Weekly Recap Nov 12th: Skyrim Now Available, Battlefield 4, Gran Turismo 6

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is already breaking records across the board and it’s barely been available for a week. However, it wasn’t the only big budget game hitting store shelves this week, Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim also landed on store shelves. Electronic Arts is already planning ahead with Battlefield 4 and Polyphony Digital confirms that development on Gran Turismo 6 has already started. These stories and more in this November 12th, 2011 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Study Finds Gaming Increases Creativity In Kids You have got to love those studies. At least this time it’s in favor of gaming culture.
Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Accidentally Leaked Onto Xbox Live Someone at Microsoft will be standing in the unemployment line over this fiasco.
How Long Is Stars Wars The Old Republic Early Access? Find out just how long the early access is and when you can join in.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Vet and Noob Trailer Stars Sam Worthington, Jonah Hill One of the funniest trailers of the entire year, no doubt.
Scribblenauts Remix iOS Review: Don’t Write This Off The game is one of those under-promoted gems worth investing in.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Battlefield 3 T-Shirt Range Launched Really, I’m going to pick me up one of those shirts…for real.
Stealth Bastard Now Available For PC For Free Make your own levels or play through the side-scrolling stealth game right now.
EA and Bioware Shutdown Mass Effect 3 Story Leaks
Miasmata Coming 2012, Features Open-World AI Stalker Not since S.T.A.L.K.E.R have we seen a feature some interesting…when it comes to AI anyway.
GTA V Rumors False, Not Four Times Bigger Than GTA IV Well duh.
Games Added To Video Chat App, Rounds Play with friends using a video chat service.
PETA Slams Battlefield 3’s Rat Killing Oh those poor, poor rats. They deserved better.
BioWare’s Next Franchise Revealed It features a guy getting tossed out of an exploding car…so, yeah you can try to guess what it is based on that.
Stealth Action Game, Warp, Coming To PSNTired of shooters? Yeah, me too. You can check out this new stealth title instead.
Truckload of Modern Warfare 3 Copies Hijacked By Thieves Oh, ho, ho, ho…Activision got hijacked.
Kinect Sports Season Two Receives Free Challenge Pack A free pack of content and goodies for those who purchased the Kinect title.
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Get Day One Patch Well at least the game will be fixed right out the boxed. If that makes any sense.
Trials HD Developer: Why We Joined Ubisoft Find out exactly what motivated these guys to team up with team Ubi.
Rochard Heads To Steam November 15th An average miner on a not-so-average adventure.
Total Recall MMO launching With Film In 2012 It's doubtful either one will be all that good but maybe this film and game will fare better than the Conan remake.
Modern Warfare 3 Video Contains Recycled Buildings From Modern Warfare 1 Easter egg or lazy resource recycling?
Batman Arkham City PC Release Dates Announced Find out when you can grab the game for PC.
RIFT Developer Video Introduces Ember Isles Trion is still supporting this MMORPG.
Star Wars Republic Gets More Security Your account is protected and EA plans to use Origin as a safeguard against identity or account theft.
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Have Fewer But Larger DLC Packs Fewer but bigger is better than smaller but more.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Invades The Globes The biggest game of the year finally launches this year.
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Fiery New Gameplay Screenshots Putting bad guys in their place, real good.
EA President Confirms Battlefield 4 When and how it’s going to be? No word yet…but it’s coming.
Rayman Origins Demo Arrives On PSN, Xbox Live Check out how the Ray-Man got his start in the new demo for PSN and XBL.
Tech Reporter Claims Xbox 720 Coming Holiday 2012 Could it be? The Xbox 720 in 2012? Check out the report for yourself and see.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Soundtrack Sales Benefit Call of Duty Endowment Buying the music for the game helps out real life war veterans.
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Pre-Loading now Available Start ‘er up, folks!
Game of Thrones Action RPG Announced If the strategy game just didn’t cut it for you, maybe an action-RPG will.
Earth Defense Force Insect Armageddon Coming To Steam PC gamers get to share in the co-op action, finally.
Jagged Alliance Online, UFO Online Closed Beta Gets Underway Whether you want to rekindle old memories or see what all the fuss is about, here’s your chance.
Shank 2 Getting Better Controls, Online Co-op, Combat System Detailed Good news for fans of the original pulp-side-scroller.
Chrono Cross Kicks Off PSN Winter RPGS A PSX classic gets a nice little HD redo for the PS3.
Uncharted 3 Sells 3.8 Million Copies In One Day Take that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3…well, not really, but you get the drift.
Valve Says Steam Forums Were Hacked, You Should Change Your Passwords Like right now…I mean, like right now. I’m not even joking. Really.
Call of Duty Elite Subscriptions Extended Due To Server Issues Paid subscribers get an extra 30 days for free.
Assassin’s Creed Revelations Doesn’t Have Always-On DRM This is good news for PC gamers who have grown tired of Ubisoft’s handcuff-and-payment agenda.
Buttonless Incredible Story of iPad and iPhone Games Available for Pre-Order Find out some of the amazing stories behind some of the most popular iOS games.
Bethesda says Skyrim Can Be Played Forever Will anyone live long enough to test that claim? Who knows. One day far into the future we’ll find out.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collector Edition Revealed For a few extra bucks you can get some additional goodies in the package.
Gotham City Impostors Release Date Announced, Open Beta Starting Soon A new shooter for Batman goes into open beta.
Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights Coming Back To Stores For a special, limited time.
Epic Says Gears of War 3 Not Coming To PC Well there’s always…uh…well, you’ll just have to stick with Gears being on the Xbox 360.
Modern Warfare 3 Sets Pre-Order Records More record breaking numbers for the number one, fastest selling game of all time.
Top 5 Retro Games That Need The FPS Treatment Not just any game but classic games that helped shape a genre.
Star Wars Republic Hosts Massive Beta Test Weekend Get in a quick playthrough of the game…for free.
GoG.Com Says DRM Works Against Consumer Well ain’t that the truth.
Gran Turismo 6 In Development Polyphony Digital is already back to the grind on the next Gran Turismo.
Saints Row The Third Season Pass Gives You Four DLC Packs Free DLC for the Season Passers.
CrimeCraft GangWars Expansion Coming In December Fight for control of the server with the new expansion pack.
Everybody Dance Medieval Playstation Move Bundles Move enthusiasts can grab a combo pack including the Everbody Dance bundle.
Limbo Sells One Million, Mac Version On The Way PlayDead has already made waves on consoles now they’re making waves on PC.
Poll: The Elder Scrolls V: What’s Your Character? Well, what is it?
Call of Duty Elite Is Still Down Despite 4x Increase In Server Capacity Now that’s a lot of server load.
The Simpsons Arcade Coming Home At Long Last Fans of the four-player cooperative Simpsons game will be able to finally play with friends on the home consoles.
No Plans For From Dust 2 Says Chahi, But Promises Something Completely New is Coming Sounds promising.
Batman Arkham City PC Release Date Pushed Back Yet again. Those physics-based cape-effects better be worth it.
Illegal Video Game Downloads Rise By 20% Yikes, now those are some startling numbers.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. Wrapping up this week is the Red Solstice debut trailer, which features four-player cooperative, non-stop action. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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