Chris Pontius Stripper Movie

Chris Pontius and Steve-O in Jackass: Number Two
(Image credit: Paramount Pictures)

I’m shocked this hadn’t been done already. Professional idiot Chris Pontius, of Jackass fame, is starring in an untitled male stripper comedy. If you’re wondering which one Pontius is, he’s not the midget and he’s not the guy who stuck a race car up his ass. He’s the one who puts on a bow-tie, strips naked, and then humps unsuspecting pedestrians. He also once played Satan, and it was the only funny thing he’s ever done.

Even more surprising than the fact that Pontius hasn’t already made this movie, is the news that it will have a plot and even a script, written by Jason Nutt. Variety says the movie is about an average guy who falls for a girl and allows himself to be persuaded into stripping by her father-in-law. I don’t know if her Dad is a pimp or if he’s just a fan of Chris Pontius as party boy; I’m sure though that Jason Nutt, who really ought to get an IMDB page for this, has it all worked out.

Josh Tyler