X-Men Origins: Wolverine Featuring Weapon X Screenshots

Fans of Wolverine will probably have a good idea about the Weapon X project. And with the upcoming movie going back and doing an origins story for Wolverine – and the game aimed at mimicking the movie – guess what players get to experience in the movie-based game? If you guessed Weapon X, you’re right.

It would have been a little more immersive if, in the screenshots, Wolverine was dressed for the occasion, though. He’s always wearing the same thing in the shots released. I’m not sure if in the game he goes back to certain places after getting away (especially in regards to the Weapon X facility), but the monotony of his clothing options are mildly discouraging for story-telling purposes.

Anyway, you can check out some of the new trophy list/achievements for the game below:

Hot Potato: Lit 20 enemies on fire

Stick Around: Impaled Victor Creed.

Drop Dead: Killed 10 enemies by throwing them off high areas

Slaughter House: Dismembered 100 enemies

Shotgun Epic Fail: Killed 25 Shotgunners with their own weapon

Environmentally Friendly: Killed 10 enemies using objects in the environment

Slice n' Dice: Killed 6 enemies with a single attack

You can learn more about the game by visiting the Official Website. The new screenshots are below, and remember to stay tuned in with Blend Games for more news and information on all things gaming.

Will Usher

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend.