Dark Knight Footage At Wizard World

Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight
(Image credit: Warner Bros. Pictures)

New footage from The Dark Knight debuted at Wizard World Chicago this weekend. Well by new footage I guess I should say first footage. Sure, we have a teaser for the movie, but it’s just an awful logo teaser. Wizard World attendees were treated to an actual trailer, with action footage and dialogue. Not just a stupid symbol.

WizardUniverse has details on exactly what was shown. From their description, it sounds good. Batman, and several armored bat-vehicles are seen, including the all new Batpod. Even Joker shows up. They say, “Joker was seen in full for the first time with a mess of white face, smeared red lipstick and sweaty, straggly green hair. Apparently, the clown prince of crime gets arrested at one point in the film, as the montage presented Jim Gordon (complete in SWAT gear) at the Joker’s booking, saying, "no prints, no ID, custom clothes, no tags.” The clown smiles with what appears to be blood over his face from the inside of an interrogation room.”

For more details, click over to WU, or click play on the embed below to watch a few on the scene fan reactions to the new Dark Knight footage, straight from the floor of Wizard World Chicago.

Josh Tyler