Weekly Recap Nov. 28th: Mercenaries Inc., Alienware Joins Steam, Far Cry 3 Coming

Even though Pandemic Studios has bit the dust, key members have been moved over to work on another project called Mercenaries Inc., which is a multiplayer version of the popular Mercenaries franchise. Dell also dropped a pretty big bomb that’s sure to make Valve’s rivals a bit more jealous, as the entire Alienware line will come pre-loaded with Steam, and if you thought Crytek was done with Far Cry, you’re definitely wrong. A new version of Far Cry is currently in development. Also, Warcraft fans will still have a wait a while longer for another RTS sequel to the famed franchise, because Warcraft 4 is not coming anytime soon. These stories and more in this November 28th edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
Gears of War And Starship Troopers Appear In BattleSwarm Screenshots. The game mixes the concept of the aforementioned in an MMO model. And it’s free to play.
Halo Series 7 Action Figures Revealed. Can’t get enough of Halo? Still play with toys? Well, the link has an answer to assuage both questions.
No Resident Evil 5 DLC For PC. Is PC gaming really dying so much that we they don’t even get DLC anymore?
LittleBigPlanet PSP Review. Rich Knight describes what makes this game so fun as a portable port.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
RuneScape Celebrates Thanksgiving With Some Turkey Hunting. Hunting virtual turkeys for people who just can’t afford to do it in real life.
Divinity II Ergo Draconis Sweapstakes Features A Custom Gaming PC. You can win a custom PC just by filling up some simple info for Divinity II. Click the link for the details.
Digital Nintendo Releases: Super Mario Kart, A Boy And His Blob, Harvest Moon. If you haven’t been checking the Wii Channel lately you can get the updates on the newest additions right here.
Left 4 Dead MMO-Clone Coming To PS3 And Xbox 360. PS3 gamers have been waiting for a good multiplayer zombie title and now it’s finally on its way.
WarCraft 4 Several Years Away. Blizzard is making too much money on WoW to bother with WC4, that’s why it won’t be coming anytime soon.
MetalMorphosis RTS-Shooter Announced For PC. Third-person shooting action filled with RTS style elements. Perfect blend for fun, eh?
Bayonetta Demo Coming To North America And Europe Next Week. Sega’s primetime action-shooter is getting a demo sooner rather than later.
Slingshot Cowboy Review. Rich Knight reviews this hilarious iPhone title. Find out what makes it work and what makes it smell like cow dung.
Fallout MMO: Concept Art Featuring Baddass Armor And Houses. You can check out some of what gamers will be wearing and some of where gamers will be staying in the upcoming Fallout MMO.
World of Warcraft: Mr. T Returns With More Mohawk Grenades. More ex-celebrity promotional efforts for the world’s most famous MMORPG.
Neverland Online Thanksgiving Cash Shop Discounts Announced. Everyone seems to be in a giving mood these days. At least the players are the ones who win in the long run.
Just Cause 2 Release Date Announced. Rico won’t be hanging around in limbo forever. Find out when the game hits ground for the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Nightwing Confirmed For DC Universe Online. Boy Robin is all grown up in DC Universe Online and you can check out the new screens of him after the jump.
Star Wars The Old Republic Jedi Consular, Sith Inquisitor Classes Announced. Find out what some of the newly announced classes will be like in the upcoming Star Wars MMORPG.
Tekken 6 Available For PSP; Update Details Released For Xbox 360 And PS3. New details on the patch and update for Namco’s number one fighter.
Manga-Inspired DOFUS 2.0 Arriving On December 2nd. A new way to experience and play MMOs is on the way and it sounds very…animated.
Deus Ex 3 Has A Touch Of Final Fantasy. A touch of Final Fantasy in an RPG-FPS? That’s different.
Steam Pre-loaded Into All Alienware Computers; Valve Becomes More Dangerous. Dell’s Alienware series has officially joined the Steam regime.
Multiplayer Mercenaries Inc. Announced. Before Pandemic bought the farm they were working on a super-secret project. You can check it out by clicking on the link.
Mass Effect 2 System Requirements DRM Details Announced. Can your computer muster the massiveness of Mass Effect 2? Click the link to find out.
Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Has Something Awesome On The Way. Want to take a guess? It would probably be faster to simply click the link and find out.
Final Fantasy XIII Last Trailer Released. The final trailer for FFXIII has been released. So, is it special? Jump through the link to find out.
Far Cry 3 In Development. After the successful launch of Far Cry 2 it was inevitable that a third would be on the way.
Dante’s Inferno Enters Beta. Before a game goes gold it must go through the beta phase and the hell-traveling adventurer has just entered beta.
Next Star Wars Game To Be Announced At 2009 Spike VGAs. The Video Game Awards are a big deal these days and LucasArts is unveiling (hopefully Battlefront 3) at this year’s award show.
Scivelation Heading To Xbox 360 In Q3 2010. A brand new game from TopWare is on the way and it looks darn fine.
Uncharted 2 Gets Free Multiplayer Map. If you’re reading this then the map is already available.
R.U.S.E. Multiplayer Modes Announced. Find out what the sneaky new modes will be in this next-gen RTS.
Phantasy Star Zero Review. Blend Games’ Ryan Rigney puts a critic’s eye view on this new RPG.
Gears of War MMO Clone BattleSwarm Has Thanksgiving Giveaway. Fancy some free items in this Gears of War clone? Click the link to find out how.
Red Dead Redemption Release Date Revealed By Leaked Trailer. An odd way to gather info about a release date but info is info and the official trailer is due out next week.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 DirectX 11 Support Confirmed. Sporting the best and brightest in visual warfare.
Dawn of War II Chaos Rising Release Date Unveiled. Time to count down the days in which this RTS hits the digital airwaves.
Street Gears Adds Sexy New Skater, Skates And Updates. Her name is Kara and she’s a marine biologist…riiight.
World of Warcraft Offers Free Week To Former Subscribers. If you’ve moved on to other MMOs you might want to reconsider now that Blizzard is offering a free week of gameplay in their uber-popular MMORPG.
BioWare Hasn’t Figured Out Wii Yet. Well neither have a lot of developers, which explains the unfortunate bombardment of shovelware.
Battlefield Bad Company 2: Multiplayer Beta Impressions. Blend Games’ Pete Haas gives a brief look at what to expect from the upcoming Battlefield Bad Company 2.
Fight Night Round 4 Rivalries DLC Trailer. EA announced some new content and sent over a trailer to dazzle and entice gamers.
Lords Online Free Alpha Test Account Giveaway. IGG needs some more alpha testers and they’re giving away some free keys to participate.
Cross Fire Update Includes Anti-Hacking And New Weapons. If the hackers were out of hand in your mind, be prepared to do without them now that the new update has arrived for Cross Fire.
World of Kung-Fu Grows More Popular: Seattle Server Opening. People need their kung-fu like casual gamers need their Wii and VestGame will deliver.
LittleBigPlanet Gets Online Create Mode In Upcoming Patch. The ability to make levels with up to three other online friends at the same time is awesome, right? Right?
Star Wars The Old Republic: Alderaan Screenshots, Concept Art. New media assets for the often spoke-of but rarely visited planet in the Star Wars universe.
Gamestop Offers Peripherals Discount. Controllers, memory cards and hard drives are expensive, that’s why Gamestop will cut some gamers some slack with a discount on said expensive items.
Huxley Closed Beta Is Complete, Free Open-Beta Is Coming Soon. While the game is closed off from play-testing it will come back soon. Click the link to find out the details.
Mass Effect 2 Tali, Adept Trailers. New characters and new character classes revealed in two brand new trailers.
BattleSwarm Screenshots: Action Figure Heads In Combat. Steroid-style space marines versus a countless army of killer alien bugs? Count me in.
Super Street Fighter IV: Adon, Cody And Guy Trailer. Check out some old faces in a new way with Super Street Fighter IV.
Fallout 3 Avatar Gear This Week. Stick Skills is reporting that Xbox Live Avatar’s will now feature Fallout 3 swag. Post-apocalyptic fans can now look snazzy with some rag-tag gear.
Lost Planet 2: The Gordiant. A new batch of screenshots for some of the bosses in the game have surfaced, courtesy of Electronic Theatre.
That wraps up this edition of the November 28th Weekly Recap here at Blend Games. We part ways this week with the new Battle of the Brick: Built for Combat teaser, as seen on Game Trailers. It’s a hilarious promo for the upcoming short-film featuring a Lego-rized battle at Zanzibar using all the themes from Halo. It’s hilarious and definitely worth watching. I’m not sure if the Lego blood counts for making the trailer unsuitable for younger viewers, though.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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