Check Out Stan Lee's Non-Marvel Cameo In New Yoga Hosers Trailer

Believe it or not, Stan Lee's days of making comedic cameos didn't start with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In fact, his first big memorable cameo came in Kevin Smith's 1992 cult classic, Mallrats, and now, 21 years after that very same cameo, Lee is reuniting with writer/director Kevin Smith in his latest film, Yoga Hosers. Prepare for selfies, Bratzis, and a salty Stan Lee, in the brand new trailer below.

Stan Lee's latest cinematic cameo came by way of the YouTube release of the trailer, courtesy of Fandango MovieClips, and it's certainly an interesting addition to the pantheon of Lee's time on screen. Though it's interesting that Kevin Smith would give such a moment away so freely in the trailer to his latest comedy, which looks like a love letter to both 80's horror and teen comedies. Still, Yoga Hosers is definitely a Kevin Smith film, right down to how it uses Lee's cameo as a grumpy old police dispatcher.

Of course, Stan Lee's work in Yoga Hosers recalls that previous cameo he'd made in Mallrats, as Jason Lee's star-struck Brodie runs into the legendary comic maker at his local mall. Playing himself, Stan fields Brodie's questions about superheroes and their sex lives, only to deliver the relationship advice that Brodie needed to get back together with his estranged girlfriend. Sure, it feels like a role worlds away from the cameos that Stan Lee has been making in the modern era, but it was that cameo that injected the heart and emotion of Kevin Smith's more serious films into his second feature. Naturally, we've included that original cameo below, for your viewing pleasure.

Reprising their roles as Colleen and Colleen, respectively, Harley Quinn Smith and Lily Rose Depp return to the Canadian convenience of the Eh-To-Zed store, as they are called in on a night they're not supposed to be working. So obviously, that's the night that our titular Yoga Hosers end up facing an evil horde of "Bratzis" - tiny foot soldiers made from bratwurst, and made to do the bidding of a man who's obviously up to no good. So on top of being invited to a senior party, and work drama, the Colleens are going to have to use their yoga skills to squash this supernatural menace before you can count to "nein."

Yoga Hosers looks to be even more off the reservation from Kevin Smith's usual works with this brand new trailer, but that could be a good or a bad thing. His first PG-13 film since Jersey Girl, the film definitely marries his comedic sensibilities with a more modern take on teenage life. So if you're ready to see what Smith has to say about the kids today, via the trials and tribulations of errant meats from your local butcher, you can partake in Yoga Hosers when it's released on July 29th, 2016. And if not, then at least you can watch the Stan Lee cameo in the trailer above, and call it a night.

Mike Reyes
Senior Movies Contributor

Mike Reyes is the Senior Movie Contributor at CinemaBlend, though that title’s more of a guideline really. Passionate about entertainment since grade school, the movies have always held a special place in his life, which explains his current occupation. Mike graduated from Drew University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, but swore off of running for public office a long time ago. Mike's expertise ranges from James Bond to everything Alita, making for a brilliantly eclectic resume. He fights for the user.