Weekly Recap Sept 17th: Syndicate Reboot, Grease The Game, Max Payne 3 Details

The big news this week -- other than all those trailers, screenshots and media assets pouring out of this year’s Tokyo Game Show -- is that a remake of the age-old PC and console classic, Syndicate, is in the works. The good news is that the game is getting a visual makeover for the current generation; the bad news is that it’s getting turned into another FPS made for the current generation. Following up on the aforementioned news is Grease: The Game and further details on the story and a little bit of the gameplay in Max Payne 3. These stories and more in this September 17th, 2011 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
Did Call of Duty Ruin the FPS Genre? It’s a tough thing to debate but it’s something worth questioning.
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Lets You Become A Vampire. Now that’s kind of crazy…toss in a werewolf and a young female human and you can literally re-create the Twilight saga.
Syndicate Reboot Details and Screenshots Leaked. A cheap marketing tick by EA, no doubt.
Syndicate Reboot Coming To Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in 2012. It’s another first-person shooter…just in case you were wondering.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Heavy Rain Developer Says Used Game Sales Costs Them Millions. Really? I guess not everyone can afford to dump $60 on every game that comes out.
Total War Shogun 2 Rise of the Samurai Trailer, Screenshots Reveal Gempei War. Check out the brand new screenshots for the upcoming DLC.
Ratchet and Clank All 4 One Trailer Demonstrates Solo Play. The cooperative title also lets you go it alone like a space-age Rambo.
Call of Duty Black Ops Rezurrection Pack Gets PS3, PC Release Date. Find out when you can blast even more zombies with the new release date.
BigPoint Buys 49Games GmbH; Switches From Sports Titles To MMOs. Well, you’ll be getting less crappy sports games and more crappy MMOs…hurray!
Wasteland Angel Demo Now Available To Wasteland Gamers.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Limited Edition PDP Headset Controller Announced. If you’re really into CoD then there’s something a bit extra for you.
75 Percent Of Russian Gamers Get Their Games Illegally. But they still contribute billions to the industry.
Superstas V8 Racing Super Savings Price Cut Announced For PS3. Save big for a short time on the racing sim.
Grease: The Game Coming To PS3, Xbox Kinect In October. Grease it up and have some fun with family and friends with some grease-tastic cooperative gameplay.
Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7 Release Dates Revealed. Legitimate dates revealed for the new Nintendo exclusives.
Mario Tennis Announced for 3DS, Kid Icarus Uprising Delayed. It’s slightly unfortunate but Kid Icarus fans will have to wait a while for the game to head their way.
Red Dead Redemption Game Of The Year Edition Coming In October. Extra content, new ways to play and it’s the Goty Edition so it’s well worth the re-purchase.
God of War Origins Collection Launch Trailer Celebrates Release. A snazzy new release trailer for the collection edition.
Starbreeze Explains Why Syndicate Reboot Is A Shooter. So unfortunate. Yet Starbreeze justifies why this game has to be a shooter.
Codemasters Gives Up On FPS Genre; Shuts Down Studio Behind Bodycount. Well it’s better to fold the cards now than keep playing and losing.
Hulk Hogan’s Main Event Pre-Order Bonus Announced. A free t-shirt for all GameStop Pre-orders.
Renegade Ops Now Available For Xbox 360, PS3. Take to the skies or the ground and blast the heck out of any and everything in your way.
Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts Receives Grotesque Screenshots. Brand new screens of the upcoming dungeon crawler.
Sci-Fi MMO, Star Supremacy Closed Beta Registration Begins. If you enjoy conquering the galaxy then this is the kind of game for you.
Civilization V Game of the Year Edition Due This Month. It doesn’t seem like it’s been long enough for this game to get a GOTY edition but alas, it has.
Tribes Ascend Beta Weeks Away. Sign up now to participate in the beta, which is just weeks away.
Max Payne 3 Trailer Heads To Brazil. A trailer well worth the watch and totally fun, too. A coolest game trailer of 2011 nominee right here, folks
Diablo III Skill Calculator Now Live. Start planning your build now to get the most out of your character class, without having to experiment when you actually play.
GoldenEye 007 Reloaded Double O Edition Announced. A special bonus edition for those willing to spend a few extra coin.
Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Pre-Order Bonuses Announced. Order the game from select retailers to receive a couple of extra starting items worth owning.
OptiShot Infrared Golf Simulator Now Available. Play golf in the comfort of your living room with your very own golf clubs. Neat, eh?
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Release Dates Announced. Find out when you can play the sequel to one of the most controversial and yet beloved Final Fantasy games yet.
HellGate Tokyo Expansion Arrives September 22nd. For the new, revamped, free-to-play MMO.
Space Sim, MMO, Star Conflict Announced For PC. Looks like Black Prophecy will be receiving a little bit of competition.
Allods Online October Update Adds 2 New Classes, Zones, Bonus Exp. Newbies get the better end of the deal, no doubt.
Dead Nation Road To Devastation DLC Features Electric Fences, Killer Plants. Well it looks like plants versus zombies is reprised in Dead Nation.
Study Finds Action Gamers Cognitively Superior To Non-Gamers. It’s a little more detailed than that, though.
Uncharted Golden Abyss Walkthrough Video Introduces Marisa Chase. One of the new sidekicks joining Drake on his adventure is the adventurous and lovely, Marisa Chase.
Battlefield 3 High Octane Screenshots Released. Featuring high-octane combat of course.
RAGE TV Commercial Features Dune Buggies and Killer Ballonons. Man, there’s nothing scarier than killer balloons…for real.
Download Portal For Free. It’s legit…I just downloaded it for free! (the legal way, just so you know).
Tritton AX Pro Review. I know from experience that this headset is money…and worth every penny.
Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Modes Detailed. Get a complete rundown of what’s available for you to play and what modes you’ll probably get addicted to.
Win a Copy of El Shaddai Ascension of the Metatron Find out how to get hold of one of the most original games this generation.
Bloodrayne Betrayal Review. XBLA Fans give their verdict on the recent re-appearance of Bloodrayne in the world of video games.
Resistance 3 Co-op Review. Is this game worth playing with another player or is it primarily designed as a standalone experience? Click the link to find out.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. Want to see something cool? Well, other than that main image of John Travolta above greasing up his hair. How about something uber-cool, like a brand spanking new Metal Gear Solid HD Collection trailer in all its HD glory? Well, check out the trailer below. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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