Avengers Has A Writer

From left to right: Black Widow holding up a gun, Thor holding up his hammer, Captain America holding his shield in his right hand, Hawkeye looking up, Iron Man looking up and Hulk looking up in Avengers.
(Image credit: Marvel)

Honestly, when is this comic book movie fad going to fade away? Apparently not any time soon. Just as Marvel Gets Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer out the door this Friday, it has a new project in the Avengers lined up. We can all thank Zak Penn (X2, X-Men: The Last Stand) for the continuing comic book movie charade, as he is slated to pen the script just after finishing the new Incredible Hulk script, reports The Hollywood Reporter.

Not to be outdone, D.C. and Warner Bros. Pictures are hard at work developing Justice League of America, with Kieran Mulroney and Michele Mulroney submitting script drafts. However, with many of the Avengers already having stand-alone movies, Iron Man, Hulk and Thor’s upcoming movie, and a few Justice Leaguers, Superman and Batman, are in the same boat, it will be tough to figure out who will be in the Avengers and Justice League teams. Word is that Marvel wants the stand alone movies to be released before putting Avengers into development.

It looks like Hollywood is finally getting to the point where if someone asks if you are “Marvel or D.C.,” he’ll be talking about movies, not comics.