Weekly Recap Oct. 3rd: Enslaved Announced, Avatar Debate, Alpha Protocol Delayed

September has finally come to an end and October begins. The week ending on October 3rd finished up with two editorials for Avatar: The Game, following new details about the game’s story and gameplay. We started the week off fresh, though, with rumors flying high for Alpha Protocol’s delay that would land it in the middle of summer for 2010. Speaking of Alpha Protocol, our three week comparison with Electronic Theatre between Mass Effect 2 and Obsidian’s espionage RPG comes to a conclusion and we also had a brief damage comparison for Gran Turismo 5 and Forza Motorsport 3…something gearheads would do well to check out.
As always, this week’s recap is littered with brand new trailers and media that you may have missed throughout along with announcements such as Namco Bandai’s new action-adventure game, Enslaved. These stories and more here at the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
Gran Turismo 5 And Forza Motorsport 3 Damage Comparisons. Which game offers more damage and more realism with the damage? Check out the article and see.
Play Ultima Online Free For Two Weeks. Need some good ‘ole free-play time in with Ultima Online? Click the link to get playing.
Final Fantasy XIII Cinematic And Gameplay Trailer. Interesting stuff to watch, even if it’s in Japanese.
Xbox 360 Game Showcase Overview Trailer. Everything that was on display at this year’s Tokyo Game Show is on display in this overview video.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Mass Effect 2 Subject Zero Trailer. New trailer of a new character from BioWare’s Mass Effect 2.
Rumor: Alpha Protocol Delayed To Summer 2010. This is not good news for gamers who were hoping October would be RPG-spy month for them.
Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Demo Now Open To All. Can’t wait to climb ledges and shoot people while doing so? Well, now it’s available to everyone.
Star Wars The Old Republic Accepting Beta Applications. Jedis and Sith alike can prime up the lightsabers as Lucasarts is accepting closed beta applications.
Xbox 360 Elite Holiday Bundle Wireless Controller Game Pack Announced. New wireless controller pack on the way and new holiday bundle is on the way. More ways for MS to make money.
Super Street Fighter IV Teaser Trailer Details. It’s not cross-compatible because it has way too much content and that’s a good thing.
Review Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. Blend Games’ Mark Barley doesn’t have kind words for the Wii version of the game.
LA Noire Coming Along Splendidly More Details Coming Soon. Rockstar has been silent about this project for a while and details are finally emerging.
Fort Zombie Details Spilled: It’s Resident Evil Meets Jagged Alliance. Build up a group of civilians and fight a city full of zombies. Sounds fun, no?
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves Hits Select Movie Theatre Nationwide. It’s official, Sony is moving the most anticipated game of the year for the PS3 to movie theatres…but not in the way that you might think.
Knights Of The Old Republic II Restored Content Project Enters Open Beta. Still playing this old gem? Well, new content is definitely on the way.
Voyage Century’s New Features Bring Wedded Couples Even Closer Together. Think marriage needs more benefits? Well, in Voyage Century there are big rewards for married couples, click the link to find out what ti is.
Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker Co-Op Walkthrough Trailers. Find out how Big Boss went about taking down bad guys with the help of a fellow soldiers, CQC and all.
Lord Of The Rings Online Siege Of Mirkwood Release Date Revealed; Pre-launch Offers Detailed. It’s just a matter of counting down the days.
Namco Bandai Announces a brand new game and it doesn’t look half bad. Click the link to get a glimpse at the first set of screenshots.
Kristen Bell Returns For Assassin’s Creed II. Too bad she’s not wearing the slave Leia outfit…doesn’t mean it won’t be a fun game, though.
APB Beta Begins Next Week. Real-time action gets advanced in the new generation of MMOs.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Battlefield Moments Episode One. Get a look into the sequel to one of the best games of 2007.
Review: Darkest Of Days. Andy Keener from Blend Games. lets loose on this time-traveling disasterpiece.
World Of Warcraft Icecrown Citadel Screenshots, Boss Details. More WoW assets for the upcoming update.
Splinter Cell Conviction Tactics Trailer Turns Sam Fisher Into Jack Bauer. It’s as simple as that, except Sam Fisher wasn’t meant to be Jack Bauer…or was he?
Dead Space 2 Production Starts In A Few Months. The most acclaimed horror game made in recent times is finally receiving a sequel.
Full List Of Vehicles In Grand Theft Auto Ballad of Gay Tony, With Screenshots. All new vehicles and all new screenshots.
Star Wars The Old Republic Has Microtransactions. A clear indication that subscriptions may not be present in this MMORPG.
Adam’s Venture Gameplay media Blwoout. It’s certainly not the game that you might think it is.
PSP Go Now Available In North America And Europe. A new version of the PSP is out to rival the new DSi…battle of the handheld alternatives commence!
Modern Warfare 2 Map Pack Arrives Spring 2010. No one will ever guess how this news was discovered but everyone will find out by clicking on the link.
Gamers Bring Gabe Newell To Australia. It has a little something to do with Left 4 Dead and modding. The link explains the rest…get to clicking!
Mass Effect 2 Vs Alpha Protocol – Final Round Customization. Find out how these two epic games measure up in the department of changing things and sliding option bars around. It’s the final round so make sure you vote for the right one.
JU-ON The Grudge Shipping For Wii On October 13th. If the headline doesn’t say enough maybe some link-clicking is in store, eh?
Blac Bean Games Announces WRC For Xbox 360 And PS3. Assassin’s Creed II Castle Assassination And Boating Trailer. Ezio rides a gondola and then murders some people. Oh, and he throws a smoke bomb at some guards.
Brutal Legend Multiplayer Tutorial Video. Ever wondered how you tear down stadiums and kick the crap out of opponents in the multiplayer portion of Brutal Legend? Well, click the link to find out.
BioWare Will Release Dragon Age Origins Character Creator On October 13th. For gamers who need to hit the ground running with an already-made character can do so with the Character Creator.
Real Life Halo Warhog Debuting At MCM Expo. Four-wheel drive, turret and completely primed and ready to splatter purple blood all over the pavement.
Modern Warfare 2 Achievements And Trophies Revealed. Activision unleashed the list of rewards in their latest Modern Warfare simulator.
GTA Ballad Of Gay Tony Trailer 2 Coming Next Week. More gayness coming your way next week; just stay tuned in for it.
Sins Of A Solar Empire Diplomacy Screenshots Released. Want to get some dynamic, deadly diplomacy screens? You’ve come to the right place.
PSOne, PC Classic Oddworld Now Dirt Cheap. How dirt cheap is cheap? Well, you’ll have to click the link to see just how cheap this dirt-cheapness is.
Avatar Game Aiming To Be A Sucky Lost Planet 2 Rip-Off If it looks better than a rip-off than apparently that footage hasn’t been released to the public.
Editorial: Don’t Write Off Avatar: The Game. Rounding out the week is Pete Haas explaining why Avatar: The Game may not be completely written off just yet.
That wraps up this week’s edition of our Weekly Recap here at Blend Games. We’ll leave you with the official Capcom announcement trailer for Super Street Fighter IV, featuring old favorites and a few new faces. You can check it out below. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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