Weekly Recap Nov 30th: Steam Machine Priced, Crash Bandicoot Conundrum, Steam Autumn Sales

The Autumn Sales is currently taking place on Steam as I type this out, so it's best you scurry over to the Steam application and check out the sales while you can... otherwise, you're missing out on great deals. Speaking of great deals, Sony apparently didn't sweeten the pot enough to buy back Crash Bandicoot from Activision, thus cementing in stone that Crash will not be a PS4 mascot this generation around. And last but not least, the Steam Machine has been priced at $499, the exact same price as the Xbox One, but double the performance. These stories and more in this November 30th, 2013 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Battlefield 4 PS4 Review: Log Into Multiplayer And Don't Look Back Gaming Blend's Pete Haas gives a rundown of Battlefield 4 and the multiplayer is where the fun is.
League of Angels Soars Into Closed Beta December 4th The upcoming free-to-play MMORPG will land on the open market next month.
Space Hulk Gets Two Campaign Add-Ons New campaigns arrive for the space strategy game based on the 40k universe.
Gamers Fix Need For Speed Rivals 60fps Issue; EA Says They'll Look Into The Issue Unsurprisingly enough, gamers come to the aid of their fellow brethren by fixing the broken port.
Sony Didn't Buy Crash Bandicoot From Activision Well, not yet anyway.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Gran Turismo 6 Vs Forza Motorsport Even though Forza 5 isn't that great of a graphical powerhouse, it's still obviously better than the PS3's outing of Gran Turismo 6.
Exchanging PS4: My Story, Thoughts and Tips Gaming Blend's Ryan Winslett walks us through the process of exchanging a PS4.
Persona 5 Coming 2014 Along With Three Other Titles 2014 will be the year of Persona it seems.
EA Promises NBA Live 14 Improvements Following Poor Reviews
Xbox One Green Screen of Death Unofficial Troubleshooting Guide
Elder Scrolls Online Beta Preview Lawyer Friendly Version Check out an NDA-friendly preview of Elder Scrolls Online.
Star Citizen Nears 30 Million Crowd Funding CIG has managed to hit an unprecedented milestone in crowd-funding an indie game.
Warframe Brings Rage With Valkyr Update A new warframe, new weapons and new equipment arrive for the popular third-party shooter.
Xbox One Launch Titles Destroy PS4 Launch Titles on Metacritic Well, that was uneventful.
Wii U, One of the Most Accessible Consoles on the Market This is according to a new review by the DAGER System.
Saints Row 4 Christmas DLC Coming in December December 11th, to be exact. Just in time for the holidays.
Xbox One Users Get Banned For Using Profanity Via Skype, Upload Studio You can always count on Microsoft to drop the ban hammers.
Nintendo Gears up for the Holiday With Sales Pre-holiday sales and post-holiday sales... both are warmly welcomed.
Final Fantasy 4 Hits Mobile Devices Square takes a page out of Capcom's book, this time for mobile devices.
Steam Reviews Open Beta Launches Get a better gauge on games with the new Steam Reviews.
How Do Gamers Feel About Xbox One, PS4? Voice your opinion and concerns, and excitement.
Nintendo Getting Serious About Marketing Wii U in 2014 This is great news for people really looking forward to getting great games on Nintendo's console.
Lego Hobbit Game Coming in 2014 If you were wondering “Why isn't there a Lego game based on The Hobbit?” TT Games has heard your query and have responded in like manner.
First Steam Machine Priced AT $499; Xbox One Is In Trouble The first Steam Machine gets priced and it doesn't look pretty for Sony and Microsoft.
EA Ends FIFA Manager Series It just can't stand up to the competition that is Football Manager.
Double Fine Retrieves Rights of Costume Quest, Stacking Two of the developers games are now back under their wing.
Path of Exile Review: Lost In A Skill Tree Forest The isometric RPG gets the review treatment by Gaming Blend's Pete Haas.
Xbox One Costs $471 To Make, Kinect Totals $75 A lot of the price of the Xbox One is contained within the Kinect.
Free Xbox One Games Handed Out As Compensation For Hardware Failure Microsoft does something right for once.
Battlefield 4 PS4 Patch Make Your Game Somewhat Less Broken DICE finally aims to fix the game after numerous complaints.
Call of Duty Ghosts Doing Very Well on Xbox One and PS4 Activision's latest annual outing still manages to turn heads and move units on the new generation consoles.
GTA San Andreas Coming to Mobile Devices Rockstar's most praised and celebrated and controversial game is coming to mobile devices.
Xbox One Offline System Patch Now Available Because not everyone is rich with fast internet.
Batman Arkham Origins Gets Three DLC Packs You can get three brand new DLC packs for the open-world Batman title not made by Rocksteady.
Xbox One RAM Crash Troubleshooting Guide Find out how to flush your RAM with a new video guide.
PlayStation Mobile Game Game Giveaway Starts Sony uses the sales weekend to give away a bunch of PlayStation Mobile titles.
PS4 Beats Xbox One In Install Time Comparison One takes just under a minute to get players up and playing, while the other takes half an hour.
Steam Autumn Sale Arrives To Eat Your Money It's here... the second to last big sale for 2013. Careful not to spend too much.
COmmand & Conquer Multiplayer Shooter Renegade X Arrives This February From indie to full digital release, this one-man-made game has a real story behind its development and release.
Toukiden Age of Demons Heads to PS Vitas in February More Japanese-made goodies will arrive for Sony's handheld in early 2014.
Zero Punctuation Reviews Creator Makes Roguelike Game From critiquing games to making games... here's the next logical step for Zero Punctuation.
SMITE Officially Launching in March, 2014 From open-beta to full fledged release, Hi-Rez Studios is going all-in on SMITE starting next year.
Killzone Mercenary Update Plans Outlined, Includes Maps, Botzone Is the bot zone what all you Killzone fans have been requesting? Could it be? You'll need to click the link to find out more.
White Xbox One, PS4 Now Available From iCarbons You can now customize the colors of your Xbox One and PS4.
Forza 5 Top Car Will Run You $110, Why Is This Okay? Well, why is it?
PS Plus Gets Borderlands 2, Grid 2, More This December PlayStation Plus members are racking up massive benefits thanks to all the free games.
Top 5 Gaming Items You Didn't Think You Would Be Thankful For Who knew DRM could make you appreciate game culture that much more?
PS4 Sold Out Through Christmas; Videos Show Customers Going Crazy Over PS4 Launch If you thought Americans are unruly and vile, wait until you see European customers going crazy over the PS4.
Beatbuddy Gameplay Impressions Find out how well Beatbuddy plays.
Xbox One's Lower Resolution Impacts Battlefield 4's Gameplay Visibility Well folks, the resolution wars matters after all.
EA Wants To Bet The Best Company in America They don't like being considered the worst in America.
Microsoft Charging Customers To Quickly Repair Faulty Xbox One Units It's not as simple as it seems... it seems.
Nintendo 3DS Guide: Louvre Brings Art To Your Portable Take a tour of some of the most exotic and most prestigious locations the world around thanks to a new 3DS app.
Knack Co-op Review Find out how well Knack plays in co-op and whether or not it's worth the investment.
Assassin's Creed IV Co-op Review You probably didn't even know that Assassin's Creed IV had co-op, but it does and it's been reviewed.
Next State of Decay DLC Is Already in Development The newest bit of DLC for State of Decay is on the way and it's already in development.
Stickskills Radio Episode 61: Xbox One Impressions Find out what the crew at Stickskills think about the latest console from Microsoft.
Gamerevolutions Holiday Gift Guide Find out what's worth owning for the holidays in this gift guide from Game Revolutions.
PS4 Versus Xbox One: Which Console Should you Buy? The holidays are upon us and both consoles are out and about and making waves. So which one should you buy? Check out the guide to see.
Microsoft Will Take Care of Customers with Problematic Xbox One Units Well, they may be hated for a number of reasons but at least they're trying to fix them.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out a full live-stream runthrough of Dead Rising 3 below. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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