Weekly Recap: Microsoft Buying Minecraft Studio And 5 Other Crazy Stories

The big talk of the week was all about Microsoft's potential acquisition of the independent studio that developed Minecraft, Mojang AB. The studio was founded by Markus “Notch” Persson and made waves throughout the industry with the little game that blossomed into a huge brand. With Microsoft potentially looking to get in on the company's indie-success, what would that mean for the Minecraft fanbase and what would it mean for the future of the property?
In addition to the Mojang news, Destiny took the headlines by surprise as the biggest title to drop this season, so far. Funnily enough the reviews haven't all been glowing for the game despite Activision selling in (to retailers) $500 million worth of SKUs. Even more troubling is that Destiny was over-shadowed on Twitter by the continuously growing #GamerGate movement like a visceral, steam-rolling machine. All these stories and more in this September 13th, 2014 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Destiny Is Free For Xbox One, PS4...
...If you buy a copy for the Xbox 360 or PS3. Speaking of Destiny, there's a list of codes for unlocking some neat stuff in the game. A new 500GB Xbox 360 is coming soon. Resident Evil Revelations 2 features some brand new mechanics that might be worth checking out. Slender: The Arrival is set to arrive on the Xbox 360 and PS3 this month. You might want to check out the revised system requirements for Crytek's Crysis on PC. New cheat codes have become available for The Sims 4 and there's a reason why there may not be The Sims 5.
Destiny Has Launched
The week of Destiny continues on, as the game has officially launched. Final Fantasy Type-0 could come to PC. Destiny Reviews will be coming in a bit late... why? Click here to find out. Warner Bros., has delayed the release of Batman: Arkham Knight to June, 2015. Octodad has a chance of coming to the Wii U... but not right now. Some awesome new details have emerged for Xenoblade Chronicles X, and they're definitely worth checking out. And you'll be amazed at how teenagers react to playing the original NES.
Microsoft Could Buy Minecraft Studio
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
News dropped that Microsoft could be buying Minecraft's development studio Mojang. The implications of such a thing could be huge... for Microsoft. Ubisoft has a brand new Assassin's Creed game in the works even though they already have two set to release this year. Following his expulsion from the NFL, Ray Rice will no longer be featured in Madden NFL 15. Nintendo drops some classic rewards for members. Creative Assembly and Sega have made it known that Alien: Isolation has gone gold. EA and DICE have further unveiled details for the new expansion for Battlefield 4 called Final Stand. The Xbox One finally gets full DLNA support in the October update. A wacky new puzzle-fighter called Heroes Never Lose: Professor Puzzler's Perplexing Ploy has made its way onto Kickstarter. And finally, both The Escapist and Destructoid have updated their policies in light of what's occurred with #GamerGate.
APB Reloaded Coming To Home Consoles
It was originally supposed to be released on the Xbox 360 and PS3, but APB: Reloaded is now coming to the Xbox One and PS4. Blizzard has released the latest patch for the Warlords of Draenor. Ubisoft has set the release date in stone for Watch Dogs on the Wii U. Xbox One gets a wireless surveillance system. The developers behind DayZ basically explain where the game is on the developmental roadmap. Sony lays out how much DLC will be present in Driveclub. Destiny made $500 million in shipped-to sales to retailers, as well as causing college students to freak over the centipede bug. And “Notch”, the man behind Minecraft, might leave Mojang if Microsoft decides to buy the company.
Destiny Reviews Are In
Activision's Destiny doesn't quite swim with reviewers the way you might have thought. The complete roster for Super Smash Bros. has gone live, courtesy of a leak. Teslagrad leads a sparkling line-up of titles for Nintendo's weekly release. Dead Rising and Resident Evil 5 have been taken off GFWL. EA tried covering up the fact that 40,000 user accounts were hacked. Payday 2 is getting some Hotline Miami-themed DLC, and a fan makes a trailer for Fallout 4 that we could only wish was real.
GTA V Delayed...
...Delayed only for PC. GTA V won't be due out on PC until 2015. There's a bit of a patching fix inbound for Leeroy Jenkins in Hearthstone. You can check out the very first 1080p gameplay footage running on the PS4 of GTA V. GAMIDAS announced pre-orders for a budget-priced gaming mouse and keyboard combination. The NPD results have come in for the month of August, and you might be surprised at the results. And finally, Hideo Kojima released some brand new teaser footage of Metal Gear Solid V; it's titillating.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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