Weekly Recap Oct. 6th: Cliffy B Leaves Epic, Resident Evil 6 Reviews, Star Wars First Assault

While most of the time the Weekly Recap contains the ho-hum of everyday gaming news, this week decided to be different by lounging up some neat concepts within the gaming industry: First off, reviewers were actually split on Resident Evil 6, actually doing their job for once and reviewing it without the cloud of publisher pressure looming over their shoulders. A new Star Wars game came onto the scene but not because it was announced but because someone gained access to the box art and let it slip for the whole world to see. Now Lucasarts will be one step behind the internet. And, the most shocking news of all this week is that Cliffy B, the Cliffster, Cliffiski, the man who created Gears of War, has actually left Epic Games. It doesn't get more shocking than that. These stories and more in this October 6th, 2012 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
CleanIt Act Wants Internet Companies To Enforce Real Names, Photos To Combat Terrorism Plus they want a counter-terrorist browser, so you know...real terrorist can't surf the web.
Borderlands 2 Unofficial Split-Screen Support Surfaces For PC PC gamers wanting to get in some co-op action via split-screen can do so using a new guide.
Code Princess Offers Soundtrack, Artbook To 3DS Gamers If you pick up the game from select retailers you'll gain access to some special goodies.
Insomniac Says Focus Groups Thought Overstrike Was Too Cartoony Oh silly focus groups, you don't know what you're talking about. It's a good thing some companies have avoided them.
Awesomenauts Next Character Voiced By YouTube's Yogscast A YouTube star joins the ranks of characters in the MOBA game Awesomenauts.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
BioWare Co-Founder Ray Muzyka Defenders Passionate Fans, Blasts Gaming Journalists Ohhh, another fail for video game journalism.
Awesome Humble Indie Bundle Poster Mixes Psychonauts, Amnesia and Bastion A cool new poster surfaces for the next Humble Indie Bundle fusing popular indie icons into one awesome pose.
PlayStation Portable Loses Digital Comics on October 30th Sony is starting to scale back on the features of the PSP, and one of those features that the handheld is losing is the digital comics.
Mass Effect Trilogy Includes DLC, Still Undated For PS3 All three games in one giant bundle with all the DLC, now that's the way to get the complete experience.
EA Sinks To New Low: Recycles FIFA 12 As FIFA 13 For Wii Oh EA, you never cease to amaze us. Keep up the great work.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Criticisms Are Uninformed, Knee-Jerk Reactions Says Director Eh, well that's what we saw...can't blame fans for reacting to what they were shown, ace.
Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes Pre-Orders Surface For PC Oh, if only this were real.
Just Dance 4 Reviewed By Conan O'Brien This guy is one of the best reviewers out there...why? Because he doesn't kiss butt and give games great scores.
No Work Has Started On Borderlands 3...Yet Gearbox is just throwing ideas around but nothing serious has come together...yet.
Resident Evil 6 Infinite Ammo Options Makes It Easy For Casuals If the game is proving to be too difficult for you there's an infinite ammo option to make things a lot easier.
Prince of Persia Creator Karateka Gets Release Date The release date for the new game Karateka is finally set in stone.
Resident Evil 6 Poor Review Scores Lament QTEs, Michael Bay-Style Action Not all the reviews are terrible but some of them hit some familiar notes.
Molyneux Says Even Apple Doesn't Know What's Inside Curiosity's Cube They'll have to pay $77,000 for the DLC like everyone else to find out what's inside.
Oddworld Devs Told EA To F*ck Off When They Tried To Acquire Them Now that's how you do it...too bad other devs don't have the intestinal fortitude to do the same.
League of Legends Honor System Goes Live If you're still putting in time with Riot Games' F2P title, you can now earn honor points for doing the right thing.
Video Game Strategy Guides And The Politics That Make Them Suck It's not a rosy business if you thought it was. Click the link for the full scoop.
BMW Level 10 Gaming Mouse Now Available For UK, Coming Soon To US It's only $99.99 and it looks like a dream. Sure beats a lot of the other mouses out there.
Dance Central 3 Demo Arrives For Xbox Live Before you take the plunge and lay down money for the Kinect exclusive, first find out if it's to your liking.
Borderlands 2 Extra Wubs Mode Unlocked By Konami Code You'll be pleasantly surprised at what this mode does.
Sony PS Vit Has A 10 Year Lifespan This means that Sony will keep supporting it now matter how terrible the sales are.
Hide and Seek Horror Game Dark Rain Joins Steam's Greenlight A new first-person horror title makes its way to Steam's community based voting service.
Assassin's Creed 3 Season Pass DLC Confirmed Any and all DLC will be yours if you decide to pick up the season pass.
TimeSplitters 2 HD Was In The Works At Free Radical Before They Shutdown It seems like a bunch of cool stuff was in the works at Free Radical before they went kaput. Here's another one to add to the list.
Interviews With Michael Ironside Reveal Why He Isn't Playing Sam Fisher In Blacklist And it wasn't just because of age.
Dead or Alive 5 Costume Pack 1 Available For Free Unlike Capcom, some companies know how to treat their fans and offer up free DLC for the masses.
Star Wars First Assault Box Art Leaked LucasArts has a new game in the works but boy oh boy is the community scared given Lucas' past efforts...or lack thereof.
Valve Adds Design Tools To Steam Including GameMaker Studio, 3D-Coat You can now design games using cost-effective tools on Steam.
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Mogu 'shan Vaults Raid Now Live You and your kung-fu panda friends can now raid a brand new dungeon in Mists of Pandaria.
EA Denies Oddworld Buyout, Recommends Lithium For Oddworld Dev Way to be a douche bag EA...you've never ceased to amaze us.
Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII Rlease Date Outed By Amazon If you're brimming with anti-excitement then this post probably won't do much for you.
Resident Evil 6 Review: Trying To Do Too Much A jack of all trades, master of nothing.
Capcom Ships 4.5 Million Copies of Resident Evil 6 The game hasn't been out for a week and Capcom already has several million copies circulating retailer shelves around the world.
Home Tycoon Brings City Building To PlayStation Home You can now build up cities, towns and neighborhoods thanks to the meta-game being made available in PlayStation Home.
Cliff Bleszinkski Leaves Epic Oh man, poor Cliffy B, he's done for.
Capcom Promises Devil May Cry Won't Have Disc-Locked Content There you go, Capcom is making some progress.
World of Warcraft Dev Says Single-Player Games Are An Endangered Species Well of course they are, it's because publishers like to kill them and attach needless multiplayer to them.
NBA 2K13 Lets You Become Justin Bieber This is not a troll post, this is for real folks. Legitimately real. Watch the video. The only thing it's missing is more throw up.
XCOM Enemy Unknown Designer Goes Undercover To Sell His Game The charismatic Jake Solomon does some undercover marketing for XCOM: Enemy Unknown to great effect. Check it out in the video after the jump.
Tim Schafer, Notch Help Promote Kickstarter For An Old School RPG An original old-school RPG is looking for a little funding and they bring in some heavy hitters to help them promote their game.
Assassin's Creed 3 Tyranny Of King George Washington Single-Player Is A DLC Campaign An interesting set of missions have been revealed for AC3 where George Washington is the bad guy...yeah...crazy, huh?
Resident Evil 6 Producer Responds To Poor Review Scores, Says Game Must Be Broadly Appealing Making the game appeal to a mass audience is no easy task and it requires sterilizing the game of a lot of what made it original.
Humble Indie Bundle 6 Earns $2 Million The set of indie games has garnered quite a bit from the pay-what-you-want venture.
Montague Mount Joins IndieGoGo The indie title looks for a little crowd-sourcing via IndieGoGo if you're willing to give it a “Go Go”. Get it? No? Okay.
PlayStation Mobile Service Now Available Get updates, info and all the necessary details on your PlayStation products via your mobile phone thanks to the new PS Mobile service.
Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection Arrives, Gives Beta Access To Next Game If you pick up the ultimate collection you're instantly keyed in to the beta for EA's upcoming RTS outing.
XCOM's Jake Solomon Could Be The New Cliffy B I say, why not? He's got the chops, let him go for it.
The War Z Closed Beta Starts October 31st, Pre-Orders Now Available If you want to test out The War Z and see if it's trash or better than DayZ, you'll be able to do so at the end of the month.
Star Wars: The Old Republic's Lead Writer Officially Leaves BioWare After some speculation it's confirmed that the lead writer at BioWare has abandoned ship.
Skyrim Hearthfire DLC Released For PC; PS3 Gamers Still In The Dark Pete Hines reassures PS3 gamers that the DLC won't be arriving for them. That's good to hear.
Knock-Knock Joins Greenlight, Features Cool Art-Style In A Creepy House It's a unique side-scroller that leaves everyone asking...”How do you play it?”
Resistance Collection Combines Three Games Into One Disc For PS3 All three games jammed onto one-disc...that's how you get it done.
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Sells $2.7 Million, Subscribers Reach 10 Million After losing some subs for a while, World of Warcraft is back up at the top, killing it like nothing ever happened. Badass kung-fu panda, say what?
Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified Details Deploy Check out some new info on the upcoming PSV outing of Call of Duty.
Borderlands 2 Mechromancer Gets Her First Screenshot Check out the first image of the Mechromancer in-game.
Mafia 1 Being Ported To GTA IV RAGE Engine, New Video Released Check out the first look of 2K's Mafia running in GTA IV's RAGE Engine.
Zombies: Bureaucratic Office-Survival Game Heads To Greenlight The office space will never be the same again. 0
Serious Sam Looks For The Jewel of the Nile on October 16th With New DLC The game gets some seriously retro DLC in mid October.
Star Wars Angry Birds Collaboration Teased Well this is obviously something that gamers have been clamoring for since Angry Birds hit it big.
Halo 4 Goes Gold, Flood Mode Screenshots Released Fight the flood in a never-ending wave of zombification.
Deadlight Coming To Steam October 25th This side-scrolling cinematic adventure game arrives on Steam at the end of the month alongside the Unfinished Swan.
Unfinished Swan Swims Onto PSN October 23rd If you have PS Plus you'll be able to grab a digital copy of the game earlier than anyone else on October 16th. Otherwise you'll have to wait until the end of the month to play one of the most original games ever made.
Halo 4 Live Action Series Foward Unto Dawn Debuts The first full episode is now available online.
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Patch 5.1 Coming, PTR Features Detailed Find out what new changes are arriving for Blizzard's smash hit, World of Warcraft.
PlanetSide 2 Adding New Continent An icy new location joins the planet-side warfare.
Retro City Rampage Finally Arrives For PS3, PSV and PC Next Week Technically, for many people reading this, it means THIS WEEK! Get your wallets off the coach and prep them for the PS Store and Steam!
PlayStation Internship Competition Launched Sony is looking for the next great intern before they tank under all the bad decisions they've made over the years. Oops, I mean, they're looking for interns to help the company grow and prosper from all the bad decisions they've made over the years.
Tokyo Jungle Co-op Review One of the strangest games ever made gets the full review treatment...is it worth the dive? Click the link to find out if bondage torturing a lion while playing a stalker giraffe is any fun.
Fire Pro Wrestling Review Wow...that's all I should really say, otherwise I'd end up giving away the fact that Microsoft royally raped Fire Pro right up the rectum with a casual ramming stick. That's the nicest way to put it. Reap for wrestling, fans of Human.
Rumor has it that the other 2K Marin XCOM Might Be A Third-Person Shooter It could get some reworking and some fixing up, hopefully for the better.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. We wrap up this week with the awesome new trailer for the bureaucratic horror game, Zombies. I'm not going to give anything away, just watch it for yourself.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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