Weekly Recap Sept. 26th: Yakuza 4 Debuts, Wii Price Drop, God Of War 3 Demo

The week ending on September 26th has rendered a lot of news in the world of interactive entertainment. This past week also played host to a lot of new media and trailers thanks to the Tokyo Game Show, including the extremely impressive looking Yakuza 4 for the PS3. Nintendo also caved in and announced that the Wii will be receiving a price-cut. And after Sony initially announced that there were no plans to include a demo of God of War 3 in the upcoming PS3 God of War Collection package, they finally had to come clean and correct themselves by announcing that the demo would be included in the collection. These stories and more in this week’s edition of the Blend Games Weekly Recap.
SODMG Online Competitive Gaming Site For PS3, Wii And Xbox 360. New competitions, events and prizes to be won across all gaming console platforms.
GhostX MMO Mimics Concepts From Metal Gear Solid. If you’re thinking nanomachines and micro-technological evolution and you’re on the right track with this game.
Ran Online Closed Beta Ended Successfully; Open Beta Next? The game that pits schoolmates against schoolmates is re-launching and the closed-beta went over quite well.
Blur Delayed To 2010. The first string of a series of delays for upcoming games. Brace yourselves.
Splinter Cell Conviction Dev Diary From PAX 09. The Ubisoft team explains a bit more about the gameplay of Splinter Cell: Conviction.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Review: Halo 3 ODST. Pete Haas gives the verdict on Bungie’s latest outing in the Halo franchise.
NPD Could Track Digital Game Sales. Fanboys will now be able to argue over what game was downloaded more from their favorite digital download service.
Turbine Developing Console MMO. From the same people who brought you The Lord of the Rings Online is now aimed at bringing you a console MMO.
Warhammer 40,000 Dawn Of War II: Chaos Rising Will Arrive In Spring 2010. It’s a long wintry wait for Dawn of War fans for the new expansion to arrive.
NIDA Online Tackles Past Present And Future In Open Beta. It’s a hardcore-casual game and must be experienced to be understood. Do you know what that means? Click the link to find out.
Empire Total War Warpath Campaign Expansion Announced. RTS fans will have an opportunity to expand their playtime with the new expansion.
Witcher 2 Will Be Released For Consoles. Good news for console-goers, simply given that this game has some of the best fighting animations in recent gaming history.
Left 4 Dead 2 Demo Coming October 27th. This means that gamers will get just under a month to practice battering up before the real game hits store shelves.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call Of Pripyat Delayed To 2010. An awesome shooter delayed…bummer. More delays throughout this recap, too. Brace yourselves.
No More Heroes 3 Will Be On Wii 2 No one will be able to tell how good this news is until everyone gets some info on the Wii 2’s specs.
Purchase Xbox Elite Get $50 Back. Cash-back on a game-console purchase is always worth it. Check out the full article for the entire details.
NFL Legends Come To Quick-Hit Football. NFL fans rejoice. Find out who is making the cut and who isn’t.
TGS 2009: First Avatar Gameplay Footage. After all the hoopla gamers finally get to see what this rat-and-raved about franchise looks like as a game.
Assassin’s Creed 2 Delayed For PC. It’s not a short delay either like Borderlands, it’s a big delay.
TGS 2009: Splinter Cell Conviction Release Date Announced. Ubisoft finally puts a stamp on the game’s release.
Wii Drops To $200 Next Week; New Super Mario Bros Wii Release Date Revealed. The Wii is now once again cheaper than the Xbox 360. What does this spell for the future of NPD results? Click the link to find out.
God Of War 3 Demo Included With God Of War Collection. Remember that fib Sony told a while back about a demo not being present in the collection? Well yeah, it was a fib.
Alienware Announces Aurora 51, Area 51, Aurora ALX PCs. In need of extreme gaming gear? Look no further than the newly announced Alienware line.
Borderlands PC Version Delayed. How big a delay is it? Well, it’s not like the Assassin’s Creed II delay for PC, that’s for sure.
Assassin’s Creed II Short Film Contest For $10,000. If this was Max Payne it probably wouldn’t require advertisement but being that this is ACII some film makers may have to be goaded into the contest. Go on and sign up before I goad you some more.
Grand Theft Auto Ballad Of Gay Tony Full Weapons List And Screenshots. Want to find out how you can lay waste to your enemies in Gay Tony? Don’t hesitate to click the link.
TGS 2009: Capcom’s Ghost Trick Coming To America. If you don’t know what Ghost Trick is or why you should be excited then perhaps clicking the link would be the safe solution to the matter.
TGS 2009: Metal Gear Solid: Peacewaler Nine Minute Trailer Released. Literally, there are nine whole minutes of the game on display in the trailer and it’s nothing short of impressive to be a PSP title.
TGS 2009: The Last Guardian Dev Doc And Game Trailer. The developer’s doc in the video trailer is impressive but the gameplay trailer is not.
Forza 3 And Brutal Legends Demos Hit Xbox Live. Racing fans and action-rock fans can get their fill of both games now that the demos are available.
TGS 2009: Quantum Theory Proves It’s The PS3’s Gears Of War. It’s true; everything you like about Gears of War is in Quantum Theory.
TGS 2009: Yakuza 4 Exclusive PS3 Debut Trailer And Screencaps. This game looks awesome and must be seen to be believed. The graphics are superb.
TGS 2009: Gran Turismo 5 Coming March 2010. Looks like Polyphony dodged a bullet called Forza Motorsport 3.
GTA IV Ballad Of Gay Tony: Yusuf Amir Character Clip. A new character unveiled in a new trailer for the upcoming DLC.
Mass Effect 2 Vs Alpha Protocol: Round 2 – Replay Factors. Round 2 kicks it into high gear as Obsidian’s spy-RPG takes on BioWare’s sci-fi RPG.
Altis Gate Turn-Based MMORPG Announced By IGG. It’s from the same developers who made some game that had 2 million users, so it sounds like they have some real gameplay ironed out for this MMORPG.
Dead Rising 2 TIR Payback Pay Per View Trailer. It’s an interesting mini-game present within Dead Rising 2. Not for the faint of heart.
Red Faction Guerilla Smasher Pack DLC Announced. Want to find out what the “smasher pack” is? Well, the link awaits your click.
DreamKiller Developers Talk Concepts In New Video Documentary. Find out what happens when you mix The Cell with Pain Killer.
Red Vs Blue PSA Contest: Submit Your Own Red Vs Blue Script. Think you have the chops to write up something funny for the Red vs Blue crew? Well, here’s your chance.
Valkryia Chronicles 3 Could Be On PS3; Valkyria Chronicles 2 Has Multiplayer. Fans of the artistic and original RPG could be in for a treat.
No PSP Go UMD-To-Digital Conversion Program At Launch. Bad news for UMD owners but it’s not all bad. Fin out how Sony plans to resolve the issue.
Borderlands Behind The Scenes Parody Episode 2 Another foul-mouthed episode of the behind the scenes featurette of Borderlands.
TGS 2009: Army Of Two The 40th Day New Screenshots. Electronic Arts fired off six new screenshots of this buddy-up action game sequel.
Gearbox Keeps Borderlands Under-Wraps. Just like the headline says, Gearbox is trying to keep the game under-wraps. Click the link to get all the details on why that is.
TGS 2009: Crackdown 2 Screenshots And Multiplayer Footage. New footage of the open-world action game, Crackdown 2; complete with super-cops and destructible environments.
Ten Best Controller Innovations Since The Atari 2600. A fascinating look at controller innovation and renovation over at The Game Reviews.
Tales Of Monkey Island Lair Of The Leviathan Gameplay Trailer. Round out the week with a good dose of laughter and a trailer that’s bound to turn a frown upside down.
That wraps up this week’s edition of the Weekly Recap. Hopefully the news was to your liking. If it wasn’t then maybe a brand new PS3 trailer of the odd, and artistically bizarre, Nier Replicant will brighten up your day. You can check it out below and remember to stay tuned in with Blend Games for further news, updates, info and insight regarding all things gaming.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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