'I Would F--k With Him.' Michael B Jordan Hypes A+ Directors He Wants To Work With In A Funny And Memorable Way

Michael B. Jordan in Creed 3
(Image credit: United Artists)

Michael B. Jordan’s career has been an impressive climb since his Hardball days, and it seems like his resume is just getting more exciting. The child actor turned director has become a highly regarded talent both in front of the camera and behind it. Now, as he gears up for the release of his supernatural horror flick on the 2025 movie schedule, Sinners, the 38-year-old revealed and praised the directors he’d like to work with in the future in a way that will hopefully get the big hitters’ attention.

While the updates about Sinners remain minimal, the Black Panther actor talked with GQ about his film and what's next while hyping some big-name directors he’d love to work with. Christopher Nolan is just one of the highly respected names he mentioned, and he may not have been the one the Creed star was most excited by. As he explained:

Shit, man, I would love to work with [Christopher] Nolan. The Safdie brothers are great. [Jeremy Saulnier], I would fuck with him.

The Just Mercy alum’s top three are impressive, but it doesn’t come as a surprise. Jordan has already cemented his place in Tinseltown, and he has worked with some of the biggest names, including his frequent collaborator Ryan Coogler. However, the enthusiastically fun energy behind this A+ list feels like it may help his hopes become a reality.

After humorously name-dropping the trio, the Without Remorse actor opened up about how he’s intentionally moved through Hollywood. He noted that he’s not after profit and it’s easy for him to turn down roles, but it can be a tricky field to navigate because producers have a different train of thought than him. He shared:

It’s a lot easier for me to say no [to projects]. Look, if I was only moving for profit, my résumé would look a lot different. It’d have six more projects on there. [Producers] will see you in something and be like, Oh yeah, you would be great for this, because of this. It’s like, You want me to do that, again? That’s sometimes boring for us, you know?

heightenThis thought process of not seeking projects based on the dollar sign but on what the actor finds interest in seems like an apt choice. The intentionality is probably more fulfilling in the long run, not to mention sustainable, in an industry that moves so quickly. It makes sense after hearing Jordan’s point of view why he’s already become a staple among his peers and made a name for himself behind the camera. Plus, it also should hieghten his chances of working with his dream directors, in my humble opinion.

However, The Wire alum’s next few years are booked up. His next directing gig post-Creed 3 is highly anticipated and something I’m looking forward to -- it’s a remake of The Thomas Crown Affair, a classic heist comedy romance, and seems like a great snag for him. Before the remake of the 1968 classic, Sinners will premiere in April followed by the upcoming I Am Legend 2 in the back half of 2025 or early 2026. After that, it seems the directors Jordan mentioned could easily tap him after his direct and playful declaration.

Basically, if Michael B. Jordan mentions he wants to work with anyone, directors included, I'd hope it’s only a matter of time before the pairing manifests in Hollywood. It’s an even better promise if Jordan is hyping said person in a funny and public way.

Contributing Writer