This Empire Strikes Back Fan Trailer Is Perfect

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back may have come out 34 years ago, but that doesn't mean we're done seeing trailers for it. Case in point is this new fan cut, which advertises the film as though it were coming out in theaters today.
Star Wars fans have a lot to be excited about (or worried about, depending on who you ask) these days with premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens getting closer every day. With a rumor circulating that a trailer for The Force Awakens will hit select theaters this weekend, it might be easy for some to forget about the awesomeness that is the original Star Wars trilogy. If that is you, and you’ve actually managed to forget how amazing George Lucas’ original three Star Wars films were, this trailer for The Empire Strikes Back, made by a fan named Cameron Arrigoni, will certainly remind you.
George Lucas has done a lot of work to bring A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi into the new millennium, and some fans would argue he hasn’t always done a great job at that. Whether you are a fan of Lucas’ updates or not, it’s easy to agree that Arrigoni’s trailer does an outstanding job of creating a trailer we would see in theaters today for a movie that came out decades ago. The trailer is clearly made by someone who truly loves Star Wars. Even better, it manages to bring an updated feel to a story that was in theaters when feathered hair was still a thing--without the awkward additions of poorly placed CGI characters that Seth MacFarlane pokes fun at in his Star Wars parodies.
Basically, this trailer is perfect, and is just the thing every Star Wars fan needed in their lives. Seriously. Watch it again - it’s good for your soul.
Maybe you aren’t one of the chosen few who will get to see the first trailer for The Force Awakens in theaters this Thanksgiving weekend (if it's actually released), but you can take solace in the fact that you can watch this amazing trailer for Empire Strikes Back on repeat without footing the bill for a movie ticket and dealing with sticky floors and annoying movie-talkers. You can even take it one step further by watching the entirety of The Empire Strikes Back instead of waiting until 2015 like everyone seeing the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer will have to.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens will hit theaters on December 17, 2015.
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