rages on between these two mediums once again.
Totally Fresh Mass Effect 1 And 2 Info Leaked From OXM. I think this headline speaks volumes for clickage. It’s begging all Bioware fans to just press that left-mouse button over the link. Go on, everyone is doing it.
Fuel Earns Its Way Into Guinness World Records. Who knew you could make headlines for game that requires 3 straight hours to get from one end of the game world to the other?
Jagged Alliance DS Shipped In North America, Lacking European Publisher. Poor PAL gamers won’t be able to play this game on their DS until a Euro publisher puts up some distribution money. Any volunteers?
Victory: Age of Racing MMO Set During 1960’s. This is a unique MMO racing game that’s definitely going to be worth checking out at this year’s E3.
Accelerated Gaming Episode 14: E3 2009. The Gamer Access runs down a list of predictions for this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo.
That wraps up the week ending on May 23rd. Next week will be even bigger yet and to get gamers all geeked up over some highly anticipated announcements, feel free to check out some videos for some upcoming games, below. And for all your other gaming news-needs, be sure to stay tuned in with Blend Games.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.
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