David Oyelowo And Michael B. Jordan Now Rumored For Star Wars: Episode VII

Star Wars: Episode VII isn’t due out until the summer of 2015, but with the plotline tucked away in J.J. Abrams’ mystery box we’re all fixating on any and every casting rumor for clues of what the Star Trek rebooter has in store for this galaxy far far away. Hot on the heels of murmurs that Saoirse Ronan was being considered for a part in Episode VII comes news from Latino Review claiming that both David Oyelowo of Lee Daniels' The Butler and Michael B. Jordan of Fruitvale Station have taken meetings about the film. Of course a meeting is far from a guarantee in casting, but Jordan is said to have met personally with Abrams, which is a bit more promising.
To be frank, no one outside of Abrams and his crew knows what roles Oyelowo and Jordan are up for. But back in June, what appears to be casting breakdowns for Star Wars: Episode VII escaped some casting agency and found their way online. These included:
Late-teen female, independent, good sense of humour, fit.Young twenty-something male, witty and smart, fit but not traditionally good looking.A late twentysomething male, fit, handsome and confident.Seventy-something male, with strong opinions and tough demeanour. Also doesn’ t need to be particularly fit.A second young female, also late teens, tough, smart and fit.Forty something male, fit, military type.Thirtysomething male, intellectual. Apparently doesn’t need to be fit.
While rumors about continuing the saga of the Skywalker clan have been circulating the web, none of the above tips toward the possibilities of daughters or sons of Luke, Leia, or Han. However, that’s likely by design as the casting process on this project is being kept very quiet. So, “looks like a young Harrison Ford” would be wording to avoid lest something—like the breakdowns above—did leak. Looking at these though, it’s interesting that there is no signifier of race. This makes it trickier to guess what role Oyelowo and Jordan might be up for.
Considering he’s just 26, Jordan could be up for either of the twentysomething male roles above, the descriptions of which sound very similar demanding someone who exudes intelligence, and is physically fit. But my guess “not traditionally good looking” is code for character actor over leading man, so I’d guess Jordan would be mostly like seen for the confident handsome twenty-something out of the list above, especially since he’s said to be meeting with the director.
As for Oyelowo, this English actor is 37 years old, which means he’s more likely being considered for either the unfit thirty-something intellectual, or the fit forty-something who it is implied was once a soldier of some sort. From these descriptions, it’s impossible to guess which Oyelowo would be considered for, but go ahead and share you theories in comments.
For everything we know or have heard about Star Wars: Episode VII so far, you should click here.
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