Fierce People Trailer Online

One of the stars of Fierce People.
(Image credit: Starz Entertainment Corp.)

I haven’t heard too much about Fierce People, which looks in many respects to be a more indie version of the anthropological approach to society taken by Mean Girls. The movie features Anton Yelchin as Finn Earl, a kid who was supposed to go on an expedition in South America with his father but winds up traveling with his mother into an exploration of the rich culture of America. Disappointed by his lost adventure, he decides to observe the elite the same way he would have watched the “fierce people” of South America.

As I said, I haven’t heard too much about the movie, and the above description comes mostly from viewing the trailer, which has popped up online over at YouTube. I’m pretty sure it’s not completely a legitimate trailer because it’s dark and hard to see at times, but it’s better than a camcorder in a theater quality, so we’ll take it.

The bad side of this film is that even though it’s coming out in just over a month (limited release), the movie itself has been out for over two years. It made its original American debut at the 2005 Tribeca Film Festival. So either the movie has seen some retooling, someone’s finally gotten some confidence in the picture, or it’s just being released despite whatever has been holding it up for two years.

Here’s a look at the trailer. I don’t think it looks that bad; particularly considering some of the absolute junk we see released these days. What do you think?