32 Times That Harry Potter Made Me Wish The Wizarding World Was Real

Hermione, Ron and Harry sitting together while Harry holds a snitch
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

So, if you know me, you know I’m a huge Harry Potter fan. When it comes to the Wizarding World, you could probably quiz me on anything, and I would know instantly what the answer is because I’ve rewatched the Harry Potter movies so many times. And quite honestly, there have been several times when I just wished the world in the film was real – whether it was objects, instances, or more. And today, we’ll be going over some of my favorites.

The Knight Bus in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

When The Knight Bus Appeared Out Of Nowhere

If we’re being honest, out of all the Harry Potter movies, I think Prisoner of Azkaban is the best, and one of the reasons is because we get this incredible Knight Bus – a literal means of transportation for wizards in need who have to get from one place to the next. I mean, it can fit through traffic. Squeeze in-between cars and buses. That’s the kind of transportation I need in my life.

Harry looking at the Burrow in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The First Time We See The Burrow

We can all agree with Harry when he had that wonderous look in his eye as he saw the Burrow for the first time. While the home itself isn’t majestic-looking, it’s filled to the brim with love and care and, of course, magic, like dishes washing and a clock that tells us where all the Weasleys are at one moment. You have to love it.

Fred and George showing their candies to someone in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Fact That There Are Candies That Make You ‘Sick’ To Get Out Of Class

Fred and George were the epitome of prankers in Harry Potter, so I have to admit that the fact they created candies that could be used to get you out of class is something I wish was real. I can’t tell you how many times I would have used those Puking Pastilles to get out of an exam in college.

Harry having steam coming out of his ears in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Those Weird Magic Candies That Make You Have Different Animal Sounds

In Prisoner of Azkaban, before all the doom and gloom of the dementors, one of my favorite moments was watching the boys of Gryffindor bond in their dorm room and eat candies that seemed to give them the ability to create the sounds of wild animals. It was like a guess as to what candy they got – and then there’s the strange one Harry ate that made him sound like a train, but regardless, he would love to try those candies.

A chocolate frog in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

All Of The Magical Candies And Sweets

Just in general! Think of all the sweets within the world of Harry Potter, from Butterbeer to Chocolate Frogs. I’m pretty sure I’d give anything to experience any of those in their authentic form. I suppose the closest I’ll get is going to the real-life theme park, but that’s not enough. I need a chocolate frog to jump on me.

Harry casting a Patronus in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The First Time Harry Casts A Successful Patronus

Harry has had to overcome a lot in Harry Potter, and one of the best moments is when he finally learns to cast the Patronus charm, a spell to ward off Dementors by using his happiest memory. I don’t know what it is about this moment that makes me wish it was real, but perhaps it has to do with Harry thinking of his friends and family and using that. It just makes me feel all warm inside.

The Dueling Club in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Dueling Club

I would give anything for a dueling club to be real. Not only does it test the wizard’s ability and train them in certain spells, but it’s an excellent way for rivals, in general, to get some steam out on each other that doesn’t end in total bloodshed. It’s like joining the same soccer league. I wish we had gotten to see way more of it in the films and in the books.

Harry looking at the golden snitch flying in front of his face

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Harry’s First Quidditch Game

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was one of the most light-hearted entries in the series, and I think the moment we all saw Harry play in his first Quidditch game, we all wished it was real. From the fans cheering like they were at a real-life football game to the intensity of the sport to Harry getting (swallowing) the snitch at the last second, it’s so thrilling. Now, that would be a great game to watch.

The Pygmy Puff on Ginny's shoulder in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Cute Little Pygmy Puffs

Look, there are so many magical creatures in Harry Potter it would be hard to list them all out as to why I wish they were real. But the Pygmy Puffs are just the cutest little things, and the moment I saw them, I wished they were real. They’re just little puffballs that sit on your shoulders and are freaking adorable. I can’t stand it.

Harry and Buckbeak in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Buckbeak’s Flight With Harry In Prisoner Of Azkaban

John Wiliams composed for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and he wrote the score that plays during this scene – and I think it just adds to the moment. Harry, soaring on the back of Buckbeak around Hogwarts, across the Black Lake – it’s just so dang magical and I wish that were real so I could fly on the back of a Hippogriff.

Hermione approaching Harry and Ron. as they play Wizard Chess in the great hall.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Hogwarts At Christmas Time

Alright, so obviously, Christmas exists – we wouldn’t have the best Christmas movies out there for no reason – but there’s just something so magical about Hogwarts at Christmas that makes me wish it was real. Most students are gone, so it’s a lot more intimate. The decorations fit the atmosphere of the old and grand castle so well. The ghosts are all signing old-time Christmas carols that only enhance the experience – love it.

Harry Potter holding up his invisibility cloak

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Harry’s Usage Of The Invisibility Cloak In The First Movie

There are some sick magical objects in Harry Potter that I wish were real, and seeing Harry use an invisibility cloak in the first film always makes me jealous that they aren’t real. Just imagine the amount of trouble you could get into going from room to room with that thing. God, it would be amazing.

Ron using Floo powder in a fireplace in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Awesome Instant Transportation Of Floo Powder In Order Of The Phoenix

This mode of transportation is what we all need to be using. Who needs planes when you have Floo Powder? We see it in use for the first time in Chamber of Secrets, but Harry does it all wrong, and he ends up in a bad place. In Order of Phoenix, we see how expansive that network is, and it’s fantastic! I’ll take a few ashes on my clothes in order to avoid red-eye flights.

Harry seeing his parents in the mirror of erised in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Mirror Of Erised - As Sad As I Can Be

Honestly, The Mirror of Erised (Desire) is quite sad, especially as you get older and realize that Harry’s deepest desire is to have a loving family. But that doesn’t change the fact that I’d love for it to be real – to see not only what my deepest desire is but to understand the minds of others and what they want.

Harry and Hagrid walking through Diagon Alley.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Walking Through Diagon Alley For The First Time

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is like that kind of film you watch where you know everything is going to blow you away, and the first time we see Diagon Alley, it achieves just that. Walking through those streets for the first time with Harry and Hagrid is like nothing else because you’re experiencing the magic, too, this wonderful world that you never really knew. This is just making me sad because I want more.

Hedwig in her cage in Harry's room

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

All The Magical Pets Because I Want A Pet Owl, Dang It

Do these animals exist in real life? Of course. And yes, I can have a pet cat, and I have a black cat at home. But what about a pet owl? I want an owl. I want my own Hedwig, and I know for a fact that if I did that now, I’m pretty sure I’d get arrested. So yes, I wish this was real!

Luna Lovegood talking to Harry Potter about Thestrals

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Flying Thestrals In Order Of The Phoenix

So I’m very iffy about Thestrals in general because in order even to see them, you have to have seen someone die…which is sad to think about. However, I can’t get over how strangely beautiful they are and that if you can see them, you already have an extraordinary connection to the creature. They would be interesting to see in real life.

Grimmauld Place revealing itself in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Fact That Buildings Can Literally Hide Between Buildings In Order Of The Phoenix

I find it so extremely magical that buildings can literally…hide in other buildings. Like, what? How does that even work? Think about the space that would be saved if this was real and the number of people that would just…I don’t know; they vanished into thin air when they walked into their hidden homes. That blows my mind, and I wish it were real.

Hermione reaching into her bag in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Hermione’s Neverending Bag In Deathly Hallows

As a woman – and any person out there who uses purses – you know how desperate I am for this to be real, which is why when I saw Hermione’s never-ending bag in Deathly Hallows, I wanted it to be real so badly. Think of all the stuff you could throw in there and then just summon it out with an Accio spell. She was able to fit a whole freaking tent. Come on.

The Room of Requirement set up with hammocks, and students resting in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Entire Room Of Requirement Because Yes, Give Me What I Need Please

I genuinely love the fact that the Room of Requirement in Order of the Phoenix isn’t really a ‘yes’ thing. It’s more like, “I will give you what you actually need rather than what you want.” And it’s almost a little philosophical in that way because it can really test your wants and needs. However, I think just having that in real life would be great too.

Harry on Felix Felicis in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Harry Using Felix Felicis

Felix Felicis is the wizarding version of “liquid courage” when it comes to modern-day alcohol, but this doesn’t give you a headache the day after. Imagine drinking that to have the feeling of luck in order to ask out a person on a date or for that interview for a job – this would be a lifesaver in so many different situations.

The snake in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

When Harry Speaks To The Snake At The Zoo

Of course, I want to speak to snakes. Why wouldn’t I want to talk to snakes? That’s so cool.

I mean, Parseltongue in general is kind of dope, but in a strange way. However, just being able to talk to animals in the world of Harry Potter is a skill that I know would carry over well to the real world.

The Marauder's Map partially unfolded in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Getting To See The Marauder's Map For The First Time

I absolutely adore the Marauder's Map – heck, I think the new Harry Potter TV show should have just been about the Marauders, but that’s beside the point. Even so, if I had this in real life, it would be so freaking fantastic. Imagine seeing where your friends were at all times, keeping track, and making sure people are safe – the possibilities are endless.

The massive interior of the tent. inHarry Potter and the goblet of Fire

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Going Into The Tent At The Quidditch World Cup

Harry said it best – “I love magic.” And we all nod in agreement. That tent in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the purest example of, “Wow, I really wish this was real.” A tent that looks like a whole apartment on the inside. That is so cool, and I would give anything to experience it.

The boats sailing to Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

When The First-Year Students First Boat To Hogwarts

Okay, so this is more like, “I wish Hogwarts were real so I could boat to it too.” There’s nothing quite like those magical moments when you’re watching the first-years cross the Black Lake and look up at the grand castle for the first time. I love it so much and would do anything to experience that.

The cart to get to a vault in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Crazy Ride In Gringotts To Get To The Vault

Because this is a literal roller coaster, like what? I mean, obviously, it’s also a little terrifying because I’m pretty sure you could fall out of that thing instantly, but imagine going to make a deposit and going on a roller coaster to get down to your vault. I would love it.

The statues coming to life in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Statues Coming To Life In Deathly Hallows: Part 2

“I always wanted to use that spell!” Minerva McGonagall (rest in peace, Dame Maggie Smith) was right because I’d love to use that spell too. In the Battle of Hogwarts, the headmaster brings statues around the courtyard to life in order to protect Hogwarts from Voldemort and his followers, and that moment when the first statue drops always brings tears to my eyes.

Emma Watson smiling in a pink dress as she walks down the stairs in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Entire Yule Ball Because We NEED More Balls These Days

Why did we stop balls? We need more balls. Watching this magical ball makes me want them so much more these days. I know there are fantasy balls out there, but I’m talking about courtship, asking a woman to dance, and dressing to the nines just for fun. I want those balls in real life again.

Weasley kids and Harry watching the Quidditch world cup (Ron with his omnioculars)

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Watching The Bulgarians The Irish Enter At The Quidditch World Cup

The Quidditch World Cup reminds me a lot of the actual World Cup for soccer (football). What I like the most about the entrances of both the Bulgarians and the Irish is that both obviously incorporate magic in fun ways, from a dancing leprechaun in the air made of fireworks to screens that go across the entire audience to show Viktor Krum’s face. It’s beautiful. That would be some entrance.

Harry Potter flying on his broom while a dragon chases him

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The Dragons In The First Task Of The Triwizard Tournament

I mean, you can’t really beat the dragons in Harry Potter because these are vicious beasts. There are no riders, only tamers, and seeing them fly and chase down people ironically makes me wish they existed because the power is wild. Obviously, I’d never want to interact with them, but I’d love them either way.

Harry and Hermione using the Time Turner in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Hermione Using Her Time-Turner

Obviously, who wouldn’t want a machine that turns back time? The idea of messing up the timeline if you run into your older self is a little nerve-wracking, but it would be stupendous if I could rewind and redo something I did.

Harry in the Prefect Bathroom in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

That Amazing Bathtub In The Perfect Bathroom

If you really think about it, I could bring this bathroom to life if I had the money but the magical aspect— the bubbles, the depth and so much more—can’t be beaten. However, I could do without Moaning Myrtle stalking me.

Gosh, this makes me want to watch the Harry Potter movies again and again – and then wish for all of these things to be real once more.

Alexandra Ramos
Content Producer

A self-proclaimed nerd and lover of Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire, Alexandra Ramos is a Content Producer at CinemaBlend. She first started off working in December 2020 as a Freelance Writer after graduating from the Pennsylvania State University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in English. She primarily works in features for movies, TV, and sometimes video games. (Please don't debate her on The Last of Us 2, it was amazing!) She is also the main person who runs both our daily newsletter, The CinemaBlend Daily, and our ReelBlend newsletter.