Dukes of Hazzard Trailer

So at the bottom of this article you’ll find a link to the new Dukes of Hazzard trailer over at Yahoo Movies. I’m not quite sure what to say about it, except that it shows some promise. I’m still deeply disappointed by the almost complete removal of Roscoe P. Coltrane from Dukes mythology, but then this isn’t exactly a straight adaptation anyway. They’re shooting between that and an outright parody… I think. Frankly, it’s pretty hard to tell from this. One thing is for certain though, I did see dynamite arrows… and isn’t that what really matters: Blowing shit up with a bow?

Use the link below to access the first Dukes of Hazzard trailer, and for those of you that fear the download I’ve added a few screen caps from the trailer to our Dukes of Hazzard preview page.