"Black" Lantern

The Green Lantern has a special place in my heart. I really won’t get into the story of why but hey I like the guy. Then today’s AICN rumor hits me with a mix of happiness and sheer embarrassment.

According to Moriarty, the Green Lantern has been , pardon the pun, green lit. Great news right? Well hold your green spandex! Who do you think should play Mr. GL? Well forget whoever you said because the studio that is bringing us Catwoman has hired Jack Black to play the Green Lantern.

Jack Black?

Now this is where my torment rises. I love Jack Black. But a superhero?? Well, Warner Brothers plans on the Green Lantern being a “zany comedy” like The Mask. Oh man… I don’t know what to think. Part of me realizes that with a glut of superhero movies out there, this is an interesting way to find a niche. The other part of me realizes this niche could be “straight to video.”

Knowing where the rumor started, I’m hoping against hope that it’s false. If they want to make a Jack Black superhero movie, make up a superhero. Leave the Green Lantern for a serious adaptation. We all know that only the bravest and best looking can ever wear the green lantern shirt, er.. suit.

See my GL shirt inThe CB Forum.

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