Weekly Recap Sept 3rd: Halo Reclaimer Trilogy, WoW Pandaria, Uncharted Not World-Class

This week played host to the very first annual Call of Duty XP event, now infamously known for having lots of big name stars headlining the event such as Kanye West. Microsoft confirms that Halo 4 is part of a brand new trilogy of games. Blizzard plays dodgy with the new Pandaria expansion pack rumors for World of Warcraft, and Sledgehammer Games, one of the developers for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 angers the Uncharted fans and the entire Sony community with a rocket-busting quote. These stories and more in this September 3rd, 2011 edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap.
UFO2Extraterrestrials Delayed To 2012, Releasing With 2K’s XCOM. The battle of the Earth-invaders begin.
Halo Anniversary Multiplayer Mode Video Walkthrough. New maps, old maps in new ways and everything you loved from Halo: Reach.
Mass Effect 3 Combat Rifle Screenshots. Check out the action in some new screenshots for Mass Effect 3.
Scrolls Trailer Reveals Minecraft Developer’s Next Project. After achieving monumental success with Minecraft, check out the next game on the developer’s slate.
Xbox Live Summer Deals Are Co-op Snuggly. And by co-op snuggly, Co-Optimus means grit-your-teeth because you’ll be fragging all night snuggly.
Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News
Halo 4 First Of The Relcaimer Trilogy. You know how Guilty Spark was always talking about the “Reclaimer” in the Halo games? Well, that all comes full circle in the new game.
Hard Reset Pre-Order Bonus, Screenshots, System Requirements Announced. An interesting new FPS in a dystopian future.
Take Arms Multiplayer 2D Shooter Now Available On Xbox Live. Soldat gets a spiritual successor in this new XBLIG title.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Confirmed For Steam Well, if this doesn’t get EA cracking up some scheme to get Battlefield 3 back on Steam I don’t know what will.
Max Payne 3 Screenshots Battle In The Workplace. Well at least some designers know how to keep fans appeased.
UFC Undisputed 3 Cover Athlete Determined By Fan Voting. Pick your favorite fighter for the new cover of Undisputed 3.
Binding Isaac Trailer Is Creepy As Hell. A fat naked guy says it all.
Star Wars Republic Weekend Beta Tests Begin Soon. If you haven’t signed up you might want to do so…like, right now!
Penny Arcade Adventures Rain Slick Precipice Darkness Episode Three Coming Next Year. More point-and-click adventuring is coming for PC gamers.
SkyDrift Official Release Date Set. It’s arriving a lot sooner than you think.
Batman Arkham City Sinestro Corp Suit Exclusive For PS3 Owners. The yellow and black suit is only available for PS3 owners…or is it?
Dead Island Digital Comic Released. Get a full back story on the going-ons at one of the deadliest tropical islands.
Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Stealth Edition Keyboard Now Available.
Fake Sony VP, Kevin Butler, Returns With Flaming Crossbow.
BlizzCon 2011 Attendees Get Durkablo Pet. Blizzard isn’t all about money, some of their stuff they actually give away for free.
Twister Mania Coming To Xbox Kinect This Holiday Season. Contort your body without getting your face jammed in someone else’s buttocks in the virtual Twister Mania.
Portal 2 Sold More Copies On PC Than Consoles. A surprise? Not really. Valve just rolls that way with Steam.
Conquer Online First Free-to-Play MMORPG for iPad Coming Soon. You thought the free-to-play Korean MMOs wouldn’t reach you on your mobile phones? Well, you thought wrong!
Minecraft Designer Says Steam Would Limit Them. How so? Well, click the link to find out. They share a common gripe with EA regarding Steam’s services.
Dog Wars Fighting Game Hacked By Animal Rights Activists. Even virtual pet fighting is a no-no for these activists.
Battlefield 3 Won’t Let You Shoot Women Or Children: Good or Bad? Whether you consider it unfortunate or not, the option won’t be available regardless.
Elevator Action Deluxe Out Now For PS3. Take to the elevators and blast down some baddies in the process.
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Coming Exclusively to PS3. Sony welcomes more indie games, especially hardboiled indie games featuring a Chicken out for revenge.
Jurassic Park Game Action Montage Chock-Full Of Raptors. Hiding in the kitchen may not help.
DeathSpank Returns The Baconing Out Today. It’s time to get baconified.
Uncharted 3 TV Special Coming To Spike TV. Get the latest on the blockbuster, cinematic threequel exclusively on Spike TV.
Red Orchestra 2 Beta Launches. The most realistic World War II sim lets pre-orderees in on the beta.
Tribes Ascend Screenshots Capture The Flags and Ski. Vehicles still play a big part in the upcoming redo.
RAGE Novel Hits Stores. Get a full backstory on the in-game lore with the new novel.
DICE Reconsiders Adding Mod Tools To Battlefield 3. Good news for the modding community.
Dragonball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi Character Creation Mode Unveiled. For the first time ever DBZ fans can finally create their very own super-Saiyan warrior.
XSeed Games Bringing Corpse Party To PSP This Fall. The Japanese horror high-school game gets a North American release.
Sound Blaster Tactic3D Headsets Announced For Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Mac. High-end headsets for die-hard gamers.
World of Warcraft Director Downlplays Mists of Pandaria As Possible Expansion Pack. Panda warriors may not be arriving as soon as you think.
Red Dead Redemption’s Myths and Mavericks DLC Release Date And Features Listed. Find out what’s new and why it’ll be fun jumping back into the action.
Ultima 4 Now Free On Good Old Games. Want to take on the ultimate strategy experience? Well, it’s free right now on Good Old Games.
NASCAR Unleashed Coming This Fall. NASCAR Unleashed Coming This Fall. Activision is moving forward with pumping out some NASCAR action for fans this fall.
Ace Combat Assault Horizon Sexy New Fighter Plane Screenshots. Brand new sleek and sexy screenshots of the upcoming aerial combat simulator.
Split-Second Dev, Black Rock Studios, Officially Closes Doors. The Disney owned studio shuts down once and for all. Sad news in the gaming industry.
Call of Duty Dev Says Uncharted Franchise Isn’t Quite World Class. What he meant to say was “Fanboys, I beseech thee to flame me over the weekend for my comments.”
Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 Console Bundle, Wireless Headset, Wireless Controller Revealed. If you have the cash you can buy into all the great bundled stuff featuring Call of Duty.
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations Combat Screenshots. Brand new shots of the upcoming Naruto title.
Assassin’s Creed Revelations Multiplayer Beta Pre-Loading Begins Now. All right, the story with Ezio is at an end and it’s time to be a part of the beta…sign up now to join in before it’s too late.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer Sends In The Robots. It’s just like the little robots from Battlefield 3.
Gamania Showcasing Four Upcoming Titles At GGS 2011. Some of these games are actually pretty cool.
Avalanche Studios Says Microsoft Is Very Supportive of Renegade Ops. They’re not all evil…see.
DC Universe Online Fight Light DLC Is Free. SOE wants to bring gamers in, not push them away and this is how you do it.
Dungeon Siege III Treasures of the Sun DLC Adds Hours of Gameplay. Tons of cooperative content makes this multiplayer co-op treasure even more valuable.
Madden NFL 12 Review. Does EA’s annual outing for this year live up to the standard?
Batman Arkham City Achievements Officially Revealed. The full list…complete with spoilerific details.
Lord of the Rings: War in the North Screens Now With 100 More Angry Birds. Oh man, you know how everyone loves those angry birds!
In-Depth Review: Bodycount. Does the “Shredding mechanics” hold up under scrutiny or is it just another shooting game?
Deus Ex Human Revolution Missing Link DLC Announced. There’s no way you could have completed the entire game that fast, but if you did you can find some extra content to Mosey around in with the upcoming DLC.
Street Fighter 3rd Strike Online Edition Review. How well does the online fighting game rendition of the popular arcade title hold up? Click the link and find out.
That wraps up this edition of the Gaming Blend Weekly Recap. You can check out a detailed interview from Nvidia on the graphics and visual effects used in tlefield 3. Enjoy.
Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.

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