Weekly Recap Oct 13th: Star Citizen Announced, Bethesda PS3 Troubles, Sony Sues Kevin Butler

The war against PS3 gamers continues, as Bethesda finally gives headway to fans, admitting that they royally screwed up with Skyrim and that the PlayStation 3 and Sony are not to blame...nice move Mr. Hines. Speaking of Sony, they went full retard in the legal department, frying their brains in a pan and suing the face of the PlayStation brand, the actor who portrays Kevin Butler. Way to go Sony, you've officially reached Samsung and Apple lowliness, even high quality douche bags aren't that douchy. Also, the man behind the Wing Commander franchise, Chris Roberts, reveals his brand new game, Star Citizen. These stories and more in this October 13th, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
DayZ Standalone Scheduled To Launch In November If things go as planned, Dean Hall and crew will get DayZ out and about before the end of the year.
Resident Evil Blamed For Grizzly UK Murder The killers played the game and so they're being called “Resident Evil killers”. -__-
Dishonored Reviews Say Its A Once-In-A-Generation, Stunning Title Well, we'll see how well the game holds up to standards when it launches.
Simpsons Tapped Out Brings Treehouse of Horror to iOS The popular series makes its way to iOS devices.
Hitman Absolution Difficulty Levels Revealed: Which Will You Play? Find out what mode best suits your tastes.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified Won't Have Zombies This is pretty lame if you were hoping to fight off some zombies in the PSV version of the game.
Pete Hines Says Skyrim DLC Problems Are Not Sony's Fault Hines absolves Sony and the PS3 as the culprit for the DLC issues.
EA NHL 13 Forces Gamers To Keep Spending Real Money Due To Game Glitch It's happening to quite a few players and there doesn't appear to be a fix just yet.
GearGrinder Fuses Twisted Metal With Transformers A not-so-new game gives you a racing title with transforming semi-trucks, it's pretty cool.
David Jaffe Explains How He Would Have Made Resident Evil 6 A little removal of this and a removal of that and you get Jaffe's RE6.
DMC, Devil May Cry Pre-Order Bonuses Detailed With Trailers Scope out the retailer exclusive bonuses for each of the bonuses for Ninja Theory's take on Devil May Cry.
Pachter Believes Sales Will Stay Flat Until Next Gen Consoles Arrive Well if we keep getting sequels I don't think that will help either.
PETA Attacks Pokemon With Parody Game Pikichu shows off some bumps and bruises from his slave master Ash.
Sony Sues Kevin Butler Well, that's what you get for trying to make some money as an actor. Lesson learned: Don't be an actor. Don't work for Sony. Don't be an actor trying to make some money while working for Sony.
Big Splinter Cell Blacklist Announcement Coming Soon A graphic novel perhaps?
God of War, Warhammer 40k Composer Scores ZombiU Soundtrack Cris Velasco lets his skills run wild on the upcoming zombie-survival title.
David Brevik Says MMOs Shouldn't Be World of Warcraft Clones The grandfather of ARPGs speaks out about some of the issues plaguing MMOs today.
Resident Evil 6 Disc-Locked Discovered, Capcom Responds It's minor but its presents and Capcom finds itself in hot water once again.
World of Warcraft Hacker Kills Entire Cities It's a hilarious massacre that leaves cities barren, save for thousands of bones.
Minecraft Version of World of Warcraft Now In Beta They're remaking WoW in Minecraft...now that's some feat. Check out the beta to find out how to get in on the action.
Rayman Legends Pushed Back To Q1 2013 For Wii U It's no longer a launch title for Nintendo's newest home console but the delay only pushes the game back into the early first half of 2013.
Logitech G710+ Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Announced For those of you who don't like non-mechanical keyboards.
God of War Ascension Demo Available In Total Recall Blu-Ray Giving gamers a taste of goodness from a movie that's filled with nothing but badness.
NHL 13 Bug Takes Your MS Points; EA Has No Fix, Avoids Refunds So they're royally screwing you over and they don't care. This, is why we hate EA.
XCOM Enemy Unknown Is A Metacritic Winner The coveted 90/100 is achieved by the unlikely strategy title.
Dishonored Review: Fun As Hell Although, I don't think it's as hot.
EA Studio Hiring For Unannounced Need for Speed Game Something along the lines of getting to work in Sweden with hot chicks pretty much sums it up. And they've got a lot of spots to fill, so tell your buddies.
Tomb Raider Pre-order Bonuses Include DLC, Art Book While you wait for the DLC to unlock on your disc you get to look at some pretty art. They already thought it through.
Injustice Gods Among Us Adds Green Arrow He's a pretty cool addition to the game.
A Salute To Game Reviews For Getting It Right With Resident Evil 6 Honesty finally hits home for video game reviews.
Mechromancer Starts Vault Hunting Today Borderlands 2's first DLC becomes available for gamers.
Future Publishing Writer Outs Shady Publishers, Paid Review Scores And More Surprised?
Ragnarok Odyssey Release Date Set For PS Vita The special edition comes with more stuff than you can shake a stick at.
Borderlands 2 Captain Scarlett Her Pirate Booty DLC Outed By Trophies Gearbox is hard at work on new DLC and it's already been confirmed by the PSN Trophies.
Splinter Cell Echoes Comic Set Up Blacklist A new comic book works a prequel to Blacklist and a sequel to Conviction, giving gamers a nice idea of what transpires for Sam between both games.
Warframe Dev Diary Showcases Warframe Abilities Check out the warframe suits in action with the new dev diary.
Wing Commander Creator Chris Roberts Announces Star Citizen A legend rises and a star could be born. Welcome back Mr. Roberts...welcome back.
Folk Tale Brings City Building, RPG Adventuring To Greenlight Build up your town, adventure out into the land, battle enemies, acquire resources and vote on Greenlight.
EA Aware of NHL 13 Taking Gamer's Money, Still Not Doing Anything About It After an entire year of gamers complaining about losing money to a glitch, EA still refuses to fix the problem.
GTA V Details Coming In December Issue of Game Informer New details, new information all legit. No more rumors, no more fake videos.
Hell Yeah! Getting DLC Skins, Challenge Missions The developers are keeping the action fresh by adding new content for the game.
Treyarch Doesn't Understand The Hate For Call of Duty Engine Well, it's obvious isn't it? Or has the $$$ blinded them?
Resident Evil 6 On-Disc DLC Is free Content Well, that was mighty nice of Capcom.
PlayStation Store Receiving Major Overhaul After some grumblings and some advances in tech, Sony is completely reorganizing and overhauling the PlayStation Store.
Rockstar Game Collection Includes Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto All of Rockstar's top games this gen are combined in one mega-collection for the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Valve Responds VZBV Regarding Consumer Rights, Terms of Service The only problem is that we won't know what they said until October 31st.
Square Producer Says Final Fantasy XIV Reborn Feels More Like Final Fantasy Yep, there's nothing like telling people this new game is going to be more like the older games to get them interested in playing.
Pid Release Date Set For October 31st Xbox 360 and PC The game will also launch for the PlayStation 3 but not until the end of the year.
Thrustmaster GPX and GPX LightBack Coming Soon To Xbox 360 New controllers that have a sexy design will arrive soon for the Xbox 360.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Wii U Features Tekken Ball Mode A classic mode from Tekken 3 makes an appearance for the Wii U version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2.
Infographic Shows League of Legends Has 32 Million Active Players It's proving to be as popular as it is good.
EVGA GTX 650Ti Comes With Assassin's Creed 3 or Mists of Pandaria You can grab an AAA game for free depending on which GTX 650Ti you purchase.
Is Dishonored 2 Necessary? Gaming Blend's Pete Haas asks if a sequel is really necessary for Bethesda's multi-genre action title.
Anomaly Warzone Earth Co-op Review Co-Optimus reviews the tower defense game, Anomaly Warzone Earth for it's new co-op modes.
RPG Table Online Turns Long Distance Gaming Into A Video Game A new concept for tabletop gaming gets an electronic do-over into a cool online title.
Resident Evil 6 Co-op Review You've read the reviews about the game and how well it fares as a horror-survival title, well read up on how well the game fares as a co-op title.
Darkstalkers Resurrection Coming To Xbox 360, PS3
The Walking Dead's Gary Whitta Discusses Balancing Tough Choices In Episode 4 Find out more about the upcoming episode of The Walking Dead and some of the difficult moral obligations players will face in the game.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You know what's the best way to round out the weekend? It's not a rubber band, a saline pack and a turkey baster, but I'm talking about a new episode of Halo's Until Dawn, which you can check out below.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

Ryan Reynolds And Blake Lively Are Seemingly Skipping The Met Gala For What Most May Assume Are Lawsuit-Related Reasons, But Not So Fast

Morgan Wallen Walked Off Stage During The SNL Closing Credits, And Now Fans Are Convinced There’s Drama

EPCOT Saw Yet Another Crazy Popcorn Bucket Line, And I Can't Deny That I Would Have Waited In Line For This One Too