Clerks II Opens Website
I’m not sure how much of a story Clerks II having an official website really is. After all, Smith’s legions of fans already frequent, which has been in heavy Clerks II mode ever since it was subtitled “The Passion of the Clerks” (which has since disappeared from the title, just as Smith said it would). Nevertheless, now Clerks II doesn’t have to share space with Chasing Amy or its other predecessors and can have its own webspace.
The website features trailers, and “Train Wreck”, the making of blog, as well as bios and a link to add Clerks II to your friends list on myspace. Yeah, as if Dante or Randal would ever really be your friend. You can pretend for now though.
Clerks II hits theaters July 21st. Click here to head to the online home of the slackers.
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