Carnahan's Killing Escobar Online

Wagner Moura with a mustache looking sad
(Image credit: Netflix)

In a completely unprecedented move, director Joe Carnahan has posted the entire script for one of his next films online, free, for anyone to read.

The movie is Killing Pablo, Carnahan’s take on Columbian gangster, terrorist, and cult figure Pablo Escobar. It’s currently listed as in some stage of pre-production, with Christian Bale and Javier Bardem to be in the cast. Carnahan wrote the script, so presumably it’s his to do with as he pleases… you’d just think he’d want people to watch it in movie form first. Most filmmakers and their studios spend their time tracking down and suing their fans for things like this, Carnahan has done a 180 and just said “hey, here, enjoy.” The man’s either completely mad, or he he’s got the biggest balls in Hollywood.

Carnahan’s Killing Pablo script can be downloaded in MS Word format directly from his blog by clicking right here. Apparently Carnahan is taking some flack for this, probably from weasel publicists and the like, so read it while you can. There’s no telling how long he’ll be able to hold off the lions and tigers, so read away while you can… with Smokin’ Joe Carnahan’s compliments.

Josh Tyler