DC Has No Plans For Superman Right Now

Christopher Reeve as Superman in Superman IV
(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Putting out the fire on all the rumors we've been hearing about Superman's imminent return, head of DC Entertainment Diane Nelson told MTV's Splash Page that there are currently no plans to make any kind of movie with the Man of Steel.

"We've obviously done a lot of great things behind the property in our history, and it's a key part of the family, but we don't have current plans behind Superman," she said. Of course, we all basically assumed that most of the rumors we'd been hearing lately about the character were just that, and a really interesting wrinkle got tossed into the mix when the estate of Superman co-creator Jerry Siegel won the rights to specific elements of the hero's story, meaning that Warner Bros. would have to read lightly as they worked on another film.

Obviously Superman isn't gone from the silver screen for good. But it's probably actually a good idea for Warner Bros. and DC to focus on the movies they've got going now, rather than figure out a way to revive one of the trickiest, most beloved characters they have. Make us a good Green Lantern movie and maybe we can return to Supes.

Katey Rich

Staff Writer at CinemaBlend