Weekly Recap Sept 18th: APB Shuts Down, Valkyria Chronicles 3, The Haunted Is Coming

This week marked the event of the Tokyo Game Show, which subsequently means that there were a ton of announcements for exclusive new titles, mainly for the Xbox 360’s Kinect. Other notable announcements included Valkyria Chronicles 3, Shadows of the Damned, a reboot of Devil May Cry with an emo-looking Dante, and an indy title called The Haunted: Hells Reach. With all these announcements of new games on the way also marked a very sad turn of events for a game shutting down, namely Realtime World’s high-end MMOTPS, All Points Bulletin. With no buyers and no financial support, the game unfortunately tanked. These stories and more in this September 18th, 2010 edition of the Game Blend Weekly Recap.
Halo Reach Soundtrack Available for Musically Inclined Gamers. The non-digital version will require a little bit of patience.
Dead Space 2 Four-Player Co-op Trailer Revealed. That’s four times the limbs that can be eaten by the necromorphs.
Halo Rech: Co-op Review. Ah, a review that’s entirely focused on the cooperative aspects of the game. Now we’re talking.
Halo Reach Review. Here it is folks…it’s do or die time for Bungie. Find out if they did it or of they died trying.
Test Drive Unlimited 2 First Closed Beta Test For PC Has Begun. Atari has commenced the first phase of closed beta testing for the highly awaited MMO racing game.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Rumor: Odin Sphere and Muramasa HD Remakes Coming To XBLA. Now that’s a good rumor if I ever came across one.
Nintendo Downloads: Castle Conqueror, Crazy Pinball. Some meager but noteworthy additions join the WiiWare line-up.
Section 8 Prejudice: First Set of Screenshots Released. The very first set of pristine screens of TimeGate’s FPS sequel.
Call of Duty Black Ops Has Split Screen Online Multiplayer; No Campaign Co-op. Too bad…looks like you’ll just have to settle for Halo Reach instead.
Valkyria Chronicles 3 Confirmed for TGS 2010. Sega drops a mega news bomb about a highly awaited three-qual.
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Beta Delayed. Oh bummer. Find out what the new beta date will be.
The Ball Receives Publisher For European Retail Release. Now if only we can get a publisher for The Haunted.
Madden NFL 11 Week One Update Now Live. Check out the updates available for Madden NFL11.
Heavy Rain Move Patch and Demo Dated. It will be interesting to see how the game works with move, and you can now find out when that patch will become available.
Ratchet and Clank All 4 One Dev Doc Discusses Four-Player Co-op. Because, apparently, four-player cooperative modes are all the rage right now.
The Haunted: Hells Reach for XBLA and PSN Is Possible. A budget-priced Unreal Engine 3 shooter with lots of multiplayer modes and action? Count me in.
Red Faction Armageddon Pushed Back. Bummer. How far back was the game pushed? Click the link to find out.
Shadow of the Colossus ICO, PS3 Bundle Coming Next Year. Now here’s some interesting news that Project Ico fans should enjoy.
Godswar Online Resource Map, Romance Island, Unveiled. What a name for a resource map, sheesh.
Final Fantasy XIV Unleashes Biggest Launch Trailer Ever. It’s just mammoth…really mammoth.
Worms 2 Armageddon Blasts Its Way Onto PSN. Team17’s latest incarnation hits PSN.
Trials HD Sells One Million Copies. Believe it or not, more than a million people wanted to flip-kick over dirt mounds.
Red Dead Redemption Stronghold Mode, Screenshots And Details Revealed. More multiplayer competitiveness unveiled for the new Red Dead.
Bungie Using New Engine For Next Game. New engine? This could be for the better or for the worst.
Epic Mickey Release Date Confirmed. Finally, a legitimate release date for the upcoming epic tale.
TGS 2010: Devil May Cry Rebooted With New Trailer And Screenshots. Dante gets a redo in Capcom’s recounting of Devil May Cry.
TGS 2010: Asura’s Wrath Announced For Xbox 360 And PS3. A dark new tale has been announced for the two major game consoles.
TGS 2010: Dead Rising 2 Case West Is Xbox 360 Exclusive. Ohh, more burnage to PS3 fanboys. Well, at least you still have Mass Effect 2.
TGS 2010: Shadows of the Damned Announced for Xbox 360 and PS3. A futuristic version of Dante’s Inferno has arrived.
Heroes in the Sky WWII MMo Re-Launches With New Content. Additional planes, new premium items and more customization options have all made the cut.
TGS 2010: Steel Battalion Heavy Armor Announced for Xbox Kinect. Players mount up in vertical-tanks and take the fight to any and everyone in sight.
Perfect World Announces First Closed Beta for Forsaken World. The next step in the evolution of PWE’s MMO comes in the form of Forsaken World.
Mafia II Joe’s Adventures DLC Announced. Get ready to head back into the underworld with additional content.
TGS 2010 Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam Trailer and Screenshots. Battlefield takes it to the next level with a throwback to the Vietnam war.
TGS 2010: The Last Guardian Coming In Late 2011. There’s also a brand new gameplay trailer released to showcase what Team Ico has been working on.
TGS 2010: ICO and Shadow of the Colossus Collection Confirmed for PS3. You can now get classic PS2 games upscaled for PS3 enjoyability.
TGS 2010: Blu-Ray 3D Disc Playback Hits PS3 Next Week. The PS3 is ready and willing to embrace 3D on all media fronts…are you?
TGS 2010: Body and Brain Connection Announced Exclusively for Xbox Kinect. More exclusivity for Xbox 360 gamers.
APB Shutting Down. Unbelievable….un-be-freakin-believable. Hopefully another dev will have the balls to make a similar game without all the glitches.
PWE Announces Core Connect With Achievements, Facebook Support. It’s like Xbox Live for PC MMO gamers.
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Beta Details; New Release Dtae Announced. The beta isn’t dead…just delayed.
Enslaved Demo Dated for PSN. Time to find out if the game is worth the full price point with a demo.
Anime-Inspired MMO, Kitsu Saga, Closed Beta Date Announced. A story-driven MMO? Now that sounds interesting.
AGRO: Steampunk MMORPG Coming To North America In 2011. A next-gen steampunk game that adds some unique features to the genre.
PlayStation Move Launches In North America. That’s right folks, it’s now available for purchase.
Earth Defense Force Inset Armageddon Announced for Xbox 360 and PS3. Atlus wanted everyone to know that the new game will be coming next year.
TGS 2010: Disgaea 4 Detailed. Fresh new info on the upcoming RPG.
Kamiya: Bayonetta 2 Possible. Well, why not? The first one made money…rinse and repeat.
TGS 2010: Deus Ex: The Human Revolution Trailer. A few humans decide to go on a rebellious spree.
007 Blood Stone: James Bond Goes CQC In New Trailer. It’s all about the close-quarters-combat in this one.
Monday Night Combat Custom Class Endorsement Guide. Learn everything you need to know heading into Monday Night.
Steam (Not Necessarily Always) Works: Why I’m Not Buying. A very informative editorial about the Steamworks digital distribution conundrum.
Master Chief’s Cameo In Halo: Reach Found. Check out the man in the green suit’s cameo in the much hyped Halo: Reach.
That wraps up this edition of the Game Blend Weekly Recap, and you can check out the debut trailer for the cool new MMOFPS game that also happens to be free-to-play, MKZ. Head on over to the GamersFirst website to register for the upcoming beta.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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