Battle For The Buck
In the late 1970's, a show called "Battle Of The Network Stars" debuted. It involved teams of TV series stars from ABC, NBC, and CBS (think Heather Locklear pre-face lift) competing against each other in athletic events.
For some reason, Paramount Pictures thinks this exhausted premise would make for an entertaining comedy. According to Variety, they have secured the rights to the story and will turn it into a big star-studded comedy, featuring prominent comedy stars. Etan Cohen is writing the script, with Jimmy Miller producing.
The movie will revolve around an ashamed network executive who wants to win the contest in order to win back his dignity. Haven't we seen enough of stars competing against one another on television; is it really necessary to expand it to the big screen? Maybe I'm alone, but there is nothing more boring to me than sitting through an episode of "Fear Factor", "Road Rules Challenge", or even worse, "Dancing With The Stars".
Save your money and spend it on something important, like an upgraded Ipod or tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. You'll thank me later.
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