Yesterday afternoon during the Chargers-Bears game, CBS aired a new World of Warcraft television commercial. The ad stars Chuck Norris, the actor, martial artist and Internet legend.
"Chuck Norris didn't break a sweat filming the newest World of Warcraft television spot. Instead, he made the director cry and then cooled himself with the tears," says Blizzard of the commercial.
If you're not aware, Norris is the subject of a popular Internet meme known as "Chuck Norris Facts." For example: "When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down." You can find a few thousand more of those with Google.
Anyway, WoW players were pretty obsessed with Chuck Norris a few years back. Trade chat was always a steady stream of Norris Facts. Nice to see Blizzard tipping their hat to that tradition with this ad.
WoW is currently celebrating their seventh anniversary. If you log in between now and December 3rd, you'll get an item increasing your reputation and experience gains.
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