Final Sin City Poster

Not content to market their film with really unique, stylish character posters, the folks behind Sin City have released a final poster for the film. The poster combines all the elements of the previous character posters, and none of the things that made those posters so cool to being with. Simply put, it’s absolutely horrible and I’d love to know what the marketing crackerjacks at Dimension films were thinking when they approved this.

I can’t post it for you here, because Coming Soon! has worked out a you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours deal with Dimension to get an exclusive on the thing, and thus I feel obligated to give them their due, even though it’d be pretty damn easy for me just to copy paste the thing and post it here for you. Some days I might do that, today it’s raining outside and I’m feeling less than spunky, so I’m stuck just linking over to them confident that you’ll all come back for our superior, slick delivery. Or not.