Collateral's Damage

Michael Mann, the director that brought you Heat, The Insider, and Ali now takes us on a deadly ride through town in a taxi cab.

Tom (I refuse to die in any of my movies) Cruise plays a hitman who pays a taxi driver to drive him around to kill people. The reluctant cab driver, played by Jamie Foxx, is forced to tag along with Cruise. Jamie Foxx a cab driver.....that I’ll buy. Tom Cruise as a hitman.....I’ll buy that too. The Richard Gere wig on Cruise’s head.....a little far fetched.

Now, when you think of a summer movie featuring Tom Cruise you think of insane special effects and a lot of slow motion fire. Though after you watch this trailer, you’ll think twice. It appears Mann’s taken a liking to his DV camera from his days on Ali. Collateral hits theatres August 6th.

Click Here for Trailer

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