Bill Maher On Burnt Toast

Bill Maher on Real Time
(Image credit: HBO)

I like Bill Maher, but not because he’s funny. Let’s face it, he gave up comedy years ago. On his HBO show Real Time With Bill Maher he barely bothers with jokes. If Maher is funny, it’s more in the way Michael Moore is funny, as a wry, often disgusted observer of the human condition. Like Moore, he’s also willing to tackle things no one else will. Bill Maher doesn’t mind being unpopular and even though you’re probably some uptight conservative who thinks he’s the devil you’ve at least got to give the guy that. He’s not always right (and he's kind of an asshole), but he says whatever he wants, damn the consequences. I love that.

So I find myself looking forward to his new documentary Religulous. It’s directed by Larry Charles, the guy who brought you Borat, and in it Maher takes on religion in a way that nobody else in the mainstream would ever have the balls to. In case you didn’t know, Maher is an atheist and is pretty vocal about blaming most of the world’s ills on religion in all its incarnations. Expect more of that in Religulous.

Lionsgate has just released the first official teaser poster for the movie, and it’s a cheesy slice of good. Personally I prefer peanut butter, but there’s nothing wrong with having a little Bill Maher on your toast. Check out the teaser poster below, for more on the movie visit our preview.

Josh Tyler