Weekly Recap Oct 29th: All Things GTA V, Xbox 720 Names, Battlefield 3 Launched

This week was supposed to be about all things Battlefield 3. However, the news was inadvertently hijacked by a rather subtle announcement by Rockstar Games about a not-so-subtle franchise many gamers love: Grand Theft Auto. Speculation and rumors abound, check out all things related to GTA V, along with a few names for Microsoft’s next gen Xbox, and a few things you might not have known about Battlefield 3 in this October 29th, 2011 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Industry Blend: Top 5 Names For Microsoft’s Next-Gen Xbox Microsoft might need a little help naming the next Xbox…so, let’s give them a hand shall we?
Battlefield 3 vs Modern Warfare 3 Launch Trailer Showdown Vote for the trailer you think deserves to make it on the Coolest Game Trailers of 2011 list.
Warhawk Vets Get Starhawk Private Beta Access Now this is good news for fans of the franchise.
BlizzCon 2011: Diablo III Cinematic Trailer Introduces Azmodan Black Soulstone A big angry demonic being wants to rule the world…nothing new here, folks.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Nvidia Drivers Increase Battlefield 3 Ultra Settings Performance By 11%. Now that truly is “Woot” worthy if I must say so myself. I’m sure GTX 590 users won’t have to worry about that, though.
Dev Dissects Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Cinematics A breakdown of what goes into the in-engine cinematics in the game.
Combat Arms: Zombies Announced for iOS; Powered By UE3 Nexon is constantly finding new ways to expand the Combat Arms IP.
Diablo III Collector’s Edition Includes Diablo II. You get two for the price of three.
Battlefield 3 Screenshots Celebrate Launch By the time you read this the game will be out and available. Doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the screenshots anyway.
Cars 2 FIFA 12 PSP Entertainment Pack Announced You can grab some really awesome goodies all wrapped up in one nice little pack for the PSP.
Rickie Fowler, Rory McIlroy Grace the Cover of Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 Tiger shares the spotlight with two up-and-comers…proving that he does do threesomes with guys…at least for video game covers.
Xbox 360 Minecraft Playable At MineCon Everything has a convention these days. Well, some good news for Xbox 360 owners spawns, as MineCraft will make its first appearance for Microsoft’s console.
Batman Arkham City Review: Boss Fights Don’t Suck This Time Does this mean the game is near-and-nigh perfect? Click the link to find out.
Could GTA V Be An Xbox 720, PS4 Launch Title? It’s possible. But you’ll need to check out the article to see why.
Could Elder Scrolls V Skyrim System Requirements Melt Your PC? Potentially, yes…it depends on your PC.
Soul Calibur V Arcade Fight Stick Soul Edition Announced A brand new fight stick courtesy of MadCatz and Namco Bandai.
Top 5 Wishes For Grand Theft Auto 5 Read e’m well and add some of your own commentary to the argument.
Ubisoft Opening Studio In Abu Dhabi A big budget studio that will eventually branch out into doing bigger and better things.
Secret World Beta Gets 500,000 Sign-Ups
Metallic Rose Midnight Blue DSi XL Bundles Coming In November
Grand Theft Auto V Announced, First Trailer Coming Next Week Probably the biggest news of the week…yeah, I’m pretty sure there’s nothing bigger than this right here.
Batman Arkham City Sells 4.6 Million Copies Less than a week and the game is already breaking its own record.
Dance Central 2 Review: Way More Fun Than It Should be The review doesn’t lie. You can check out the full thing to see why.
Deus Ex Human Revolution Soundtrack Pre-Orders Now Available Get ready to grab Icarus.
DICE Says Focusing On PC Battlefield 3 Benefited Console Versons Well that’s a different approach to game design.
Rumor: Grand Theft Auto V Returns To Los Angeles, Has Multiple Heroes It could be Los Santos and they might be anti-heroes.
Take Two Stock Gets Hijacked By GTA V Announcement
LittleBigPlanet 2 Move Bundle Special Edition On The Way If you never bothered purchasing LPB before, now would be the time.
Rumor: Just Cause 3 Coming In 2012 A nice little open world title to hold us off until GTA V.
APB Reloaded Gets Steamworks, Retail Edition Coming In December GamersFirst is trying their hand again at bringing APB: Reloaded to store shelves.
Avalanche Studios Says No Games For 2012 That doesn’t mean Just Cause 3 isn’t in development.
JAWS Ultimate Predator Coming To Wii, 3DS In Late November Brand spanking new JAWS game from Majesco. I know so many people have been begging for a sequel…well here it is!
SubSonic BlueTooth Headset Camo-Controller Announced Awesome new camo controller from SubSonic for the PS3 and PC.
PS Vita First Edition Bundle Arrives One Week Early Get the bundle and get the device earlier than everyone else.
In Time Game Brings Unreal Engine 3 Action to iOS Justin Timberlake and Marcus Phoenix have only one thing in common…they’re both attached to the Unreal Engine 3. But that’s it, I promise…that’s it.
Mass Effect 3 Co-op Screenshots Enter The Fray Check out the first screenshots for Mass Effect 3’s cooperative feature.
Magicka Goes Lovecraft With Stars Expansion Pack Paradox Interactive keeps the expansions coming with Magicka.
Forza Motorsport 4 November Speed Pack Adds Chevrolet Bel Air and Lamborgini Aventador A mouthwatering pack of brand spanking new cars that really are worth the purchase.
infamous Festival Blood Hits PSN A new DLC pack featuring electrifiable zombies lands on PSN.
Hydrophobia Prophecy Coming To PSN, PS Plus November 1st A little underwater phobia hits the PS3.
Hunter Blade Enters OBT Asia, Can We Please Get A North American Release? Pleeeease…please? Don’t make us go back to those awful WoW clones!
Battlefield 3 Ships 10 Million Copies Though sales have not been confirmed, shipping 10 million copies makes it close to achieving Call of Dutyism.
Sega Announces Project Hell Yeah Well, at least it has a cool name.
Serf Wars Embraces Halloween With Missions, Goblins, Decorations Deck out your kingdom with all sorts of Halloween assortments.
Playdead’s Next Game Will Be Weirder Than Limbo More metaphysical? More brain-wrecking? More symbolic? I just can’t imagine.
DarkStalkers Coming To PS3, PSP? Well, why not? Capcom has rehashed every other game on every other system.
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, Vice City Might Go Mobile? iOS games could be in for some urban pillaging, hookering and grand thefting.
Kenshi Open World Samurai RPG Breaks All Gaming Traditions And by that, I mean, you’ll actually have to earn your right to become a badass…no freebies here.
Battlefield 3 DLC Screenshots Head Back To Karkand Check out the screenshots before you purchase the DLC.
Final Fantasy Title Joining Social Network, Mobage Square is at least weighing their options for moving the series in different directions.
How To Download Jetpack Joyride For Free A free game is never a bad thing.
Origin Adds WB, THQ, Capcom Games Everyone wants in on the digital distribution game and EA is making pretty big headway in that regards.
Assassin’s Creed Recollection Sneaking Onto iPad in November More and more companies are leveraging the iOS platform and that means better games while you game on the go.
Mass Effect 3 Hands-On Co-op Impressions Exactly how well does the co-op play out in the newest Mass Effect? Well, the link says it all, you just have to click it.
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Gets A Release Date A lot of people are awaiting this Left 4 Dead-style Resident Evil game, well now you can find out exactly when it’ll arrive.
Toy Soldiers Cold War DLC Delayed For how long? Well, the link says for how long. Find out after the jump.
Asura’s Wrath Seeks Revenge In February 2012 An official release date is finally set in stone for Capcom’s unique new brawler.
Learn How To Fly In Battlefield 3 A how-to guide for gamers who aren’t entirely sure how to make the most of helicopters and airplanes.
Shante Risky’s Revenge iOS Review: Platforming Gets Sexy Well, I’m not complaining. But you still might want to find out what the review scores are before you try experiencing any of that sexy-time.
Batman Arkham City Special Edition EVGA 580 GTX Announced If you have the cash you can toss at the new EVGA card, which is nearly ten times more powerful than a PS3.
Free Dungeons In Dark Lord DLC Is there any better way to round out the week than with news of getting something for nothing? No, I don’t think there is.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. There is a brand new launch trailer for The Lord of the Rings: War in the North below. A lot of people have been awaiting this game. So enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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