Bay To Destroy The Earth

Michael Bay cameo in Bad Boys For Life
(Image credit: Paramount Pictures)

The world will end in 2012. There will be a great earthquake, the sun will become as black as sack cloth and the moon will become as blood. The seas will boil and the skies will fall. Judgment day. And who better to helm the project than the master of banal spectacle Michael Bay. He will be producing and perhaps directing the Hollywood adaptation of Whitley Strieber’s novel “2012: The War for Souls,” reports

2012 is supposedly a year for great spiritual transformation, according to the Maya calendar. “The Bible Code” and “The Nostradamus Code” both predict a comet collision; “The Nostradamus Code” goes further to say that comet collision will allow the third anti-Christ (yes, there have already been two: Marilyn Manson and Chubby Checker) to disperse his troops in preparation for nuclear war. If the Apocalyptic predictions are true, it’s a good thing Hollywood is ahead of the game and getting the film out with a good five years to milk it for all it’s worth before the comet hits the Earth and destroys us all. And no one could pull of a global polar reversal on screen like Michael Bay.

Alex Kurtzman and Robert Orci, who are currently drafting the new Star Trek script, are rumored to pen the adaptation. The “2012” adaptation will come on the heels of Bay’s other productions, including the recently bombed The Hitcher and the upcoming remake of Hitchcock’s classic The Birds. Let’s hope the comet gets here a little early.