Weekly Recap Oct 15th: Men In Black Game, GTA III On iOS, Child's Play Game

The New York Comic-Con is currently underway, which means that there are plenty of games, exclusive new media assets and announcements pouring out to the public from some of the biggest publishers in the gaming industry. Some of the announcements include the release dates for Street Fighter X Tekken, Activision revealing that a new Men in Black game is coming and hopefully it’s a heck of a lot better than the one that came out back in 1997. Rockstar confirmed that the open-world 3D action game, GTA III will be available on the iOS and Android. And TikGames plans to make waves with a Child’s Play game for the Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network. These stories and more in this October 15th, 2011 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Solatorobo: Red The Hunter Review – Fun Action-RPG. If you’re looking for a simple handheld RPG, then Solatorobo isn’t a bad way to go.
Dungeon Defenders Steam Pre-Order Bonuses Announced. Get some extra goodies for pre-ordering the game from Steam.
Industry Blend: Do Gamers Want PR fluff Or The Truth? In today’s age of gaming, it’s sometimes one or the other.
Lord of the Rings Online: Mithril Edition Coming To Stores. Turbine turns up the thrills with a new expansion pack for the game.
Mercury HG Review: Pseudoscience. Does this little indie title have what it takes?
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Lollipop Chainsaw Animated Gifs Revealed. They’re completely Safe For Work…eh, well at least I think so.
Dead Island Bloodbath Arena DLC Coming In November. Additional DLC to extend the play experience for the horror survival action game.
Deus Ex Human Revolution Soundtrack Arriving November 15th. If you enjoyed McCann’s music then you’ll definitely want to grab the audio cd.
Troy Online Update Adds Large Scale War System. Grab some friends and raid some cities. They’re begging for it.
Silent Hill Downpour Delayed. No worries, less competition from games like Battlefield and Modern Warfare.
Steam Holds THQ Week Sales Event Some of your favorite THQ games are now on sale and up for grabs for under $10.
Why Modern Warfare 3 Didn’t Have A Beta Yes, why didn’t this game have a beta dear Infinity Ward?
Heores and Generals Hopes to Redefine FPS-RTS Genre Together Fighting on the ground while receiving orders from other players could potentially change the way multiplayer games are played.
BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend Coming To PSV, PS3, Xbox 360 Aksys brings a new BlazBlue to the forefront of fighting games.
Go Vacation Now Available For Nintendo Wii Take that long awaited vacation you always wanted with you and your family…it’ll only cost you $39.95.
Tales of the Abyss 3DS Screenshots Released. Check out the new shots of the upcoming JRPG for Nintendo’s latest handheld.
Giveaway: Dragon Age III DLC Mark of the Assassins Want a free copy of the new DLC? Check out our exclusive giveaway right here.
Diablo III Collector’s Edition Outed By Ratings Board. So what’s it contain? Click the link to find out.
Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Four-Player Co-op Galaxy War Revealed Now this is big news.
Nightwing Bundle Pack Confirmed For Batman Arkham City Choices, choices, choices. Do you get this one or the one with Robin?
Child’s Play Game Confirmed For Xbox Live Arcade and PSN The only thing they need to confirm now is whether or not you’ll be able to hunt down other players or just NPCs.
Hitman: Absolution 16 Minute Gameplay Trailer Released. That’s right, 16 full minutes of gameplay. It may not be what you think, though.
Hedone Entering Second Closed Beta, U.S. Servers Opened. The reality-TV based shooting game opens up its doors for American gamers.
Battlefield 3 Now Only $42 Amazon has a special deal for anyone willing to grab the game for cheap.
Sega Re-Releasing Daytona USA For Xbox 360, PS3. One of the most beloved racing games from the 90s returns to form on the Xbox 360 and PS3.
64 Million American Kids Between 2-17 Are Core Gamers That explains why there are so many whiny little buggers wrecking vocal havoc on the voice chats. Dang those buggers.
93,000 Sony Accounts Compromised From Hack Attempt Poor Sony, they just can’t seem to be left alone.
Uncharted 3 Goes Gold, Starhawk Beta Key Included With Game it’s like getting a two-for-one deal.
Microsoft Buys Gunstringer Studio Twisted Pixel A deal with the devil or a chance to do bigger and better things in their career?
Sonic Generations Confirmed For PC Sega isn’t as averse to PC gamers as Ubisoft. Bravo Sega….bravo.
EA Sports VP Says Sports Games To Surpass FPS Genre With Player Engagement Could it be. Is it possible?
War of the Worlds Release Date Set For XBLA, PSN Get ready to survive an alien invasion starting in late October.
Syndicate: 11 Minute Gameplay Trailer and Trailer Review Impressive or stale? You be the judge.
World of Warcraft Server Blades Being Auction To Charity Blizzard gives back with an auction.
Zynga Asserts Independence From Facebook With Project Z From Mafia Wars to uh…a new Mafia Wars?
Grand Theft Auto III Coming To iOS, Android A nice tribute to the game that helped shape a generation for Rockstar.
Men in Black Video Game Arriving In 2012 I guess this isn’t going to be like that awful Men in Black game from 1998, eh?
Street Fighter X Tekken Official Release Date Set For Xbox 360, PS3 Also, a PC and PSV version is in the works, too.
NYCC 2011: Star Wars Republic Trailer Studies Signs of War The art of war gets a little sci-fi redo.
Champions Online Premium Archetypes Now Free For All Players. For a limited time…of course.
Secret World Dev Diary: APB Combat Meets Everquest Dungeon Raiding. It’s like all the intense third-person action from APB with the clan combat from Everquest. It’s sweet.
Study: Video Games Can Blow Your Mind Believe it.
NPD Results: PS3 Beats The Crap Out Of Wii In September Hardware Sales Sony is making a comeback while Nintendo is rotting on the shelf.
Batman Arkham City Launch Trailer Introduces Rogues Gallery One super kickbutt launch trailer makes it one of the coolest of the year.
Final Fantasy XIV Subscriptions Returning, PS3 Beta Begins 2012. Square wants you back…are you willing to give them a second chance?
Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Goes Gold I bet you can’t wait to start building your very own Super Saiyan. Come on, admit it..that big blonde hair gets you all giddy inside.
How To Unlock Sawed Off Chicken In Gears 3 It’s time to kick butt and take names with…a chicken.
Uncharted 3 Buddy System Treasures Detailed Snazzy new details revealed for the game’s buddy treasures.
Guardian Heroes HD Co-op Review Is the new version of Sega’s classic worth the purchase on the current gen consoles?
Unstoppable Gorg Screens Emerge As PC Beta Moves Forward Grab a quick look at the new space-based tower-defense game from benchmarking masters, Futuremark Studios.
Xbox live Accounts Hacked For FIFA Items What kind of hackers only get FIFA items via hacking accounts? They should have bought more useful stuff, like Gears of War DLC and Halo swag.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out a brand new trailer for the upcoming sequel to Final Fantasy XIII below.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.