Weekly Recap Nov 19th: Uncharted 3, PETA Vs Mario, Metal Gear Solid 5 Confirmed

All right so this week wasn’t really as jam packed as previous weeks, but a lot of people were probably too busy playing all the great games out this month to worry about making announcements and stuff. Still, we managed a review of Uncharted 3 and an interview with the composer on the game, Greg Edmonson, who talks about his experience with the Uncharted franchise, as well as his work on the series Firefly. Definitely worth checking out if you’re a fan of Firefly, Uncharted or Edmonson’s work. PETA takes aim at Mario for skinning raccoons…say what? And Hideo Kojima confirms that Metal Gear Solid 5 is a surefire thing. These stories and more in this November 19th, 2011 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Review: Enough Already Has Activision worn out welcome with the latest Call of Duty game? Find out for yourself.
Terrorist Threat Made Because best Buy Ran Out Of Modern Warfare 3 Copies This story is so ridiculous that you may find yourself laughing before you even click the link.
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Trailer Previews Destiny System What’s in your character’s future? Find out in the new trailer for the game.
Skyrim Xbox 360 Installation Causes Texture Issues Uh-oh, more post-launch problems for Skyrim and a minor issue with the textures.
Illegal Video Game Downloads Increase By 20% Either people are becoming more discerning about what they buy or they just don’t want to pay for stuff the way they used to.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
EA Drops Ban-Hammer On Battlefield 3 Hackers, Exploiters, Boosters Gamers, your cries for resolution has been answered…EA is dropping the Ban-Hammer.
EA Forum Bans Resulting In Origin Account, Content Deletion Well that will teach you to express yourself on an EA forum. Good riddance.
Mech Strategy Game Vanguard Bandits Hits PSN Tomorrow if you’re in the mood for some technical mech-style strategy, you can try out Vanguard Bandits
EVGA GeForce GTX 585 Harnesses Power Of Twin 560 Ti GPUs Now this is what I call a high-end GPU.
Secret World Templar Screenshots Emerge Check out the new screenshots of the Templar in a fresh batch of media assets.
PETA Mario Tanooki Suit Promotes Raccoon Skinning Yeah PETA, Mario obviously influences my decision to skin raccoons and use their insides for home decoration and their skin for trendy Davy Crockett hats.
Ignite Demo Now Available On Steam Hit the racetrack in the new indie nitro-based racing title for PC.
Call of Duty Elite Mobile App Delayed You won’t be able to stat track on your iPhone just yet.
Dead Island Bloodbath Arena Dated Screenshots Released New shots of the DLC and an official release date for the new DLC for Dead Island is all set.
MineCraft Goes Gold Xbox 360 gamers get ready to craft like you’ve never crafted before.
Stealth Bastard Racks Up 30,000 Downloads Looks like a lot of gamers really want to experience the
Scene It? Movie Night Mega Movies Arrives on PSN, XBLA Novemebr 30th Get ready to exercise that movie magic mind of yours once November 30th hits.
Kneel Down To Zod in DC Universe Online Update 6 A new update to help further the launch of the free-to-play version of DC Universe Online.
RPM Gymkhana Racing Arrives On iOS This Week Practice some Gymkhana skills on your iPhone this week.
Pangalore Launching HTML5 Games For Facebook, Mobile Phones You can check out what the next generation of social games are like with Pangalore’s HTMl5-based titles.
Uncharted 3 Flashback Map Pack Announced, KillZone Costume Pack Released New costumes and new multiplayer maps will help extend Uncharted 3’s lifespan.
Brink Getting Clans, Tournaments Soon New content for people still playing Brink.
Assassin’s Creed Revelations Ancestor Character Pack Coming In December Ubisoft is already planning ahead of the Assassin’s Creed Revelations launch.
PlayStation Move Exclusive Sorcery Isn’t Cancelled Good news for people who still use the PlayStation Move…it’s just like that Brink tournament pack above…just goes to prove publishers still care about niche audiences.
Kinect Disneyland Adventures Review: Magically Addictive Exercise On Wasted Potential Find out why this Kinect exclusive is a connected bust.
Uncharted 3 Review: If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix it Pete breaks down the pros and cons of Naughty Dog’s latest globe-trotting adventure
Batman Arkham City Save Files Disappearing On Xbox 360; WB Wants Your Help Uh oh, more signs of a dinosaur getting ready to retire or a plot to help extend the life of the game? Click the link to get all the juicy details.
Gunz: The Second Duel Looks Badass With a name like Gunz and the game featuring PhysX-based combat and environmental destruction, you can’t really go wrong with being badass.
Sins of the Solar Empire Now Available On Steam Space-strategy sim arrives on Valve’s Steam-powered distribution service.
Uncahrted 3 Interview: Music, Firefly and Uncharted Movie – Part 2 Greg Edmonson, composer for the Uncharted franchise gives an ear full about all things Uncharted.
PSN Shutting Down For Maintenance It was only for a day…so, no worries.
M2 MMO Dies Due To Server Data Deletion During Maintenance Sad news for the customers and the publisher.
Gears of War 3 Title Update Adds Spectator Mode Now you finally see how the pros do it without being frag-fodder.
Portal 2 Leads Spike TV VGA Nominations Followed By Arkham City Valve must be proud.
Orcs Must Die DLC Confirmed For XBLA If you’re interested in the extended life of the game, you’ll find it in the new DLC.
FFXIII-2 Producer Says Xbox 360, PS3 Versions Are The Same Well, try telling that to the console fanboys *equips flame suit ver. 3.0*
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Sold Over Three Million On Launch Weekend Bethesda definitely deserves the success.
Soul Calibur V Screenshots Feature Aeon, Xiba, Yoshimitsu Some awesome new screenshots for the upcoming fighter, with Cervantes sporting a Triple-H look.
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Gets 48 DLC Costumes If you like playing dress-up then you might be excited about the new DLC plans by Capcom.
DC Universe Online Lightning Strikes DLC Features The Flash Free-to-play and new DLC…could you possibly ask for anything more?
Call of Duty Alumni Form Studio U4iA Competing with their former brand…this will be very interesting.
Torchlight 2 Delayed For better or for worse? That is the question.
GOG.com Adding Triple-A DRM-Free Games In 2012, 2013 Now that’s good news.
Max Payne 3 Trailer Reveals Technology and Design Fans of bullet-time will be pleased to see the feature return in the third game.
Caregiver Village Aims To Edutain Caregivers If you’re taking care of someone, this is a place you might want to check out.
Square Enix Licenses Unreal Engine 3 For Upcoming Games Hopefully these will be better games than what they’ve been churning out lately, (Deus Ex aside).
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Sets Five Day Sales Record If you like bragging about your favorite game making money and breaking records, here you go.
Jurassic Park Game Review: Somewhat Clever Girl Does Telltale make a hit or a run with this iconic film-based game?
Enemy Front CryEngine 3 WWII FPS Announced For Xbox 360, PS3, PC Another CryEngine 3 powered game, this time sporting fully destructible environments and gritty realistic combat.
Bohemia Interactive Says There Are 3 Legit Players For Every 100 Pirates Yikes. Now is that not startling or what? Better get those pirates some real jobs then.
Jagged Alliance Online Enters Closed Beta Get a first-hand look at the game by actually playing it.
Why Rockstar Took So Long To Make Max Payne 3 Pipeline…it’s all in the pipeline.
APB Reloaded Fight Club Mode, Two New Maps Coming First rule of Fight Club: You don’t speak about Fight Club unless it’s being added to APB: Reloaded.
League of Legends Has Four Million Players Per Day Wow-o-wow….four million players per day? I have to imagine that they by now have either caught up to or surpassed WoW in terms of market saturation.
Gamestop: Gamers Didn’t Have Enough Money For Fall Releases Feels like bollocks but we’ll see after the drop the stats on games like Modern Warfare 3 and Assassin’s Creed: Revelations.
MechWarrior Online Uses CryEngine 3 Now here’s some news. The next MechWarrior game is not going to be a pushover…not if the middleware has anything to say about it.
Metal Gear Solid 5 Confirmed; Kojima To Helm But what will Metal Gear be without Solid Snake…what will it be?!?!
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Shadow Hunters Review Check out this oddball game and whether or not it fits your taste in avant garde gaming.
Even More Details on Mass Effect 3’s Co-op Mode More details, more gameplay features and more, more, more for all things co-op. If you ever wanted to help save the galaxy with a friend in tow, this will be your chance.
Castle Conqueror Heores DSIWare Review Find out if this sub-game for the Nintendo DSI is worth the purchase or if it’s just another casual cash-in game.
MineCon: MineCraft Xbox 360 Trailer and Screenshots Check out how the game will look and run on Microsoft’s console.
Skyrim Patch 1.2 Coming After Thanksgiving Bethesda plans to fix the game up post-Thanksgiving, giving gamers a reason to be thankful.
Best Gaming Clip of the Week: Skyrim Arrow Trickshot Now that really is some impressive stuff. Well worth the watch.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. There are so many great trailers this week it’s hard to pick a worthy one, but I’m thinking the trailer of the week should go to the APB: Reloaded live-action trailer, which is just a barrel load of fun and gives gamers a great look at all the customization possibilities in the game. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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