Weekly Recap Oct. 24th: Metro 2033 Announced, Aion Owns PC Sales, Star Trek Online

THQ captivated the gaming world this week with their announcement of the Xbox 360 and PC title, Metro 2033. Brand new screenshots and trailers were also released for the game and they’re definitely worth checking out. NPD numbers were let loose this week for PC sales and unsurprisingly enough the two biggest draws of the previous month happened to be NCSoft’s triple-A, subscription based multiplayer game, Aion Online and Cryptic Studios’ super-hero MMORPG, Champions Online. Star Trek fans might also like to know that the closed-beta is finally live and loaded. If you haven’t signed up you can scroll down and hop through the link to find out more details on participating in the closed-beta. These stories and more in this October 24th edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
Aliens Vs Predator Embrace The Shadows Trailer. A new cinematic trailer that finally shows off some of the Alien’s tricky new tactics.
Interview: Twisted Pixel CEO Michael Wilford. A new interview talking about the twisty and turny pixel’s over at The Game Reviews.
Jurassic: Hunted Debut Teaser Is Like A Relative Of Turok. It’s like Jurassic Park and Turok, which means it’s just another dinosaur shooter.
No Modern Warfare 2: PC Delay System Requirements Coming Soon. Bad news for PC fans, but then again, maybe it’s not quite as bad some people think.
Final Fantasy XI Ultimate Collection Revealed. A new collection edition of FFXI has hit the newswire. You can find out if you’ll love it or hate it by jumping through to Electronic Theatre.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Need For Speed Nitro: Release Date And Soundtrack Confirmed. It’ll just be a matter of counting down the days until you can get your hands (and ears) on the game and soundtrack.
Doom 3 Meets Thief In The Dark Mod. A new game that fuses in some good concepts in the first person genre. Is it worth checking? I think so.
Shattered Horizon Trailer Features A Raid On Moondust. First in-game footage of the upcoming indie-FPS that uses the latest in visual technology.
Full Band Hero Song List: Guitar Hero 5 Song Importing Details. Band Hero is officially the rival to Rock Band and a host of new details have been unveiled for it.
Killing Floor Free This Weekend On Steam With New Content. If you’re in need of some dynamic multiplayer, horror-survival action for free, you might want to click the link to find out how to be a part of that.
Assassin’s Creed Lineage Goes Hollywood With New Cinematic Trailer. An awesome new trailer for the upcoming Assassin’s Creed short film. Is it worth a look? I wouldn’t bet against it.
NPD September 2009: PS3 Price-Cut Is A Game-Changer. Well it looks like gamers really do prefer the PS3 to the Xbox 360…and Wii.
Star Trek Online Coming In January-March 2010. Trekkie fans need not hold their breath for too long because the game is nearing completion…Dungeons & Dragon, watch out!
Inversion Announced For PS3 And Xbox 360. A brand new, gravity-based, third-person, co-op shooter has been announced. Is that not cool or what?
Fist Of The North Star: Bloody Dead Gameplay Trailer. Koei Tecmo released new gameplay footage of the upcoming, brutal-beat e’m-up, Fist of the North Star.
Heavy Rain: A Game Aimed At Changing The Game Industry? A new Japanese trailer has been released that explains why Heavy Rain will be a game-changer for the game industry.
Sin And Punishment 2 Trailer Proves More Good Wii Gams Are On The Way. It’s no joke, the Wii is getting some good games and Sin and Punishment 2 happen to be one of them.
PAX East Tickets Now On Sale. Missed the PAX event that took place out West? Well, here’s your chance to get in on all the gaming goodness now that the event is heading to the East-side.
Sims 3 World Adventures Bonus Registration Content Announced. Can’t get enough of The Sims 3? Well, more bonus content is on the way, just click the link to find out more.
Interplay Files Fallout Countersuit Against Bethesda Shades of Brutal Legend all over again, this time it’s all about Fallout.
Monthly Subscriptions Optional For Global Agenda It’s good to know that this game won’t require $200 to play it. Real smart by Hi-Rez Studios.
Asphalt 5 iPhone Debut Trailer Shows It Can Hang In The Big Leagues. If I’m lying I’m dying…but this game sure looks good to be on the iPhone.
DarkEden Genesis Sound Beta Update Released. Some new sounds have become available for DarkEden Genesis, giving an overhaul to some of the original sounds in the game.
Aliens Vs Predator To Push Graphics Boundaries With DirectX 11. The game really is aimed at pushing boundaries, which is probably why the PC release will likely be delayed form its console counterparts.
Shadow Complex Developer Designing New Game. What will it be? What platform will it appear on? Well, some of the answers can be found by clicking on the link…come on, you know you want to click it, too.
Need For Speed World Online On Track For Fall 2010. An online, MMO version of NFS? Well, it can’t hurt EA to try something completely new with the franchise…or will it?
September 2009 PC Sales: Aion And Champions Online Launch Strong. It was a battle of the PC MMOs for the month of September as both NC Soft’s and Cryptic Studios’ MMORPGs give a strong showing in retail sales.
RAN Online Officially Launches For Global Gaming Audience. Min Communications announced that the game is now available for a worldwide audience and you’ll never guess how many nations will have access to the game.
New Prison Break Screenshots Features A Little Spider-Man Action Deep Silver’s upcoming take on the popular TV series looks pretty darn good, and there’s even a little pole-swinging action on display in the new set of screenshots.
God Of War III DLC Challenge Rooms Possible; Multiplayer Won’t Work. Some bumming news about GoW III, but at the same time there is good news about downloadable content.
Survival Horror Fans Are Not Alone. A new kind of survival-horror game is on the way called I’m Not Alone and it doesn’t look half bad. Head through the jump for more details.
GameTrailers TV: Exclusive BioShock 2 Revelations. New enemies, items and features are unveiled in the latest episode of GT TV. They uncover Siren Alley and a few of the new multiplayer modes over at GameTrailers. Worth a look? Definitely.
Left 4 Dead 2 Intro Movie Leaked. Want an early look at the intro movie for Left 4 Dead 2? Well, look no further than the link right here.
Star Wars Force Unleashed System Requirements. Is your PC up to snuff to handle this galactic adventure? Check first before embarking on a galaxy-saving quest.
Grand Theft Auto Ballad Of Gay Tony BASE Jumping Trailer. First ever clip of base-jumping in the upcoming GTA IV DLC.
Army of Two: The 40th Day Extraction Mode Co-Op Trailer. Want to face off against wave-after-wave of enemy forces with three other friends? Well, you can do so in the new Extraction mode in Army of Two: The 40th Day.
Shattered Horizon System Requirements You may have seen how awesome this game looks, but can your PC muster up the muscle to run it? Check here to find out.
Arc Rise Fantasia Coming Summer 2010. Ignition announced that a new kind of RPG is on the way, but are you ready for it?
Metro 2033 Announced For Xbox 360 And PC; Trailer And Screenshots Released. THQ revealed a brand new kind of game for 360 and PC fans. Check out all the new details after the jump.
Official Modern Warfare 2 System Requirements Released. Activision drops some tactical bombs on PC gamers; does your PC live up to the standard necessary deployment standards? Click the link to find out.
Age Of Conan Subscription Fees Reduced. With times still economically tough, it looks like Age of Conan had to take some cuts to its player charges. Find out how much you won’t be paying anymore to play this game.
Uncharted 2 DLC Coming This Year. Whether you finished playing the game or not there’s some new content on the way to keep nay-sayers quiet the fans cheering.
Dead To Rights Retribution Video Dev Doc Talks Combat And Guns. Disarming, melee, combo-attacks with a dog sidekick…it’s all here in this new video developer doc.
Dragon Age Origins PS3 Release Date Announced. Looks like Xbox 360 fanboys have just got a virtual punch to the mouth by Bethesda.
GTA Chinatown Wars New Connectivity And Social Features Revealed. Downloads, mini-games and social-networking features galore are now up and available for DS and PSP users who play GTA: Chinatown Wars.
Star Trek Online Closed Beta Begins; Final Frontier Trailer Released. Trekkie fans are in for a treat now that the game has finally entered closed beta. Need to get into the beta? Click the link to find out how.
Assassin’s Creed II Dev Doc: The Clothes Make The Man. You’re not always an assassin in ACII and the team gives a brief walkthrough of Ezio’s ascension to assassin-hood.
DarkEden Europe/US Servers Close-Down. Not all hope is lost for English speaking DarkEden gamers…click the link to find out how to gain some special treatment.
Left 4 Dead 2 Demo Pre-Loading Begins. Gamers can gain early access to the Left 4 Dead 2 demo but you’ll have to click the link to find out how.
Mimana Iyar Chronicles Release Window Announced For North America. Aksys games is bringing this Japanese fan-favorite for the PSP across the shores and Stateside.
Editorial: Watching Someone Else Play. Dave Whitelaw from The Game Reviews talks about why it may or may not be fun to watch someone else play.
4-Story Halloween Event Revealed. A new holiday event has been unveiled for the free-to-play MMORPG. You can check out the full story over at Electronic Theatre.
Champions Online Free Weekend Announced. Not too keen on the expensive subscriptions fees for this new MMO? Well, you can try the game out for free for a bit to see if you like it. Find out how after the jump.
Smackdown Vs Raw: 2010 Review. A new review of THQ’s WWE simulator. Does the series get revitalized or is it just another jobber? Check out the full video review over at GameTrailers.
Ten Totally Badass Last Stands. Sometimes just making a last stand isn’t enough and over at The Game Reviews they talk about some of the most memorable kick butt last stands in a video game.
StarCraft II Battle Report 4: Nukes And Psi Storms. The latest battle report from the Blizzard studios reveals a bit more about the tactics and tricks that can be used in the game. Click the link for all the details on this latest battle report.
Editor Commentary: Preventing Pre-Owned Sales Kev. J from Electronic Theatre rounds out the week with this editorial about the pre-owned market and ways of preventing its spread.
That wraps up this edition of the Weekly Recap here at Blend Games. We wouldn’t just part ways without a little video treat for readers, so today we leave you with a behind-the-scenes doc of Magna Carta 2 for the Xbox 360. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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