Weekly Recap May 8th: Medal Of Honor Beta, Wii Party Announced, Fable III Details

This week marked the official start of the Halo: Reach multiplayer beta and fans have probably abandoned all their responsibilities in order to get in some play-time with it. Nintendo is further extending their Casual Crusader status by adding Wii Party to their shovelware cache. New info will be emerging for LittleBigPlanet 2 after it was accidentally announced by one of the musicians. Also, additional details for the combat and fighting mechanics in Fable III will be unveiled soon and EA is planning on testing the waters of popularity for Medal of Honor by hosting a multiplayer beta for the game, which should be interesting. These stories and more in this May 8th, 2010 edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
Alpha Protocol DRM Announced. The one thing that so many honest-paying gamers dread.
Halo Reach Public Beta Begins. It’s up and it’s officially open folks.
EA Store Graduation Discounts Begin. It’s about time, I say.
Splinter Cell Conviction Getting Killer Co-op DLC Splinter Cell games have always excelled when it comes to co-op, glad to know they’re focusing on some DLC for it.
Alan Wake’s Writer Talks Movies, TV Series and Graphic Novels. Everything necessary to make Alan a pop cultural icon.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Rhythm-Based Racing Game, 2XL SuperCross Now Available. Get your Dance Dance skills ready for this racing game.
Mass Effect 2 Equalizer Pack DLC Coming Tuesday. Check out what’s in the Equalizer pack that makes it so darn cool.
Ivy the Kiwi Coming To Nintendo DS And Wii. From the guy that brought you Sonic (and not the perverse, little girl-loving hedgehog either) comes a new side-scrolling adventure for the DS and Wii.
Wii Gets New Color Scheme; Comes Packed With MotionPlus And Wii Sports Resort. Good news for buyers of the Wii: you’re going to be getting a whole lot of goodies in the package.
Nintendo Download: Zombie Panic Kung-Fu Funk And Crazy Golf. A bunch of new games primed and ready for download via the shop channel.
Review for Super Street Fighter IV. Rich knight explains why the extra bucks are worth it for this SSIV extra.
StarCraft II Wings of Liberty Release Date Announced. Need to find out when you can grab the new DLC? Click the link.
God of War: Ghost of Sparta Announced for PSP; First Screenshots Released. Grab a first look at the new
Sid Meier’s Pirates Coming To Wii This Fall. One of the greatest pirate games of all time gets a release date for the Wii.
Fallout New Vegas Screenshots Fire The Death Ray. Brand new shots of the upcoming Fallout.
Tales of Pirates 2 Closed Beta Starts May 6th. Want to get in on the action? Head to the site and grab the client while you can.
Team6 Decides To Revive FlatOut For Nintendo Wii…Really. It was a mediocre game that’s getting the revision treatment.
Alpha Protocol Goes Gold, Which Means No More Delays. And that means that gamers are closer now than ever before to actually being able to play it.
Sony Cheats Consumers On Extended Warranties For PSP 3000, PS3 And PSPGo. Find out where you can grab a better deal.
2010 Pokemon World Championship Tour Dates Announced. Find out where you need to be to participate.
Disciples III Renaissance Screenshots. A beautiful set of screenshots of the upcoming turn-based strategy game.
Brink Military Parkour Screenshots And Fact Sheet. Find out what the game features and how it’s going to look all in one post.
Two Worlds II Release Date Set For North America And Europe. And TopWare promises that they fixed all the things wrong with the first one…including the glitchy horses.
Alan Wake Review. This Hollywood-style thriller is a lot better than what most people might have expected.
Free Red Dead Redemption Co-op DLC Announced For PS3 And Xbox 360. Additional co-op missions are already being made available and the game isn’t even out yet.
Battle.net and Facebook Join Forces. Who isn’t a part of Facebook these days? Click the link to get all the details.
Dragon Age Origins Darkspawn Chronicles DLC Announced. Even more DLC for Dragon Age Origins…find out what the latest content pack is about.
Medal of Honor Release Date Revealed. Will it or won’t it compete with CoD: Black Ops? You’ll have to click the link to find out.
LucasArts Considered Wookie Superhero Video game. How the heck would that have worked? Well, it’s all explained after the jump.
Team6 Announces Squash For Wii And PC. Because we just don’t have enough fast-paced squash games.
Reality Gap Joins Sleepy Giant; BattleSwarm Receives Xfire. This spells big news for BattleSwarm players, especially with a major update on the horizon.
Heroes In The Sky MMO Flight Sim Beta Starts in June. We don’t get enough of these kind of games but I’m glad more are starting to emerge.
Tom Clany’s H.A.W.X. 2 Set For Fall 2010 Release. Even though it seems like the first one just came out not too long ago, the sequel is on its way.
Medal of Honor Leave A Message Trailer Released; Beta Coming Soon. This is where things start heating up between CoD: Black Ops and Medal of Honor.
UFC Undisputed 2010 Demo Goes Public, Today. Check the game out and see if the fighting is to your liking.
Dragon Age Darkspawn Chronicles Trailer Kills Alistair. Why would they do something like that? Well, you’ll have to check out the full trailer to see.
Things On Wheels Arriving On XBLA May 12th; New Screenshots Released. Get a glimpse at the RC-racer for XBLA.
Splitner Cell Conviction PC Patch 1.02 Adds DLC Support. And PC gamers have finally caught up to the quality of console gamers. How sad.
Allods Online First Goblin-O-Ball Tournament Announced. It’s soccer with goblins. And who doesn’t love kicking around a goblin?
Pokemon HeartGold And SoulSilver Gets Winner’s Path Route DLC. Believe it or not, the DS versions have DLC available.
Final Fantasy IX Coming To PS3 And PSP In North America. Surprisingly enough, one of the last good Final Fantasy games is coming back for some extra replay.
Wii Party Announced By Nintendo. As if the system is clouded enough with overly simplified party games, yet another one is on the way.
Telltale’s Puzzle Agent Coming to PC And Mac In June. Click the link to find out what it is and why you might be interested.
Call of Duty The War Collection Revealed for Xbox 360. All the “best of” CoD games wrapped up in one, pricey little bundle.
Battle of the Immortals Goes Live. And by live, I mean free-to-play and begging for players to buy stuff from the cash shop.
FreeStyle Basketball Update Brings On New Character Skills And Items. GameKiss is hoping to broaden the appeal of the game with some new moves and saucy characters.
Silverbolt And Brawl Join Transformers War for Cybertron Cast. Two fan-favorites will be included in the War for Cybertron.
Ryzom MMO Sci-Fi Game goes Open Source. If you’ve always wanted to make your very own MMORPG, now here’s your chance.
Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands Opening Cinematic Released. Check out the entire intro to the upcoming game.
LittleBigPlanet 2 Reveal Is Coming Soon. After it was outed prematurely, an official reveal is expected to arrive soon.
Xbox Live A Finite Conundrum? An editorial from The Game Reviews covering today’s online platforms for consoles.
Fable III Combat Details Revealed. Fable III Combat Details Revealed. New details on the combat is being revealed, and will probably arrive sooner than the LittleBigPlanet 2 info.
Warhammer 40,000 Ultramarines Animated Movie to Feature At London MCM Expo. Gamers willing to get a glimpse at the flick can do so if they happen to attend the MCM Expo.
Halo Reach Beta Open To XBL Silver Users Soon. If you have some Gold-envy for the XBL Gold users who have access to the beta, fear not for the silver-spoon fed Xbox 360 users will have access to the Reach beta, too.
Man, that Halo news is a good way to close out the week, eh? Well, that wraps up this edition of the Weekly Recap here at Blend Games. You can check out the official debut trailer for the upcoming Jekyll & Hyde game, below. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.